1. Your language

1. Your language
2. Does it have a word for "please"?

No, it doesn't.

Other urls found in this thread:


Wow you guys are pretty rude

>No, it doesn't.

Are you sure? How can you tell?

Yes, I've heard about this. Also in Swedish and Norwegian?

No, but we do have 50 for the word "goal"

Por favor ("by/through favour").

because there is literally no equivalent to "please" in danish.

swedes use "snälla" as please, but a swede can correct me if I'm wrong.

How do you ask for things in a polite way?

THIS?? Imagine these barbaric old worlders just barking out commands

"be kind and do this/give me that" but you don't use that with strangers, only people you know else it sounds weird.
politeness isn't really expressed through speech here, but rather through behavior/body language, so there's not really any formal way to speak.

"te/vă rog" - I ask thee/you to

1. Japanese
2. Yes

""Please give"" it to me

Take as much as you ""please"".


Please , may I go to the restroom?
""すいません"" お手洗いに行ってもいいですか?


I see.

sounds like a horrible country to live in as an autist

Not a word, but rather a phrase; jekk jogħġbok (If you'd like) .

restroom = toilet = お手洗い
desu :3

Pička ti materina.


we use the same word for "please" and "You're welcome"

No, it doesn't


Don't you have the equivalent of "vaer so snill"?

Also in Dutch it's "alstublieft" (or "alsjeblieft", depending on how polite you want to be).
"Alstublieft" is a shortened version of the phrase "als het u belieft" which means "if it pleases you".

guarani uses the diminutive "na"
then you hear paraguayans paraphrasing it when talking in other languages
>"can you pass me a little salt?"
>"let me be in this job a little , i need the tips"

ウナギ 肛門

Is this?

> DOCTORS in China have a removed an eel from the anus of a drunk man who refused to reveal how the massive fish got there.


Góði/a. (Good/kind one). Is used for please.

no, it's this one extreme2world.com/post-2906/
dou itashimasite

no there ain't