Is France a Northern or Southern European Country ?

From a cultural point of view.

Which one is it ? Or is it both ?

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A pretty even mix of both really.

Could say both but leaning clearly towards southern

culturally, clearly southern european

southern or neither


das rite


france is france

das wrong, white boi
We're PROUD celtic westerners

France is MEDITERRANEAN and one of the heirs to the Roman Empire.

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It should be split between both, Southern France has it's own distinct culture from Northern France and vice versa.

>tfw you come from some culturelet region between the south and the north (but closer to the north)

>le every euro cunt has to be either southern or northern.

We are WESTERN and we fuck both southerners and cheese slicers alike, and so does England in a way

we Finnic you southroid germoid,med,celt mutt

That's what I said, Pekka, my son

west/east is more applicable to france than north/south
and it's probably THE west european country

>Southern France has it's own distinct culture from Northern France
not that much

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