The Alt-Right Has Its Own Comedy TV Show On A Time Warner Network

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merely coincidence

Suck a dick alt righters. No where to run and soon we will make you unemployable for your unacceptable beliefs

Are there comments how can I read the comments?

LOL like any of us NEETS have jobs. Jakes on you!

Isn't this the same guy that wrote about Spurdo being antismeitic because it makes fun of America's relationship with Israel?

What a fag lol. On the phone interview BERNSTEIN STEIN STEIN sounded like a little rat bitch, easily scared and struggling to keep his wits. He probably feels powerful when it comes to the essay writing. Sad.

Look at us, we are the employees now.

what a fantastic clip on Sam's part

>unacceptable beliefs


a person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions.

Implying that job creators support a "gibs for everyone" candidate over the guy who has had to make payroll.

>that fucking url

god damn idiot OP, learn to Internet

anyone have a link to the 2nd episode? 1,3,4 were pretty easy to find.

>Yeah, let's make the people who know how to fight have nothing to lose.

Holy shit... the normies and jews are uncovering everything about us. Don't they know the more they air out the "truth," the more regular blue pilled people will be exposed to reality: that jews control everything and they're putting down every goy.


But it won't be long after that before you're dropped from a helicopter or stuffed into an oven.

The truth is contagious. You cannot stop the signal.


>Falling for the Juden Cable TV shekel scheme

thanks guys
way to ruin this for everyone

well Sam was right about the mental popcorn part. what did this shithead do for 4 years in college?

you have no power in my shithole


It's too bad you have no way of knowing who I am, considering this is an anonymous website and all.

lol i make more money than you

Major news sites have disabled comments ever since Obama became president

Yeah, make us more likely to kill you guys, which will happen.


jesus fucking christ pol STFU. I really can't stand pol anymore, not because I disagree with what you guys are saying, no, it is actually the complete opposite. I just can't wallow in disillusion when I know where the faults in our society lies. Yet, I can't do shit, because trying to uphold traditional and conservative values will leave you ostracized and ridiculed because you do not follow whatever rules the media tells you to follow.

How the fuck can I return to a life where I was simply aloof to the problems of the world. This fucking panem et circenses works way too fucking good.

That's what prisons are for

I've actually heard people defend this and say things like "well, they needed to stop the trolls".

Apparently, all dissenting views are "trolling", and we're all supposed to agree unanimously with what news media sites say.

The classic paradox of being redpilled. I can offer no solutions.

Jokes on you. My boss is an openly racist based old man.

That shall be their biggest mistake.

that's right boys. we are on the Reich side of history!

>soon we will make you unemployable for your unacceptable beliefs


of course i could get fired for being openly racist to a company that wants to sell to as many people as possible

thats reasonable

you say this like the government is going to read my mind and tell all employers not to hire me so i starve on the street

you people are fucking retards

and who decides "what" is acceptable?

Don't worry, we'll just sit on the government dole hillary gives out until it's our time to rise.

Anyone got that gif of Sam namedropping David Duke and smirking



>Never once did he say he was apart of alt tab
>Says he has nothing to do with it, it was his assistant
>Article still says he's responsible.

This is some really obvious red pill material.

sorry m8 whites and right wingers have more agency than you local dindu.

no shit.

There is no "alt-right".
Calling us "alt-right" is like saying "American" and actually meaning trannies who knit cat sweaters.

You may need to face the fact you don;t know where you or those around you stand on politics and that is your own fault.

Nigga isn't even from this dimension, how are we reading this right now?

Sure, but then you can't read the funny facebook comments.



>As long as we call people trolls when they disagree with out narrative we never have to question our ideology.

t. 8ch was here

It's a good thing you bring in some rules to point out the obvious.

I never want to work for jews again. If I have to move to Saudi Arabia or Hong Kong. Whatever it takes.

Further, this site is frequented by almost every country in the world. We speak about politics from the Left, the Right, and we do it regionally and globally.

This board isn;t conservative so much as it is Libertarian and, you maye have notice, Nationalist.

We believe in sovereignty and separation of all nations. France should stay French and do what they do, etc etc.

In Canada if you move to the majority French province you are EXPECTED to learn and use French. I don't see this as offensive, and this country was built on the clash between Protestant and Catholic ideologies.

I had a link but the video has been removed

Weed, video games, and beer helps.

Also helps to find a nice red pilled hottie to marry.

Lol btfo

Liberals are just open totalitarians now

You have no power here, and no one fears you or your baseless threats.

Dude I work for Jews and it's awesome. I barely do any work I just shitpost. I'm typing literally on the shitter at work. It's great. I don't feel bad about slacking cause they're Jews.

"We" don't believe in anything because this isn't a collective. Sup Forums is a forum, in the same sense as the original Roman forums. It is an open place where anyone can come to voice their opinions.

Continue to live your life and be the best you can, user. That is what we all do. The media will not dictate public opinion for very much longer.

Mrs. Clinton should be praised for turning over a rock and find the slugs underneath.

I never heard of the Alt-Right before last week although I do know about skin heads, neo-Nazi and other White Supremacists. What Secretary Clinton did was correct in bringing to light just how much influence these sub cultures now have on the Republican Party. The Tea Party members are a little wacky and pretty far right, but they are not like the Alt-Right, although some may be members.

This is a dangerous group and parallels can be drawn to pre- WWII Germany when the Nazi movement was just beginning.
The Republican party must take a firm position against the infiltration of this group before the Republican party becomes unrecognizable. Even if it means going against the party's candidate. There's much more at stake then just winning the Presidency. There comes a time when being an American patriot comes before party loyalty.

>implying if we stop working you'll have anyone left to tax


everyone on Sup Forums should support this.

Spread the message near and far that libs should dox and attack anyone who identifies as alt right.

What do you think is going to happen when a large number of nationalists become unemployed and their jobs are given to immigrants while a sitting president and a candidate for president preaches that they are the villians because of intolerance...

It goes 1939 real damn fast...

I love that pic!

>praising Clinton
>claiming to be a patriot

You are actually a fucking filthy traitor, and your place is at the bottom of a mass grave.

>companies left with nothing but fat pink-haired women, their beta orbiters, and niggers
talk about lmao

>There comes a time when being an American patriot comes before party loyalty.
This is 1000000% true, which is why I left the Democrats to support Trump.

Wow we're big time now :^)

>What do you think is going to happen when a large number of nationalists become unemployed

like they aren't already neet weeb

How long until [AS] gets orders to cancel?

We already know it won't last past S1.

Or will all this attention just bring more ads and ratings that they can't lose.

We do actually believe you're a fag though.

Says it all


Sup Forums and the media it professes to despise

Viral marketing operation right now and you are free content

i'll just blame it on my assistant

hi sam

>linking directly to Buzzfeed


The kike linked one of my tweets in his shitty article.

That's where the article was published.

please go back to CNN, normies are not welcome here

Hope you guys realize this guy is doing the same old victim dance that usually lands them to get their articles featured on other sites until it possibly blows up, especially since alt-right is a hot topic, you're getting outjewed by harassing him.


"Alt right" is the new "gamer". Just nonsense. Signaling for idiots.

Is Sam Hyde redpilled, or just a liberal anti-comedian Tim & Eric style?


>Haha hey pol where do you guys work??
School teacher here??

I will rue the day this kike writes for the New York Times

Jesus Christ Sam is awesome. Really rekt that kike

>@Night_0f_Fire is in almost every way a quintessential alt-right Twitter user
> Though none of the three episodes that have aired so far have touched on politics or the alt-right, they have hardly been in good taste.

In IT.

If he actually went to carnegie mellon like ive heard, liberal anti-comic douche pandering to whoever will watch him

>Yfw larry the cable guy is actually a democrat

college fucked him over and turned him into a jaded bastard though

Man what the fuck is happening

The state of the nation is causing death inflation.

>implying we're not your employers

Most people who frequent /mlp/ like pony and most people who come here knows about the jew and are white nationalist tho.

>we will make you unemployable for your unacceptable beliefs
Unlike you leftist cucks, we on the right have real ambition, we create companies and we pioneer business. I've been a director for several years and I'm sure there are many others here too. Have fun working for the man, jackass.

Ok I'm starting to see a pattern in the last names of these writers and PC activist's. Is it really a coincidence?

Memes, user. They're real.


Pattern recognition is racist.

thank you, I don't click fucking buzzfeed links

I swear it was Bernstain just a few minutes ago.

>1 post by this ID

guys, is the kool-aid not hitting me hard enough or am I seeing a completely different video?
>red in the face
>compares a public post to an email
>gets caught lying
>"my assistant does a gr8 job. haha. :)"
>"henshin a go baby, us gamers, huh??"

sammy, you'll always be a contrarian tryhard hipster who has earthbound samples on his youtube video about posturing over other hipsters