Why does the idea of an united Europe capable of competing economically with the USA and China to put Europe number one...

Why does the idea of an united Europe capable of competing economically with the USA and China to put Europe number one again make Europeans here so angry ?
Isn't it supposed to be a good thing ? Or maybe do you like your American masters too much ?

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They're brainwashed by American propaganda.

Because the EU exploit countries like Sweden. My country has only become worse since we won.

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Europe united under Hitler

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*joined got damn it

>____ competing with the USA
Come on buddy don’t get to unrealistic

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Media tells them to hate it. Who funds the media? I think you know the answer to this.

>capable of competing economically with the USA
Haven't you heard? They went to a trade war with the burgers. They are going to lose but that's another story.

>Haven't you heard? They went to a trade war with the burgers. They are going to lose but that's another story.
Germany exporting so much shit to us kind of forced their hand. However, yeah it'll hurt the krauts more than us.


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The EU will be markedly below the US once we're gone.

About fucking time. Godspeed.

we will see about that

Don’t count on it to stay that way forever.

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Probably for the same reason a united Bulgaria sounds bad to you.

We arent going anywhere nigel

What media are you talking about, because there’s no way you’re talking about ours. US media (aka leftist media) speaks overwhelmingly positive about EU, and Obama was a massive EU cocksucker.

Uhm, yeah, we are. Unless you're privy to information unbeknownst to the rest of us.

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Agreed, the US will soon be 3rd instead.

Even he was alarmed about your trade deficit with yrop

ECC was a good idea. EU is not.


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Because Europeans have been conditioned by the Jewish run media into accepting the decline of their continent. Any attempt to act against it like the EU is quickly subdued.

That doesn’t mean he or most of our media don’t generally parade the concept of the EU though.

Remember that Obama literally went to Britain to lecture them not to vote for Brexit.

Because that's not what it does, otherwise everyone would like it, stope pretending to be retarded.

I love how much asshurt EU causes here. Keep that assblast coming.

Because a united europe is only good for the loser countries like romania and macedonia and irrelevant to big countries like the UK and France

Because it's not about economics anymore.

Supranational organizations can suck my dick.

even big countries like France or Germany are dwarfes compared to USA or China
without the weight of EU behind them, they can be easily pushed around by those economic superpowers

>being part of single market and customs union
Cons dont even want to leave

They can want whatever they like, they won't get it.

then maybe it's just time to realise that european countries won't be global superpowers. that time is over

european countries wont be superpowers. but an united europe just might

Good luck competing with a 500 million people economy on the other side of the North Sea. It's not looking good, Stuart.

We have the choice between being leaned on by the giants of the world, or being crushed under one we build ourselves.
Most europeans aren't ready to give up their countries just so we can build something "competitive" from their corpses.

This. Especially when the only real difference from joining the eu is factories being closed down in your own country to be reopened in poland or some other shit tier poorfag eastern european nation you can see why brits/french/italians etc are starting to reject it

i am not sacrificing my language culture and national identity just so we can wave our dick at the world. it's not like yours and my country would become wealthier under an united europe


Where do yuros get this delusion that America tries to hamper the EU? Most of us truly do not give a shit if y’all want to form a union, and our media — if anything — supports the EU and hates dumb old America.

every US president, except the current one, because he doesn't understand economics or geopolitics; has pushed hard to increase Europe's economic and military integration. Obama even went so far as to say that the UK would "be at the back of the queue" for any deals with the US if they voted for Brexit, practically campaigning for the Remain vote.

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>every US president, except the current one, because he doesn't understand economics or geopolitics

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Europeans suffer from a bad inferiority complex (though they'll never admit it) and it would be more humiliating for them to learn that the EU was a firmly American, pro-Atlanticist creation than if they were in competition with them.

American propaganda is literally pro-EU.


If you think the USA is anti-EU I think you should go back and read early EU/ECSC/EC history you ignorant guiseppe.

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Alright, please disregard that my post ends with 6666. Thank you.

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EU is planning to erase Danish language and culture?

so was osama bin laden

and? what's your point? fabrications serve tasks, and the formation of the ECSC/EC/EU prevented your country of chimps (or France) from starting WW3 and killing yet another tens of millions of people

USA from 1945 to 1990 was the most ideal hegemon possible, unless you were Latin American

Free movement of people within the economic zone will ensure that, even if it takes 100 or 200 years

Trump says some silly shit, but he is absolutely right about the imbalanced relationship between the US and the EU. Even Obama near the end was beginning to realize that.

Europe has long been the bigger benefactor from the US having completely open trade with them after WW2 while Europe has at times used protectionism to help grow domestic industries and it helped them rebuild quickly. Not to mention we basically foot the bill for their entire defense. The trade off used to be that Western Europe had to jump whenever the US said “jump”, but Europe has since reached our level of prosperity (better even in some ways), and they don’t really let us order them around anymore like good little vassals, so there’s no reason to continue giving them so many benefits with nothing in return.

Im German, we have the saying "Spirits that I've summoned, I cannot get rid of anymore".
Meaning just because you create something, doesn't mean you are gonna be able to control it in the future

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Bavaria has still maintained it's unique culture and dialect, despite being part of Germany for like 200 years

>Why don't you want leeches and people from shitholes deciding over you?
Geeh, I wonder.

>Meaning just because you create something, doesn't mean you are gonna be able to control it in the future
The USA doesn't have to control the EU for it to serve its purpose: preventing a WW3 chimpout.

Unless you break the EU in half and each half goes to war, you're still following the original purpose of the ECSC. And in particular, that schism would have to be between France and Germany. If the UK or Eastern Europe (specifically V4) splits off the EU, the Rhineland and Alsace-Lorraine still lies within the EU.

I'm sorry but there's no wiggling out of this one. I don't know why you consider "well darn those Americans got us stuck in a spider web of not killing 10% of mankind!!!!" to be a negative, anyway

maybe shouldn't have voted them inside in 2004, Jan

I'd honestly rather let The Netherlands join the USA than the EU.
The USA is more akin to us than 90% of the EU.

We literally voted the European constitution away in 2005. And we still got it.


go eat a dick, or what you commonly refer to as "cuisine"

i think the original argument was "EU can't challenge USA because USA created EU or at least supported its creation"
I don't agree with that line of thinking

yea you weebfag came to life and is good for nothing, human trash

Ah yes, so you guys want more EU. I see.

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>I'd honestly rather let The Netherlands join the USA than the EU.
>The USA is more akin to us than 90% of the EU.
Ik moest lachen.

The Dutch referendum about the Ukraine association treaty.

They forgot to count the 'against' votes in one northern district, so this map is slightly too green.

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>The USA is more akin to us than 90% of the EU.
Maybe in the 1650s but I don't think so anymore

Our government is now banning referendums lol.

You can export without people purchasing those goods as imports. I'm so sick and fucking tired of Americans acting like their companies importing cheaper foreign goods and materials is somehow the fault of anyone but America and Americans.
No one forced their fucking hand. It's about fucking time Americans took responsibility for the actions instead of fucking over the rest of the world while trying to play the victim card.
Your country is literally the largest threat to world peace at the moment because you all have the mentioned of being able to walk into an icecream store, helping yourself to everything without paying, then trying to sue the owner when you make yourself sick everywhere. It's fucking disgusting and no other country on the planet behaves as hypocritically and greedy as yours when it comes to international relations.

No, you should read the quote tree again then.

"Why do Europeans hate the idea of being able to compete with the USA or China?"

"They think so because of American [anti-EU] propaganda"

"The EU's founding institutions were in fact created by the USA meddling, so why would Americans have propaganda to ruin their own creation?"

I'm sorry but you must have some sort of complex if you assume a nefarious intent in that exchange. So long as Europe doesn't spark global war again (causing say, Japan to fucking attack us), the USA will be content with the existence of the EU. It's not rocket science.

So they prevent a referendum about leaving the EU. That's why the """"democrats"""" voted the referendum away. We would be long out of the EU by now.

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>Not to mention we basically foot the bill for their entire defense.
It is absolutely fucking infuriating to see an American try to spin US military expansion as though it has anything to do with protecting the locals.
Your military is honestly nothing more than a globally tolerated version of ISIL which people are too afraid to engage.

desu europe must focus more on a multinational army to push back russian influence even further and to evict all american bases from the continent.

>You can export without people purchasing those goods as imports.
Actually that's extremely naive. Exporting in volume drives down prices, which makes competitors uncompetitive (wow) and drives them out of the market. This is why the WTO has rules against dumping. You'd have to be literally Chinese not to be familiar with this.

The issue with how the EU's economy is arranged is that Germany is exporting a fuckton (at the expense of Greece and Italy) while breaking the MIP agreement.


Not sure if 16/17 has changed since then, if you want to look up the data, be my guest. Given the circumstances, a trade war is actually long overdue.

>Your military is honestly nothing more than a globally tolerated version of ISIL which people are too afraid to engage.
ah yes, the longest century of peace with only minor regional wars, even when the USSR was a factor

truly the worst of timelines

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The Netherlands and Germany are busy combining their armies. And the Czech republic is also joining the initiative.

I don't want to be number 1 with a bunch of fucking euros. If we have to join Europe to beat America then we might as well just give up and move to Australia and allow GB to be carved up.

So we'll soon have the first European army backed by 110 million people. Compared to Russia's 144 million people. Although we do need more funding.

Hopefully more progress happens at a speedier pace. I am not sure about France though. I know they have had a join battalion of Germany for decades but France's foreign policy will need to allign with the continent as a whole so it might be hard to take that big step.

Australia will become Chinas bitch

Naw, The Netherlands is very much like a miniature USA in Europe. It’s a crossroad of Western European cultures, and its ethnic population is largely the result of Anglos and Germans having mutt babies together.

One could argue the Dutch are more like Americans than the Brits in most things except language.

>Although we do need more funding.
That might be the core of the problem. Europe has no problem providing good tech, resources, and intelligent leadership in this regard, but the bottom line is always going to be money.

In order to afford it, after the USA vacates its responsibility, you'll have to cut social welfare. But that's fine with us, because it means we can afford our own for once :^)

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>It’s a crossroad of Western European cultures
Which we aren't anymore. European culture has been on a rapid decline ever since 1965 since we let mestizos and asians in by the boatload, and after the 60s blacks ramped up their cultural war on us tenfold worse than the jazz era

Only way the Dutch will ever be similar is if they magically become 50% Indonesian and Moroccan culturally

Well, it certainly doesn't help that the EU has an executive organ that is visible corrupt and keeps acting in an illegal and inapropriate manner.

I don't care. Becoming a super power is not worth giving up your national sovereignty.

Every region of the world could be more importance in geopolitics if they joined up with another nation but that doesn't mean they actually do it. Germans really do not change, it's the same old shit about world domination.

Kazanboy made a good post for onc , amazing

do you think Australia is gonna keep her national sovereignty as chinas bitch?

Yes. It doesn't matter how many Asian migrants it gets.

The Netherlands, Denmark, Switzerland, Norway and (sometimes) the UK are the only European countries that care about freedom. And most of those countries happen to be outside of the EU.

>Becoming a super power is not worth giving up your national sovereignty.
Being a superpower is hedging against foreign influence, in this case being a tool of China or the USA

Maybe you could argue that being an American tool isn't the worst fate, but I'd rather lop my own dick off and feed it to the pigs than accept Chinese """"culture""""





The CCP is the world's foremost surveillance state, combined with a medieval morality of holding family members hostage. It's frightening.

American-Europeans are still the population which by and large dictates the prevailing cultural and political climate in the US even if they’re only a tick above 50% of the total population. Mestizos and Asians haven’t had more than a marginal impact on US culture despite their population size. They have been less relevant to the makeup US politics, entertainment, and media than African-Americans and Jews which are only 2% of the population.

>pepe edit

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>it'll hurt the krauts more than us.
If you pick a fight with the whole world but every country has to fight only you, you're on a serious disadvantage. Trust a German. We've been through this. And with a more serious matter than trade.

> to the makeup US politics, entertainment, and media than African-Americans and Jews which are only 2% of the population.

I agree with this, but blacks have been here since the mid 1600s and Jews have been here since the early 1900s. They eventually left their mark on the greater culture, in good ways and bad. In particular Jews probably affected us in pro-European ways like Isaac Asimov, Ayn Rand, Stan Lee, etc who were anti-Russia and pro-Europe.

The question is whether mestizos can be assimilated (the #1 question of the 21st century for us) and how asians will involve themselves in the political sphere (since they were traditionally absent). I have very little hope for the former, considering our businesses have collectively bent over backwards to put Spanish on every single little fucking sign and aisle, which reduces the need to assimilate. Not to mention signing up for basic utilities and services like banks, housing/rental agreements, electricity, etc.

In Germany in order to create a bank account, you need to speak German. You can't get any other form, at least as far as I know in the late 2000s. This is how it should be. Life should be a struggle until you understand the language. Sadly enough the threat of poverty is the strongest impetus to learn basic language skills; this is why immersion programs are so effective at teaching. You sink or you swim.

We have instead attached floaties to Mexicans and other sudaca. It's our collective fault too, that we forgot how the USA absorbed millions of immigrants from the 17th to 19th century -- it wasn't by babying them with open arms.

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>you'll have to cut social welfare
Why do Americans think that? Wishful thinking?

The money has to come from somewhere. If you run your military on a deficit budget you're setting yourself up for failure the moment war breaks out, because your credit line will be cut. This is actually the problem with German WW1 strategy because their war was funded on debt. After they lost the war, they couldn't pay back those loans. This is what hyperinflated the mark, on top of France occupying Germany's most profitable region.

It's a question of your people living miserably but independent, or risk being vassals of another power. Pic related, more or less

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Because some people think living conditions and no Macedonian gypsies in their country sucking up tax bux is more important than waving your dick with china and America

You realize tariffs wouldn’t work if the US only specifically targeted Germany, right? Germany would just backdoor the tariff by selling their material to a willing middle man country who was exempt from the tariff who would then sell it to the US.

Australia, Mexico, and Canada are exempt because they’re solidly in the US sphere of influence and have little to gain and much to lose by undermining their biggest geopolitical partner at the behest of Germany. Trump is likely to use this tariff as leverage in a negotiation about NAFTA with Canada and Mexico and get them to also follow suit with the tariff.

why do euros never take credit for anything anymore

doesn't change anything i said

Why would we take budget from social welfare? Because somehow you can't have both? Why social welfare? We are going to throw everyone into poverty because we need that money for the military? Any politician who will even suggest that will be voted out immediately. This American 4D thinking is so fucking weird.

Be happy you're not a part of it. You don't want to live under a dictatorship, do you?


the asshurt seajew who is probably part seagook is the best here, more human trash from pol