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Today was okay-ish. It's starting to get warmer here and it's above 0 now, the snow will probably start melting and we will have a fuckload of slush if this keeps up.

took some sleeping pills again last night and got some ok sleep


everything is so tiresome

More than anything I wish i could sleep

Reported this thread to ICE

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feeling mostly better now
going to study for most of tomorrow probably

Good to hear user. What are you up to right now?

was playing some bloodborne earlier, quite a good game. made a nice change of pace from monster hunter.
just drinking a beer and listening to some music at the moment. might have some chocolate before i go to bed in like an hour.

nice, at least you aren't reliving the same day over and over

well sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do

I think that's disgusting.
That man probably went through hell to get there, and he probably didn't hurt anyone either (illegals are more under the radar and bound to the law than any other group).

This picture fills me with rage.

what part of the uk do you live in? do you live in a big city?

>Only had immediate family growing-up of White dad and Nicaraguan mom
>Come out looking like a Puerto Rican
>Work on construction site
>Young Mexican walks up to me speaking his fucked-up Spanish which is nothing but slang
>Don't know a damn thing he said
>"Wow, you no speak Spanish"
>Day Later
>Mexican dudes start giving me shit because I don't speak Spanish but look like I do
>Only speak a little bit of Castilian
>They start acting like I'm ashamed to be a brown man and ashamed to be Hispanic

Is this a real thing, or is it all in my head?
Are there a bunch of Hispanic people that are upset that they're labeled Hispanic?

Pic related, it's me

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didn't this kid get expelled

>Is this a real thing, or is it all in my head?
Depends what you mean by giving you shit.

no, chi's just have a weird stigma towards other chi's who don't speak spanish. also towards chi's who don't support immigration or whatever else weird narratives. its the equivalent to blacks calling each other uncle toms if one of them says "hey maybe we should focus on fixing our gang culture before focusing on cops killing us"

they have a point desu

Maybe I've got a weird victim complex going on in my brain, and I have no clue that I feel that way.

But on another level, I've always been aware of when people are pressing me a certain way, and I felt a lot of tension when someone accused me of being hateful toward a culture I was never a part of.

just tell them you aren't mexican problem solved