Can i pass as a local in your country

can i pass as a local in your country
people here bully me :(

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You would pass as a local in Alexandria, Egypt. A lot of people there look like italian and greek diaspora.

Yeah you would.



as the token muslim maybe

Your nose and mouth are unusual

At this point anyone could pass as a local here. For better or for worse.

Yes. In Chechen Republic.

i'm sure you could pass as a chechen here


So are you an Arab or what, dude?
And you could definitely pass as a local here in the Land of Goblino

awww i like hungary :3

bit kinky but we do have a sizeable BDSM scene

Yes, in Kosovo & Metohia.

Are you romanian?

southern italian but not sicilian


Yes, my ancestor.

except maybe from the mongolized eyes i don't look like an arab
and there is a lot of arab here


more south and more east


more south and more east

With you change your serial killer face you would be very attractive

You look just like Evan from the Butterfly Effect

maybe in the arab neighbourhoods

You look like a person from Caucasus.
If you go to Russia all the women will lie to your feet instantly and the ethnic Russians will tremble in your presence.