Kindly Reminder that tipping is extorsion

and including it on the bill should forbidden by law.

Also on pic related, how and why do american millenials fuck up this bad?
>be white semen slut
>have baby with Chad
>Chad left to buy cigarettes and has yet to return
>dropout college and beg for dem tips on shitty jobs

Extortion* whatever
also shameless self-bump

>complains cuz no gibs
>strong example for daughter

This, lady and gentleman, is the4 death of the west as we know it.

user, if you don't have the means to give tips, it's because you cannot afford to go to the restaurant.


I honestly can't feel bad for them. It's straight up criminal that employers can pay less than minimum wage for a specific job but that's a problem people who work said job have all the power to change, and people not tipping could bring that change one step closer from happening

*To not from

I don't tip people for menial skills honestly we should start a movement to tip the cooks in the back instead of the cum dumpsters in the front

I honestly don't care that much about tipping, but where did this sea of retards come from saying "you should tip even if the service was poor". Do your fucking job and I will decide how much you were worth. Don't do your job and I will decide you are not worth anything. If the waiter/waitress is a whiny cunt that makes my meal less enjoyable than it should be, you better believe they will not be getting a tip.

>single mom
checks out

>muh 2.13 an hour

if you do not receive tips that equate to AT LEAST minimum wage, your employer is legally obligated to pay the difference

>meanwhile, all the cooks, busers, etc. in the back make minimum wage at MAX

these fucking bitches need to shut the fuck up.

She could have just made good life choices.

>give me shit for being a poor struggling woman

idk, shouldn't have gotten with a fuckhead who left you and stayed in school.

It's the store owners that underpay their employees and act self-righteous as if it's you that should be doing their job for them. Entitled assholes

do waitresses really deserve more than minimum wage for carrying food to the table, and refilling drinks?

>b-but muh hard work
>muh baby
>gibsmemoremonies for carrying plates plz

I NEVER tip when I travel. Its fucking amazing, I love it. I am forced to tip locally because word spreads that you don't care about single moms and that shit.

Fuck I love going around the coast once every few years and just tipping a fat 0 on every check for crab and shit. Turnover is so high there is never the same staff working there by the time I visit again.

Yeah I've worked in a lot of restaurants, and there's no reason that the lazy sluts reading magazines and thumbing their iPhones in the front house deserve more than the actual motherfucker making your food, who gets no tips, and doesn't complain about it

who wants to bet they left a tip on the table and she did this shit for attention?

>Hurr durr my base pay sucks
>Think about that when you don't give me $40 for investing 5 minutes into your table

You wouldn't be serving tables for $10/hour, which is what you'd make for a skilless profession with no education. Quit bitching and be happy your scam is still running.

I'd love to see these waiters all up in arms if tipping with removed in favor of an increased hourly wage.

I don't know how it works in the US, but that's not how it work in Canada.

Nonetheless, I was working as a waiter in both a restaurant and a bar and if I include my tips in my wage, I was making more than 20$/hours.

The money is great but not everyone can handle the stress, discipline, organisation and social skills it require. I've seen so many people quit the job after 2-3 days. The employer are often absolute horrific people, so it doesn't help.

this desu senpai
why tip some dumb fuck 10~20%+ of my meal's worth because "serving" if you can have a machine to write it down and deliver your order way faster than him?

Wow, look at all the niggers who are anti-tipping.

Daily reminder that if you don't tip, you're literally a nigger.

>spend almost $200 at a business, helping them keep their doors open
>"stop being so cheap!"
>"a 10% tip is a slap in the face!"
lel fug off whore

I agree. There should be a ten dollar minimum wage tip included across the board.

>Go out to dinner
>Pay with card
>Tip in cash
>Waitress pretends I didn't tip to get more shekels from the goys

Tipping is a Jewish invention to bribe staff into bringing their food out faster

Mandatory tipping is just ridiculous, fuck America

Bike delivery man here

Plate jockey should be glad shes paid at all. I work harder and get tipped less.

Like last night. I KNEW the tourists gave me the wrong addy, walked to the nearest hotel, asked concierge to phone the room, were good friends. Bam its them, foods on its way up

No tip on a 30 dollar order got a lot of stiffs and stingies last night, with payroll i made 150 for 7 8 hours. Slow night.


why are white men so desperate to help single white mothers? in other words, why are you such cucks?

>Customer paying the employees salary
How about you rage against that fucking concept of tipping, instead of people not wanting to pay more than what their food is worth.

Tipping should be an option if you really liked the waiter. You would never even CONSIDER tipping any other person for doing their fucking job.

FUCK tipping. This bitch needs to find a real job.

Is there anyone more eternally butthurt than servers?

Why does she have internet if she "STRUGGLES to put clothes on [her] daughter's back and food in [their] bellies"?

>Claim to struggle to get food and clothes
>Obviously has no problem getting shitloads of cosmetics to smear all over her face.

>indian is its own catagory

Ive gad guys with heroin needles in hand give me fives but those pooinloo fucks give me rediculously convoluted demands on 50 dollar orders and stiff me. Blacks stiff me less then indians because i work near microsoft.

Protip > if you deliver to blacks you arent moving enough product. Go to a better store.

But yeah. Ive been stiffed when at places with 3.5k studios. Seriously its worst when they take forever to say zero im not tipping look at my fancy writing

Like jesus nigga there aint no goddamm fucking penmanship compettition. Aint gonna be like "this motherfucker stiff me but his handwritting is so dank im stoned"

Indians again are bad at this.

>dont go into my employ restaurant if u wont give me money for being mule.
she should get fired

Irony is it likely hurts the businesses, too.

I don't eat out very often, or go to bars, because I don't want to have to pay extra on top of something that already gets taxed, and costs more than it would for me to make myself.

I miss living in England. Could go to the pub, spend a few quid, enjoy a pint, and walk home. In burger land, you're looking at a $5-7 beer, with tax, and then the expectation of a few dollars at least in a tip. At that point, I'll just get a six pack.

So everywhere employers are doing illegal shit and this bitch gets mad the people for not tipping fuck this dumb bitch

Look. I spent 1k on my bike for deliveries. Im litterally the fastest gay. I live like a king and love my job because PEOPLE GIVE ME MONEY FOR BEING AWESOME

Its a direct validation. Good service, good reward, good job, good service.

>can't afford to buy clothes and food
>can afford to give her daughter riding lessons

>has trouble providing food and clothes
>is able to dress in 100$ jean jacket and treat her daughter to luxuries such as horse rides.

also if you wanna make good money dont get knocked up at 18 and stay working at a resturaunt. Bitch couldve gone to college and worked a shit job then gotten her degree and had a nice life
Fucking whore
Really makes me mad because i had a kid with my girlfriend(now wife) at 17 and im now in my second year of general surgery residency.
Fucking god damnit this makes me mad.

>people not realizing that a business cutting labor costs can offer products at cheaper prices

hey man, she's gotta invest some money in order to attract a beta-cuck provider

People who do not tip on principal are just using that as an excuse for being cheap fucks and taking advantage of a system that makes their food less expensive.

I'm not saying that this $2.13/hr plus tips is perfect, but it does give incentive for servers/bartenders/etc to provide faster, efficient, and friendly service. If your server is lazy, slow, rude, or just plain bad, don't reward them for shitty service.

As a side note though, mandatory tipping, or gratuities that are automatically added shouldn't be accepted. For example, there's a bar by me that charges an automatic 18% to bills on weekend nights.




>t. niggers

And how come every other profession can complete their assigned work duties without being patted on the head?

I Almost had a heart attack!

the kid is white!

>If your server is lazy, slow, rude, or just plain bad, don't reward them for shitty service.
>implying they won't feel entitled to a tip anyway
you give these cucks too much credit

Had a girl I know do that on Facebook

>get paid 15/hr
>with the expectation of doing your job

>get paid 2.13/hr
>with the expectation of doing your job

>"why can't they just do their job?!"

>mart sharters have to tip

unless the waitress is absolutely incredible which 99.99% arent
shes getting no tip fuck her
waitresses just come to your table for 2 minutes total and fuck off, im telling you women feel entitled to everything
fuck women


You nerds have never worked in a restaurant. Cooks/preps make 2-3 dollars more per hour then servers to offset the fact that they don't make tips. Their wage is always consistent and does not fluctuate like a servers. If no one tips the servers they don't make shit.

She had sex (And a child) outside of marriage, now she's suffering the consequences. Tough shit whore.

She's not even ugly, she could have easily married a nice respectable guy who makes a decent salary but she had to ride the cock carousel with no thought for the consequences. Absolutely no sympathy whatsoever.

People always say it takes a long time to get any money and you'll most likely lose your job.

Really haven't heard anyone try it though.

>paying someone extra just because they did their job

>Cooks/preps make 2-3 dollars more per hour then servers to offset the fact that they don't make tips.

So they make $4 to $5? Servers only make $2-$3 and make up for it in tips.

>this user knows

>be dishwasher for 5 years thru high school and after
>get tipped ONCE by the old indian
>1 dollar tip but I'll never forget

So you just proved my point that tipping breeds entitlement while those with regular wages can be reliable workers.

>waitresses just come to your table for 2 minutes total and fuck off

To be fair, do you want them to keep interrupting you.

>straight up criminal

You know it's not legal in the US? If they make less than minimum in tips the rules are the employer is supposed to pay them minimum wage.

I still tip when I travel, every country has weird rules.
I was in Poland a month ago and I tipped 10% at restaurants and in taxis. I left the tips on the table? Did I do it right?

>waiters/waitresses rely on tips they get because their hourly wage is so low
>receives a base pay of $2-5/hour

their pay is so low because they make so much in tips, in high end restaurants/neighborhoods they can be making up to $20/hour

If by the end of the night they actually earned less than minimum wage then their employer HAS TO reimburse them for at least minimum wage pay. If they don't and someone reports them to the feds then the business would get fucked.

It breeds entitlement in those with weak character. However, it also breeds a higher standard of service. Try going to McD's and see how the service is there compared to Friday's.

Let me get in a word on that one
> treat her daughter to luxuries such as horse rides.
Look how the horse is tied to that piece of wood? Also, that tarp in the background. I highly presume it is at a fair of some kind. A few rounds on those ponys, shouldn't cost more than five bucks or so. (My sister always blew at least half of her fair-money on that - really enjoyed it, too, obviously.)

Else I agree with your points - no pity for the girl (though maybe her kid - that one's innocent.)

Maybe if she was a better waitress she would have EARNED a tip. Tips are usually paid - or not - based on how good the service they provided was. Why do people in the customer service industry have such a hard time with this? I worked as a barista years ago and earned a shit ton in tips (about 100 bucks cash per day) on small bills by exceeding expectations.

>Forcing the consumer to supplement an employee's income
The employer should pay them an hourly wage. Period.

>You nerds have never worked in a restaurant.
Cooks do ten times the work. Standing around and carrying plates is not fucking difficult. Piss off.

No, you're right "nerds" like me never worked in a restaurant because instead of being a pleb I studied hard and began to make six figures just a few years after university, you know doing a "nerdy" job. At least I'm not a pathetic impoverished normie retard.

>Be a slut in your 20's
>Get pregnant for being cock drunk slut
>Keep the bastard daughter
>Single mother = Strunk indpnt womyn
>Can't get a real job because only skill is open legs
>Get mad because someone with money refused to give free money to you

>Liberals actually defends this

She should get a job that doesn't make her whore herself out, then come back trying to sound like a decent human being.

We have welfare, she can have child support, her employer has to pay her if she doesn't make enough tips to reach minimum wage. It's her fault for choosing such an unstable job to raise a child on.

She should have her child taken away if this is really gonna take food off her kid's plate.

>implying there aren't multiple new cases every year where people tried suing their employers for lost wages but the judges sided with the restaurant even though the business did actually stiff the employee

See, the thing is, if you sue a restaurant like that, you're hurting everyone that works there. Also, the DoL is a fucking joke.

Oh most will still feel entitled, but that's their problem. Don't support bad behavior.
It is unfortunate that tipping is considered a given in this country, but that's the way the system is. Personally I would be Ok with paying 15-25% more if it meant that servers were paid a real wage, however without that incentive, service quality would almost certainly go down.

You are getting better food at Friday's.

Well, I'm not because they were closed years ago for serving underage.


Wheres the father?
Why are you not bettering yourself for your daughter?
Maybe your not providing a tip worthy service?

And importantly

A tip is a gesture of goodwill for service, it is not an entitlement.

Then why don't cooks do waiting, instead? Oh, that's right, they are social inbreds stuck in the kitchen like the bitches they are.

>entitled cunt expects me to read her wall of text
wouldn't have tipped her either desu

So why don't cooks become waiters?

Confirmed YOU have never worked in a restaurant
Or you're a fucking cunt to your coworkers

Based movie

>getting better food at Friday's
>this means the service is automatically better

How are you still living being this retarded?

Where are servers paid far below minimum wage?
I'm in California and servers make minimum wage + tips

Some of us work and go to uni user

I was a server for a long time, but I am no longer. I used to believe that people who didn't tip were cheap and while I still think that to a degree (it's a custom here in the United States), I'm over it. I do tip, but I hate the entitled behavior that servers have. Work a job that isn't an entry level job and get paid a better salary. They're no better than the burger flippers who want $15 to make my order incorrectly.

They don't pay less, they have a base salary of x and if they can't meet the minimum wage with tips the employers pays the difference. How many clients does she get per hour? More than three I suppose, let's say each leaves a 2$ tip she already made more than minimum wage with her salary+tips. She's just a whiny cunt.

Bitch I could go grab my plates myself. If I wanted to cook for myself I wouldn't have gone to a restaurant

It's what everyone says, they make $2-$3 an hour

I went to IHOP with my black friend on $1 shortstack day, we had a black waitress and at the end he had a bill of $3.91. He has this stupid policy where he MUST pay the exact percentage (%15) no matter what his bill is. If I tell him to leave a $2 tip on a $4 bill he starts getting argumentative. Anyways. he literally tipped the waitress 58 cents.
She started saying "Woooooow.....Woooooow...." condescendingly and as he walked she said "Can't live offa dat!", which pissed him off.

Needless to say I laughed at both those fools.

>single mother

Color me fucking surprised.

because they have any amount of self respect, get real job experience, and don't want to deal with dickheads all day long

>tfw I spent my last 187.43 dollarydoos on a meal with my wife and daughter who both have cancer and I also have cancer and this girl is angry with me :(

>work a better job

Like what? Most jobs are being automated away, anyway.

Funny... Has anyone seen a (non fag) male waiter post one of these pity posts? No because men aren't faggy whiners when they work a service job they realize no tip is a reality sometimes.

and thats why i write "Cash" in the tip line

so why is it that a server gets tips for bringing me food and i dont get a tip for saving someone's life as an EMT. tipping is cancer. "pay me extra to do my job.. m-uh-m-uh free moneez
gibs me dat moneez

Niggers never tip, but it seems like said they'll complain when they don't get tipped.

My friend worked at his parent's Chinese food place over the summer and said that niggers would almost never tip, and if they did it was the change off a dollar.

>real job experience

>handling front office politics
>being more the deciding factor in why people choose restaurant A over restaurant B
>no self respect nor a real job

>a cook has self respect when he could just wait tables for a higher rate

Good call.

>the fastest gay
