The new British cuck movie

Or how an African kangz defeated the British Empire

Other urls found in this thread:[Open][Open][Open]

How can the British Empire even compete?

why 50 cent dressed like an Egyptian?

Not goin to watch it but fuck, that is one ugly child

Doesn't matter how aesthetic the white genes are.

>blacks are superior
>wont date blacks


Sissy britboi


>why Africans

Yes it's 90% of the time Africans. Particularly in history. Why is this? Wasn't it supposed to be Muslims?

The BBC are about to start rolling out 24/7 ghoul vision;

Oh my sweet child. Islam is a trojan horse to pass hate speech, extremism and "tolerance laws" (look that last one up and prepare to reeeee). The mid east has problems with birthrates too.

The great replacement was always going to come from Africa as they are the ones with the largest surplus population proximate to Europe needed to wipe them out. They are also hugely inferior and very easy to enslave.

The UN is feeding them now 8 kids a peice why Europeans can barely afford one child. Upto 6 billion by 2100.

This is why you see blacks shoehorned literally everywhere, 24/7 it's for mental preparation.

The ghoul invasion is just starting.[Open]

The Jewish owned media is all about mentally breaking people, now, rather than reflecting a reality. Imperium is a good example of this, the best example I have is this;[Open]

Note how the premise is Islam but the conclusion is the "inevitable" European genocide.

>-9:47 "The U.K. Is never going to be white again. It's just not going to happen."

She didn't even try to be subtle, there was no Freudean slip, nothing. She just... openly said it. This is how it is now, the state and their new non-European allies can openly advocate and revel in the state enforced wipe out of European peoples, including our own, in public, on publicly funded media, for all to see, not even flinching. Things like this give the game away

Note some jewish shill on Brit Sup Forums tried to nuke this but failed, watch the shills come....

>Directed by Amma Asante


>why raxemixing

Rootless cattle whom they will force (with massive inherentence tax) to "re-set" every generation

An ethnic group (either real, such as native Germans, or partially constructed, such as 'Aryans') has a very strong ability to resist subversion.

Think of it like someone who has lost their memory, you can mould and abuse them to your will. With no ethnic identity all forms of identification become purely memetic; you see proto stages of that now, in my country in the past 5 years we have seen this in the form of "British Values", essentially the British state, its taxpaying citizens and its values could exist without a single Briton in it. And that's the point. It can be entirely controlled; one day our values are war with Oceania, the next with Eurasia.

Population demographically speaking will be almost wholly African. And yes with some mixed remnants. Very low IQ, very easy to manipulate and critically; no other identity other than WHAT JOB THEY DO. (for the Jew). Mixed race have an advantage to the Jew as they have no other identity than "is human".

Two classes of people. Gods chosen and the goyim. London is a great example of this emerging (note victim card l, and yet aggressor, from this " right wing) Jewish rag), Jews have marked out thier territory; Brits are now just one part of a mix of people, an "international zone", this is the other side of the coin Jews are pushing to create a world of worker cities where the bee-goyim work, and the Jew forms a neo feudal ruling class, and they reap, occasionally they let it slip;[Open] (3:50).

The Jew is playing 5D chess; Israel is a sacrificial nation, ever wondered why alt right etc shills against " Zionism"? They don't want a nation, they want the world.

I huess I'm a #kangmang now

Hello my white friend

I'm not white
My mom is paraguayan
>tfw I'm the reason argentina is not white

I'm going to go with... 7 Oscar nominations and 3 winners.

This is why we need to get better organised and more precise with targeting the source.

We need to organise a BDS-style movement that specifically encourages people to boycott and avoid giving anything to production companies or media outlets that push 'diversity' to any visible extent. Teach people loopholes to avoid paying the Licence Fee and or just outright boycott it or refuse to own a TV or view live television in any form. Perhaps even develop the technologist to subvert it like 'live' television with a slight time delay to bypass the 'live' loophole. Encourage adblockers and other software that denies said outlets advertising revenue and encourage alternatives and rivals who don't push 'diversity' by supporting and promoting them. More guides need to be circulated on defeating them by boycotting or avoiding giving money or advertising revenue to them.

The arts are an extremely vulnerable sector to revenue losses. Especially if people make a conscious effort to boycott certain companies or organisations it could easily severely damage their production capabilities or even put them out of business entirely.

There also needs to be more efforts to expose and if necessary also dox all of the people involved in groups like this Diamond media monitoring scheme. These sort of things can't be left unmolested any more, they have to become targets of protest and reprisal.

Daccuerdo amigo blanco


Kangz the movie.


n shiet

Bostwana is a nice country

Come and post this in Brit/pol/ again mate. It's being raided again and the reaction will be funny and help us identify the shills.
