Pro-American Liberal Realist, Ask Me Anything

I thought I'd try one of these "I'm a , AMA" things. I think it will be fun.

Fire away, brownshirts.

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>I'm so special, ask me questions
Also, sage



Please choose one

What is a Liberal Realist?


We might lose, I still wont be convinced it's the wrong side.

>Pro American realist

So you're voting for Trump?

Liberal domestic policy and global economy, realist foreign policy.

Someone is going to take the bait, may as well be me.

What are your opinions on the federal reserve?

How do you feel about America?

How do you feel other western countries presently?

>I matter enough to do an AMA
dis goy

Neither were the actual Nazis, but that didn't get them anywhere except a Soviet mass grave did it?

No, because Trump's not liberal.

He was for fifteen fucking years, and he's funded Hillary in other campaigns. He's a fucking democrat.

He's more liberal than hillary

What do we do about Iran?

which means? already sounds racist

So you're alt left? Ok pinko

They fought for what they believed in, the soldiers did their part admirably.

SS, weird esoteric shit, and leadership fucked em all over.

"The purpose of life is a life with a purpose, so i'd rather die for a cause than live a life that is worthless"

The Fed is a vital component of the international order. It is the banks that keep the modern economy going as it is. Countries thus require legislation to restrict bank activities so they cannot cause economic crashes and such, which the US has so far failed to realize (you need Glass-Steagal back guys).

America has rampant poverty and crime problems caused by its own domestic policies regarding criminal sentencing, criminalization of drugs and lack of a safety net, leading to the poor being stuck in a generational poverty trap many cannot get out of and thus resort to crime to alleviate, which only makes everything worse. Unfortunately it has a paranoid, Drawinian streak to its right-wing that sees the poor as deserving of their plight and not worthy of help or pity, similar to the aristocracy of European Empires.

That said, America is the only major power that is a true liberal democracy. If America goes down, we all go down. Thus, everyone needs to stop bitching about how bad America is if you're form a Western country - the fact is, it's us or the Russians/Chinese (mostly the Chinese), and you don't want them running the world. The US is the only reason democracy exists in East Asia, for example. It has the capacity to do good. It just has to actually do so - it has an unfortunate habit of bungling things.

Other western countries are, in many ways other than militarily, superior to America. This has of course made them sheltered and not cognizant of the privilege awarded them by America's charitable protection - while dipshits in Germany sit there saying NATO is bad because it "war mongers" with the Russians, the fact is without NATO, Europe's armies are so unprepared for any kind of conflict that they would never be able to stop Putin if he decided to pick some of them off. Europe needs to take its own security far more seriously, especially with all the migrants flooding in.

Contain their leader's insanity, deal with them where we can, try to keep influencing the younger generations via technology and extrenal information to turn them against their theocracy.

You sound like a globalist boot licker

You'll be one of us soon enough,

How is it racist? Realism just means you accept actions as they are rather than appeal to idealistic delusions of co-operation and altruism.

What if we, I don't know, treated them with respect and stopped trying to meddle in their affairs?

I think human culture as a whole would be improved if the Persians were allowed to get back on their feet.

But he's not running on that platform, and that's not what his supporters want him to do. Being a populist (or, at least, thinking he is), he would do what his supporters asked in order to get re-elected, which is all he really cares about.


Which is it cuckhold?

So do you think blacks are deserving of their high crime high poverty socioeconomic situation? Being a realist after all, you have to know they are genetically inferior to Europeans.

Liberty is great once you have rules towards respect of one and another, which means ban interracial/cultural mixing. Live and let live, migrants need to perish.

>that sees the poor as deserving of their plight
as opposed to the poor as deserving of my money. This is what I fucking hate about you liberal nigger shits. You're all very generous with other people's money. You're nothing more than a thief.

So you want shitlary to win? You think an increase of 550% of """syrian refugees""" os good for America? TPP? Higher taxes for the middle class?

Not at all. Most of the globe is shit and I don't want anything to do with it. I'm mainly concerned with the West. I'd happily buy their products though, and perhaps with enough trade they may pull themselves out of shit-tier.

But yet you want to bring the entire third-world population into the U.S. and Europe...

If you oppose the globalist New World Order then how can you be for shitlary, which I assume you are?

And they can, as soon as they ditch the theocracy. I'd be happy to help them out if they do that.

Except they're not. If you exist and reproduce, and your offspring are healthy enough they too can reproduce, your genes are successful. Period.

Do you mean classical liberalism or delusional modern liberalism? If you're actually a realist you can't mean the latter.

Realistically your policies will hollow out the state and lead to mass civil unrest. Periodic rioting will become the norm in many neighborhoods, once this spreads to the suburbs you will see uncontained civil violence.
Extremist groups will flourish as confidence in US institutions fail, and talented people decide its in their best interest to oppose a stable but corrupt society. Major cities will lose access to basic infrastructure services due to lone wolf attacks by open source insurgent groups, in a similar manner to Iraq post-2003.

You will die. Your family will die. Your legacy will die.

Holy shit, someone on Sup Forums does actual research about their Fuhrer.

Last time I checked, Sup Forums hated America and loved authoritarian strongmen, which I despise.

Except they are. Average African IQ is 85, average African American IQ is not much higher. Genetically inferior. Sorry but that's realism, not sorry.

Thing is OP, you're not actually a realist, this is just what you tell yourself to make you feel confident about your beliefs, which are frankly shallow and not well thought out.

One could argue that they'd ditch it faster if it couldn't rally support for itself by presenting itself (justifiably) as a bulwark against Western subversion. It only came about in the first place because they wanted *anyone* other than the puppet ruler we installed in the 50's.

>despises authoritarians
>is likely a hitlary supporter
>thinks Sup Forums hates America when we back Trump, whose slogan is literally Make America Great Again For Everyone and America First

You've been indocrinated pretty hard lad

Basically OP is a retarded neo-con that doesn't know it. He likely works in DC based on his political ideas, probably not for the CIA though like he's trying to imply with his namefagging.

A 550% increase of 10000 is the same as what Canada, a country much smaller than yours, has managed without incident.

Europe's mistake is that too often the governments refuse to force immigrants to integrate and/or the population is too racist to let them live among them. Thus they end up in poor, crime ridden ethnic ghettos that the Jihadists have a field day in.

In Canada, we force the families to spread out all over the country, spreading them into as many communities as possible such that they are forced to live like everyone else. They turn into Canadians, and we have no problems.

Do you know what the term realist actually means?

Go back to plebbit and stay there.


It's not about "deserve". It's about what alleviates social strife.

You have to pay taxes anyway, to have a state. All governments are thieves. So all that need be debated, given that we've given the state the right to steal our money, is how much money they're going to take. Taking enough that you can provide a minimum standard of living so people aren't living on the streets and can get healthcare without going bankrupt makes society better off.

>Liberal Realist
Holy shit i keked loudly, yeah no.. Save your shit for the Daily Show.

There is no NWO, it's impossible to get the entire world to agree on such a thing. That's why true globalism is impossible. When you say globalism what you really mean is neo-liberalism, which I support - though I could do without the corporate stooging.

He never used the word success, that's a word you introduced. Genetic success and measurable ability in some area are different things.
Dolphins are more intelligent than mice; the intellect of a mouse is inferior to that of a dolphin. The size of the global populations of mice and dolphins aren't relevant because that's not the topic, the topic is chiefly intelligence.

Most Sup Forumstards wish for a whites-only socialist utopia, so don't let these autists tell you Trump is the best/only choice. It's literally fucktarded.

>A 550% increase of 10000 is the same as what Canada, a country much smaller than yours, has managed without incident.

Did you not hear the numbers? She intends to bring in over 600,000 in her first term alone. It only took 1 child of an Afghani national to kill 50 in Orlando.

>Europe's mistake is that too often the governments refuse to force immigrants to integrate and/or the population is too racist to let them live among them. Thus they end up in poor, crime ridden ethnic ghettos that the Jihadists have a field day in.

They never intended to integrate, most of them aren't even legitimate immigrants. They're not fleeing war, they want free shit and will eventually try to take over Europe, either by force or by breeding.

>In Canada, we force the families to spread out all over the country, spreading them into as many communities as possible such that they are forced to live like everyone else. They turn into Canadians, and we have no problems.

That is disguting. And no problems? You already have school children being attacked and Rotherham tier grooming of underage girls.

>It's not about "deserve". It's about what alleviates social strife.
>Its not about what's actually right, it's about my greater good

And you said you hate authoritarians. You know what I think? I think you're wrong, not even a bad person, just deeply misguided and not particularly invested in figuring it out anyway.

>Globalism is impossible.
See? This is why nobody asks you shit. Lurk more you humongous fag.

>lol hey guys ask me a question look at me look at me
>hold on mom I'm trying to fash bash
>lol omg I trolled you SAY HI TO R/FULLCOMMUNISM
>I'm so clever

Go away. No one wants you here. The fact that you think /pol has any defining political aligment proves you got the tism.

Modern liberalism is not delusional. Liberalism as a whole tends to be more level headed than truly delusional ideologies like communism, fascism, and anarchism. The less liberal you are and the more you drift towards extremes, the more you have to ignore reality to make your predictions work.

Modern liberalism is nothing more than classical liberalism with a healthy dose of modification from socialism to alleviate societal woes.

>There is no NWO, it's impossible to get the entire world to agree on such a thing.

As long as White people live and breath, yes. How do you not see that the elites intend to rule over an ambiguous race of brown people with no defining history or culture? Look at Brazil to see the final stages of NWO Cultural Marxism.

There's a question and answer board newfriend.

Actually the average African IQ is lower than that and varies a bit regionally. 85 is the average in the developed world, which is where they top out with all of the help of modern education. The Sub-Saharan African average varies a bit regionally but is around 68-80. The difference between real Africans and our Africans is attributable to non-African genetic admixture, and the small degree to which IQ can be improved through study.

IQ is bullshit, anyone in the field in modern times could tell you that. It's very difficult to actually quantify intelligence. For example, what about someone autistic - they may be extremely good at Mathematics, progrmaming or some other mentally challenging task, but be unable to properly communicate with other humans. Are they more or less intelligent than average? This is impossible to quantify.

The thing is, the young in Iran are increasingly embracing Western subversion. They appear open to it. I think we should exploit that against their government.

>This is impossible to quantify.

Actually it's very easy to quantify. When you never invented the wheel, live in mud huts, and suck cows assholes, your intelligence, or lack of, is fucking clear as day.

Too bad your libtard goggles make you unable to see this.

Hillary is not authoritarian, she's just arrogant and probably a bit corrupt. I'll take the lesser of two evils, in this case.

Bernie would have been my pick, but that's not happening.

Liberalism is not necessarily unrealistic; sometimes, the two go hand in hand. For example, the WTO was established because everyone saw it to be a beneficial to them. The organization itself is a liberal institution, but it was founded for realistic purposes.

I do not, for example, place a greta deal of importance on another liberal institution, the UN, because it serves no one's real interest and is unable to actually do anything, so its existence is mostly for show.

It's delusional because it believes disparate, heterogeneous groups are capable of living together peacefully with great amounts of liberty while bound together with a rather demanding set of societal obligations.

For instance, when (socialist) systems create financial obligations (and burdens) for members of a state there will always be disparity -- net producers and net consumers. This can work in an homogeneous society comprised of individuals with similar ability levels. A society of disparate groups with wildly different ability levels upsets the sustainable balance and pushes it towards an explicit system of producer and consumer / parasite and host.

>Hillary is not authoritarian
>what is hillarys death count
>what is hillary literally being above the law
>what is hillary threatening bernie supporters at the DNC, hiring people off craigslist to shout over them, and building a wall around the convention center
>what is hillarys intention to shut down Conservative news outlets

Lesser of two evils? Hillarys masters want WW3 fucktard

No, actually, we don't have any problems. Most ISIS recruiting is done in the established Muslim communities in Toronto and Montreal, and we have no equivalent of Rotherham here, stop lying.

Oh, you're one of those. You refuse to accept the validity of things you could probably comprehend because it upends your worldview.
This is the delusion I was talking about.

>children getting attack in school isn't a problem
>underage girls being drugged, raped, and exploited isn't a problem

How tolerant

>we have no equivalent of Rotherham

Actually you do you bluepilled retard

You straight up refuse to acknowledge reality yet call yourself a realist. WEW
You need to stop using that label.


That's like calling Willy Wonka a Brutalist.

You're mentally handicapped.

I do. But if I've already forfeited my absolute right to my property to the state, I might as well use the money they take to make people better off. Whether they deserve to wallow in poverty is a personal moral question I'm not interested in. Safety nets make society better, period, it's why rich people are usually fine with paying taxes towards them even though they'll never benefit. And a better society is more enjoyable for everyone to live in.

Yeah. Really not a deep thinker.

Sagebomb this thread, there's nothing of value here.

We could talk to a normie like you on any other website.

I don't care if you don't want me here. If anything your dislike of me draws me back in to continue to poke and prod.

Immigration increases social strife.

You are retarded and I hope you're killed in a terrorist attack.

Regardless of overgeneralizing IQ, who TF would do the work of immigrants if they had an average/above average "Caucasian" IQ? KYS, faggots. Your imaginary dreamland was destroyed in 1945.

I never said they wouldn't try, I'm saying they'll never succeed.

He doesn't know, guys.


(You) speak like a real alt-right troll


Oh boy... Who's gonna tell him?



thx op i cum on cat she hiss at penis

America is a

F e d e r a l i s t

R e p u b l i c.

Sage. Sage. Sage.

Oh, I should have known better.

When 3/4 of the population is killed off in the fires of nuclear holocaust and the elites emerge from their bunkers, yes they will have succeeded.

Do you suck dicks? Are you a peter puffer?

Being a pro American (classical) Liberal is right wing these days. Overton window is a bitch.

As long as everyone agrees on a set of ground rules, heterogeneous groups can live together.

So, for example, in Canada there's tons of immigrants, but no one really cares. No one actively tries to push their cultural norms on everyone. Most of our politics is arguing about what we should spend tax money on - social questions rarely get serious consideration. This is because when you immigrate to Canada you're mad every aware of what you're getting into and how we live here. There's a lot of refugees, actually, to refuse to come here because they know they won't fit in and/or don't want to assimilate with everyone else.

Whereas, in Sweden, they let everyone in but don't make them agree on the ground rules everyone has to follow to live there, which is why you have so many radical, fundamentalist muslims everywhere, because you don't say no to letting them in.

>Hillary is not authoritarian
She literally vowed to shut down Breitbart if she gets elected. That's the definition.

You're a clueless deluded faggot. Why is your flag USA?

>As long as everyone agrees on a set of ground rules,
Which is the problem. Illegal immigrants and Muslims often don't agree on these ground rules, in fact they actively work to undermine and subvert them in many cases like, like La Raza and CAIR.

That's what Trump's immigration policy is in a nutshell. You can come here if you understand and recognize that the Constitution and Bill of Rights are the supreme law of the land.

No, you're clinging to old-fashioned measures of intelligence. It's like clinging to supply-side economics - yes, they were theories that were widely accepted and used. And we were wrong.

How else would we measure intelligence then? What other metric is there? IQ isn't perfect but it can at least give us an idea.

No it's really not. Namely because liberalism is a rather realistic ideology to follow in the Western world, and one that works very well in the global economy. It's on foreign policy and power relations it stumbles - a pure liberal would ignore this an continue pusueing idealistic goals which cannot be met. Thus I take a realist approach where liberalism becomes too idealistic - such as, for example, in the case of all the bleeding hearts calling for someone to stop the carnage in Aleppo.

Neither is hillary, obama, bernie, or any other politician out there at the moment. Muh feels arguments do not make you a liberal. So are you an actual liberal? Are you disgusted by the current path? Or are you a regressive cuck faggot?