Large corporations refuse to pay taxes

How can we allow this to continue? The locked up fucking Wesley Snipes for tax evasion, yet these fucks get away with it constantly. This is blatantly criminal. Something needs to be done. Trump wants to lower corporate taxes to 25% or less, but these fuckers still need to pay what they owe. What can we do?

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There is no such thing as a tax on corporations.

All taxes are paid by people. "Corporate" taxes should be abolished to abolish the illusion they create.

Money is going the way of the dodo and any one stupid enough to hold on is going with it. If you want to keep your power, you don't have any.

Almost nothing, as long as tax heavens are around. Including many perfectly legal tax loopholes that some US and European states offer, essentially undercutting the tax revenues of its neighbours.

Given how apathetic the population was even after the Panama leaks, I don't see tax evasion ending anytime soon.

Obamby has had EIGHT (8) YEARS to deal with this problem.
Why hasn't that LAZY NIGGER done anything about it?!
I guess forcing through the BIGGEST tax increase in history-Obamacare-was good enough?!

corporations can own property

is that property owned by people? if so which person in the corporation legally owns it?

You have no idea what a corporation is.

Who cares
Taxation is theft and the more they are avoided the better

So it's okay to steal from the poor but not the wealthy?

Stealing is never ok

>This is blatantly criminal.

Nope. They pay people to read up on the tax rules and set things up so that pay as little as possible, legally.

I want to pay as little tax as well, I don't want to pay for the israeli foreign legion, illegal aliens and nigger gibmedats, leftist waste programs, police state, you get the picture, shouldn't be paying for this crap to begin with.

Abolish the tax so it is fair for small business. Then these big corporations will invest even more into their home country.

No the poor shouldn't be paying taxes either, I can see sales tax as justifiable, but property and income tax is theft.

Sales tax is theft too

Inflation is theft.

You guys have fallen for the Libertarian meme. That's fine in a fantasy world, but how do you expect things to function without taxes? Plice, fire you have any idea how many government employees there are? There's the military, education, social security, do you expect all of these things to get paid for? The country would fall into chaos if you abolished taxes at this point.

There need to be big changes in the system, I agree. But too many people are dependant on government either in the form of jobs, SSI or welfare. There aren't enough private sector jobs, and there hasn't been for a while, and the ones that exist haven't paid enough for people to retire. What's the solution?

This. Inflation is a far bigger concern to me than tax. Inflation hurts everyone, even those too poor to pay taxes.

OP you don't have to pay taxes either. It's not hard, just read the tax code and structure your income so you pay the absolute minimum in taxes.

I pay about 8% in taxes when all is said and done.

That too

>muh roads

If a service is worth having, people will pay for it VOLUNTARILY.

>You guys have fallen for the Libertarian meme. That's fine in a fantasy world, but how do you expect things to function without taxes?

It's like you didn't read the comments you're responding to and attacking a strawman, oh wait, that's exactly what you're doing.

Fire departments in Germany are mostly voluntary organisations paid by settlement fees by the community they are based in.
Today, not in ancap fantasy land.

But I am not against taxation, just against taxing businesses independent of size or organisation.
Businesses do 2 things with their surplus:
Reinvest in their business, increasing size. Leading to more employees
Two, most important:
Pay it out to their shareholders.
This leads to more investment capital, increasing size of a company, more new businesses and reinvestment into other companies. Or they buy more stuff, which is subject to sales taxes.

Taxing companies is just retarded and just caters to socialists with their worker über alles meme.

Some US politician was complaining about some EU states going after Apple because they are dodging taxes. I find it interesting that politician, whose salary is paid by tax payers, US citizens and corporations, is protecting american company that is trying to dodge taxes in US. Why the fuck he is spending his working hours, paid by tax payers, trying to protect someone who is not contributing in taxes?

>What's the solution?

Well it'll come down to actual socialism with income redistribution (a la minimum income), or massive depopulation and whoever remains lives like kings with robot slaves doing all the work.

Just be patient. It's HAPPENING right now.

That picture is a degenerate kike

>muh roads
I didn't even bring that up.

No I'm not. I'm pointing out that although there may be many expenditures that you disagree with, the country would collapse into poverty if you stopped taxes.

Your argument was essentially 'muh roads'

>muh fire department
>muh police
>muh education
>muh public sector

Just like roads, private sector will do these things if people want them

You're ignoring the part where they squirrel away the majority of the money and it never goes back into the economy

Because lobbyists from these corporations donate huge amounts of money to them.

Pic extremely related.

Oh, so you're just a dumbass who actually believes the government would collapse not paying for illegal aliens and niggers on the dole and waste spending on a police state that shouldn't exist and a army that's used for jews at the detriment of the US.

Really retard, die.

No. My main argument was government jobs, welfare and social security. The private sector can't fix that.

>they squirrel away the majority of the money and it never goes back into the economy

What did he mean by this?

>insurance companies
>who needs government jobs?

So you tell me what is going to happen to all of the government employees, retirees and disable people on social security, and people on welfare, people who have paid into the system their entire lives.

Yes, because they use the money as insurance for credits instead of paying it to the government.
Apple for example took a credit just to pay the dividends for the shareholders.
This is because of the corporate tax not because of some imagined evilness.
Also a company should have savings in a safe place for bad times.

0/10 troll.

What happens to people who fell for a ponzi scheme?


>Republicans actually believe cutting corporation and higher-income tax will lead to economic prosperity
>Republicans actually believe trickle-down economics works
>Republicans actually believe Regan was a great president, even though he was the cause of the massive income inequality we still see today

Tax accountant here.

Corporate taxation should be repealed.

Everyone has paid into the system because they were forced too. Maybe a court rules so they get their money back. Maybe they are shit out of luck.
And gov employees will need to find a new job.

GG alain was always diligent about paying HIS taxes

Good God you people are ridiculous. I voted for Ron Paul and Gary Johnson, but now I understand why you all get so much hate here. You literally are detached from reality.

I agree with Libertarian principles, and I think that this country desperately needs a good Libertarian movement to undo so much of the problems the government has caused. But if you really think we can just end taxation tomorrow, you are fucking retarded.

They don't believe in that. They preach it cause they make a dividend from it.

There's literally no one with a proper economic background advocating Reaganomics.

Love that the people saying this have literally never worked in business and don't know how it works. Dodging taxes is wrong and we need to close the tax loopholes but if you dont understand how taxes warp the economy you're missing half the story.

>just end taxation tomorrow

You are the only one who said this.
We just said that taxation is theft but not in what manner we would like to end it.
You have been arguing against your own strawman from the start.

You interpret these things into my words.
But people like you want to be Libertarian without hurting the feelings of the parasites.
And it is not about ending taxation to zero from one day to another. Just tell people that on a fixed day they won't get anything anymore.
Be honest and say to people that they fell for a ponzi scheme with the state pension and health care system.
That government workers cannot get 20 years of pensions with their last salary.
Somebody has to do it.

My preferred final solution would be even more radical though.

whats the source on that gif?

Corporations are legal entities that have the same rights as people. A corporation essentially is a made up person with human rights.

How old are you? 16? Grow up and learn someday how modern economies work. They would collapse within weeks without state intervention.

How so?

wrong, you probably feel for the 'corporations are people meme' along with the 'pizza is a vegetable' meme

that is a fallacy, just cause a company saves X thousand or million dollars it doesnt mean it will use it to invest or create tons of jobs

its the same for individuals, they save it they dont spend it and put it back into the economy

At one day you will have to stop paying them and make everyone vanish from the face of the earth who wants to collect your money.

I never implied that, you are arguing against a straw man. All I ask is that you give a good-faith effort to understand the warping effects taxes have on businesses and the economy at a whole.

Im sorry to see you upset but at the end of the day, you know what, its not DA CORPORAISHUNS that mug me in the streets, its not DA BANKAZ that break in my home, and it certainly isnt the dreaded one percent that threaten to blow me up.
And you wanna know something else. Coincidentally, the same people that hate on the evil rich also happen to have a great love and support for all of those who mug/break in/blow me up.
So you know what, i'll keep fighting these things that really get at me and then, maybe, i might consider joining your silly fight with the evil rich people.
Go back to democratic underground or whatever revolutionary-wannabe shithole you crawled out of.

The Great Depression provides an excellent example of that, as well as Chiles failed attempt to privatize and deregulate it's whole banking system.
You don't know much about economics, I can tell that much from your previous postings. I bet you didn't know that the German government makes money by borrowing it from others.

>save money
>buy more expensive thing later

>save money
>use it as capital to start a business

>save money
>use it to rebuild after a natural disaster

>save money
>don't ever spend it
>someone else gets the money

If you're a company:
>save money
>invest into company when necessary

>save money
>give bonus to employees for good work

>save money
>don't ever spend it
>board takes everything and buys a huge yacht
>money is back in economy

You are dumb

What exactly is wrong? I only talked about the corporate tax.
I am a small business owner I know not much about economy but I understand what kills investments and will make my company go bankrupt on a rainy day.

This is a stupid post for multiple reasons, link related the least of them

except that is on an ideal world.
Why would you give bonuses? maybe you germany tier countries but not america

and money going to the economy via taxes is not the same as buying imported luxury goods

>The Great Depression provides an excellent example of that, as well as Chiles failed attempt to privatize and deregulate it's whole banking system.

Please elaborate

Why should I not decide what to do with my own money?

am not sure how you think a company shouldn't be taxed, that is the issue here

A miracle that left half of Chile below the absolute poverty line. The actual growth also started after Pinochets rule, as many of his positions we're abandoned.
Where do you think the whole infrastructure around you, the law enforcement protecting your business and the education of your employees came from? Grew on trees?

>Why would you give bonuses?
This is the kind of question that extremely ignorant people ask. Employees get bonuses because we want to retain top talent.

Basically, free markets, if they are really absolutely free, are guaranteed to bring disastrous results. It is a vast framework of regulations and institutions that creates functioning markets in the first place.

The stockholders you fucking retard.

Because taxation is theft and because the corporation knows better how to spend their own money they earned than some greedy ass government kike

That's not an elaboration to your argument, you just worded it differently.
There is no substance in your sentence, it's simply a claim but you need to back it with an explanation.

Kill yourself, numbskull.

This is an absurd claim; I do not buy it. For example there are uncontacted tribes with no government regulation but functional economies. I think your whole line of reasoning is pretty stupid because it boils down to pretty much nothing.

>they save it they don't spend it

Good goy. By things now! I need more shekels for my 5th plane.

Kill yourself Portucuck.

Gg alin was a special kind of animal

The explanation is a whole bracket of examples where a state-less, regulation-less economy fails to function, both in theory and in example.

I list some of those examples, there are thousands more:
- market failures like the Great Depression that threw millions into poverty and contributed to the rise of nationals socialism in Europe, require government intervention to solve in a relevant time frame
- the jurisdictions that make the act of making business possible, like the law form of corporations, require enforcement by regulators and judges -> a neutral party, the state. You can't make even basic business without rights guaranteed by the states
- markets fail to provide anything that doesn't generate profit. That's often the case with health care for the very sick, regional infrastructure, pensions, neutral care and others

GG Allen was a degenerate fag who wiped shit on himself and everyone else

>In 2002 Ben Bernanke (then a Federal Reserve governor, today the chairman of the Board of Governors) made this startling admission in a speech given in honor of Friedman’s 90th birthday: “I would like to say to Milton and Anna: Regarding the Great Depression, you’re right. We did it. We’re very sorry.”


Also, your views about Chile are simply incorrect. Chile is still in the 7th rank of the Index of Economic Freedom, and is basically the best country in the South American region.

I don't regard uncontacted tribes as something to aspire to, you shouldn't either

Yeah, Chile is a good country for South American standards. It became so long after Pinochets demise, when many of his market fundamentalist positions were abandoned and even some social programs enacted.

Chile under Pinochet had 20% unemployment and every second citizen kb absolute poverty.

a bit off topic, but

can someone explain to me how they get away with taxing the same fucking dollar over and over again?

for instance, i work for a small company;.
Everything we sell has a sales tax.
All The money the business brings in, gets taxed
all the money that trickles down to the employees, gets taxed,
all the fucking inventory in stock at the end of the year, gets taxed.
Plus property Tax

its like making a dollar once and having it taxed half a dozen fucking times,.

>muh copper exports

Chiles getting #rekt economically atm, famalamb

You don't need a state to guarantee rights and you sure as hell don't need taxes for that either

You also don't really need law to conduct business either, you only need law to punish frauds and cheaters

Also your regulated market economies crashing doesn't convince me.

Its pretty awful. The average american works 4 months out of 12 for free in order to pay income taxes. That doesn't even account for state sales tax and capital gains taxes.

You know that corporate tax is not the only tax, right?
It is not about zero taxes currently.
I was just arguing against the corporate tax and the reinvestment tax.

Just to give you some perspective:
I work from home, I had to pay for maintaining the roads and channels to my house, I only work with freelancers, most of them not even German, and the police is actually only there to take away my stuff if I would not pay my taxes.
My private security policies, like having good locks, taking care of the property, my fence or cameras with alarm system, protect my stuff. A dog would be more useful than the police. Police would only come after the damage is done, make notes and in the worst case imprison me for actually securing and defending my stuff.

this is why it upsets me when people complain that taxes should be higher on capital gains

by the time you're paying that tax the money invested has already been taxed several times

So now we're up to 5 different arguments around Chile

>Chile was invigorated by deregulation ()
>Chile was destroyed by deregulation ()
>Chile was unaffected by deregulation, but only became prosperous after moving back left ()
>Chile was temporarily invigorated by deregulation, but the long term effects destroyed it (shift to the never never happened) ()
>Chile was temporarily invigorated by deregulation, but was then destroyed by moving back left

You still need roads and channels to get heat, electricity and water. You need roads to buy groceries. Although a private company can also provide for that, you would still pay for it.

You have a kinda nakce view of what a society without proper paid police would look like. Your fear wouldn't be burglars, it would be racketeers forcing you to pay 100% tax to them.

As for the re-investment argument, there are many tax dedications that allow investment.


Chile wasn't "destroyed" by deregulation, it simply didn't improve much. What lifted Chile upwards later on was the same common sense market economy that European nations apply.

So you subscribe to
>Chile was unaffected by deregulation, but only became prosperous after moving back left ()
I dont think anyone wants racketeers forcing everyone to pay taxes, that's why we would like to pay less taxes. Makes sense?

>muh roads

Opposing the funding of a service through taxation does not mean opposing the service in general.
If there is a demand for police, a private company can provide police services in exchange for payment.

>common sense market economy

Like a 70% tax burden, regulating the shape of bananas, dwindling pensions and letting in millions of culturally opposed sandpeople, all while restricting gun rights and freedom of speech as much as possible without appearing openly authoritarian?

Works great everywhere around Africa, a paramilitary that serves the wealthiest and prevents everyone else from becoming wealthier.
You either pay to buy a stage of civilization (it might be a decent share of your income) or you lose everything in an anarchy.

You want me to comment on Germany's situation and how to improve it, or what?

Look up what the taxes you pay are used for.

>(shift to the never never happened) ( (You))

>never happened.

People are protesting in Chile right now becuase their not getting the social programs they were promised because the government is going broke because their main export, copper, costs more to produce than the current market value

Something needs to be done about the Tax-Havens.

Panama - Worlds biggest trading fleet.

It's a joke.

Did you know that Africa is filled with niggers and nigger warlords?

How can I lose everything in an anarchy when almost everything is already stolen by the state?

It's also very hot. What's your point?

The state is actually heavily indebted. Most of the fortune in Germany is owned by 1% of private actors.

Its absolutely disgusting that law abiding citizens need to pay absurd rates on our income while sleazy board members dodge paying their fair share by hoarding cash overseas.

>close tax loopholes
>lower taxes for the rest of us

Please, whoever wins in November, I'm begging you.


I want you to see that taxation is theft

and this is supposed to make it okay?

I think that's actually the right spirit. If tax heavens are properly dried out and large corporations actually pay taxes again, we could lower the taxes on incomes.