Brit/pol/ Still the greatest country on Earth edition

>Thread theme




>Norn Iron btfo you lot again

>Royal Marine arrested over NI terrorism

>Corbyn angered by train row questions

>Israel sold weapons to Argentina at height of Falklands War, reveal declassified Foreign Office files

>British Woman dead and man fighting for his life after a French tourist shouting Allahu Akbar 'went on stabbing rampage' in Queensland backpackers hostel

>Brexit: Owen Smith opposes Article 50 move without new vote

>Hijab approved as uniform option by Scotland Police

Other urls found in this thread:

What did she mean by this lads?


>This triggers the faggot.

Good Lord I hate Milo Yiannopolous so much.

nth for karensupremecy



Stop with these cartoon posts. It's clearly an obscure way of posting about children.

it's fucking wrong.

If he was still in the UK that would be assault with an offensive weapon...such sad times we live in

>post paedophillic foreign cartoon

classic Brit/pol/

most retarded sub on Sup Forums

We've got a brit kid in isis lads

Anime posters are histrionic attention seekers, just stop giving them attention you complete fuckwit

You must be new here.

OP from last thread throwing my hat in for Karen.

I'm replying so everyone else doesn't have to. Don't give these people (you)s.

>If he was still in the UK that would be assault with an offensive weapon
No it wouldn't.


karen is more british than you lad


Give it a week or so and he will be stuck under rubble after an airstrike.

>most retarded sub on Sup Forums

Daily reminder that weebs are pedophiles.

Lad will you piss off already?
If they want to pin-up Korean cartoons on a Siberian Cave-painting board they can.

Yeah it would. Using anything as a weapon, even in your own home as self defence counts as an offensive weapon.


Greetings, my name is Enoch Gonzales. I'm a 27 year old Mexican-American Anglophile (English culture fan for you upstanding gentlemen). I play polo on my estate, and spend my days perfecting my skill and enjoying superior English passtimes. (Cricket, Fox Hunting, Tea) I train with my Hounds every day, a particularly olfactory form of canine by which Foxes and Rabbits will most certainly be tracked, and which is vastly superior to any other animal for the express purpose of sport. I earned my hunting licence two years ago, and I have been getting better every day. I speak English fluently, both Public School and Mancunian dialect, and I write fluently as well. I know everything about English history and their chivalric code, which I follow 100%. When I get my English visa, I am moving to Manchester to work in a chip shop to learn more about their magnificent culture. I hope I can become a player for Manchester United FC! I own several bowler hats, which I wear around town. I want to get used to wearing them before I move to England, so I can fit in easier. I rebel against my twelve brothers and sisters and recite the Queen's English as often as I can, but rarely does anyone manage to respond. Wish me luck in England!

Alright lads enough anime

What do you think of socialism?

why do australians sound like retarded britbongs?


Do we need any more proof that anti-karenposters are shills?

Better dead than red.

Good for a while. Shit after you run out of money.

I agree wholeheartedly mate. It's embarrassing, and absolutely immoralâ„¢.

Kill them all

Good luck Enoch :)

>why do australians sound like retarded britbongs?
You just answered your own question.

Its a childish dream for stupid twats that'll never work.

>What do you think of socialism?

So, short sighted like most liberal faggots

makes sense

>Using anything as a weapon, even in your own home as self defence counts as an offensive weapon.
You are wrong kid.
I wouldn't argue the point if I were you,

Considering moving to the Docklands lads. It's close to where Comic-Con is so I can bring cosplay grils back to my flat for kinky sex.

Not sure it'd be comfy tho... dem-o-graphics of the borough are rather diverse.

I would like to declare Kuzehashi Akari as an absolute miracle of the universe

thing is you faggots will be pleased with your self "decalred" victory for the disgusting fettish of cartoon paedophilla, you will feel accepted because you have come together with other sick fucks and united against the voice of decently

But then in about 16-18 hours you will have to turn off your computers and move your considerable weight down to the Job center, You will of course still be claiming you sickening victories via your mobile phone, and then the half drunk chav sitting next to you in the dole office will spot your image folder as you're scrollong through your collection to find the most apt paedophillic cartoon to match the tone of your post.

You will hear him mutter to his equally drunk, or probably high mate

"this sick fuck next to me is looking at cartoon porno"

You will realise then that even those who society deams the worst of us, Junkie dole head, have someone even they can look down on

the anime posters of Brit/pol/

The more unelectable the better.

You'll do. Welcome aboard.

A degree of socialism is inescapable in modern Britain, unfortunately. It must be minimized but I can't see us ever erasing it.

>Pepes on BBC news

what a time to be alive

>16.7% white british
This kills the country.

Would Nazuna make a good PM?

Glad the socialist yahoos are gone desu lads

Oh I'm sure it'll be fine and you'll be pontificating to all us ignorant non-city-dwellers about your wonderfully diverse group of mates within a month :^)


National socialism is the only acceptable form of socialism.

We've been conquered

hello brit/pol/, it has been quite a while.

I'm glad to see you are back.

I've been in London for years desu lad.

I have no non-white m8s tho. My workplace is 95%+ white...

Because there's no point to be argued.




Lots of gulagworthy stormweenies here

I like Corbyn tbqh lads.

Been out of the loop for a while due to being in Spain for a good couple of months, what are normalfags complaining about now? I'm guessing they obviously kicked up a big shit storm about Trump x Farage appearing on stage together but the last time I remember them being vocally annoying was when Leave won

for a minute I thought this was the entire country and almost shat myself

What's ye job?

>you are this mad

gommies not welcome.
White makes right.

Socialism is the idea that people are too stupid to run their own lives so they need elites to do it for them.

What a wonderful Country i live in. Too bad the governing body is "tolerant" to the point of it being bat-shit insane and fucking useless.
Its pretty depressing, lads.

I guess this is the latest """"outrage""""

Speculating they were terrorist immigrants

You have to go back.

A cancer

Based Sharpey


"United" Kingdom of "Great" Britain. Ironic name, isn't it? We all now that it's nor great, nor united.

Why do people insist on posting shitty links that I never bother to click on anyway.

I can guarantee that you haven't read any of that shit either. You would trip yourself up.

I'm right and you are wrong. I know this.

Didn't this farmer get off tho? Conservatives are pretty keen to make it okay tho for the most part desu.

You need an electable party before you can build gulags mate.

Will we see English supremacy rear it's beautiful head any time soon?

It's time for Imperialism to come back in style. The world desperately needs it.

The white race is a social construct and people on here bicker about who counts as white constantly.

These threads would be incomplete without you, Ivan

Hope you'll get a Glasgow smile from angloscum or pakis

One day Scotland will become a Free Country with elected King, firearms for loyal citizens, eugenics, nuclear deterrent, Scottish silver backed pound, darkies, anglos and jews would be banned and expelled. While England and degenerate Anglo race would be no more. Maybe Wales and Northern Ireland would get the Scottish compassion, if they are to pledge loyalty to Alba!

Won't disclose. You'd probably consider me to be London metropolitan elite tho tbqh lad.

>not using the vanguard party to establish revolutionary socialism


I think he got done for manslaughter in the end.

Hoping we get full castle doctrine, although I doubt it will ever happen

At least he can smile, as smiling is a crime in Russia.

>The white race is a social construct

>The white race is a social construct

Ohh yess Freddie !

I just mean the sector, Jonathan, that's all I need

Corbyn is so blatantly a Eurosceptic.

Fuck off putinbot, I'm fine where I am.

That's an Irish harp anyway ya fucking tool. Also making the flag black defeats its purpose

goes against human nature and doesn't work

Who cares about Russia? It's the most cucked country in Europe, no one debates that

>not being mad about paedophiles


>Hoping we get full castle doctrine


what episode is this from

> people on here bicker about who counts as white constantly.
no non-shill on Sup Forums bickers about who is white


For one thread, could you stop embarrassing yourself?

I think all the kiddie fiddlers in the BBC and government are a bit more important than a guy on an image board go chase them up.

Isn't it? Where do we draw the line of who is and is not 'White'?

Or are we just using the word white to refer to a person with primarily European ancestry?

>da joooos

What's next, le cultural marxism boogeyman maymay?