Share ITT people with unfitting tattoos, inspired by the guy I was behind at the grocery a minute ago
>agent 47
Share ITT people with unfitting tattoos, inspired by the guy I was behind at the grocery a minute ago
>agent 47 i ok senpai?
At least he didn't shit himself
Millennial nu-male detected
uses buzzwords on facebook teir faggot detected
>tfw armyfag
My last facebook was December 2014. For all intents and purposes, my facebook "Friends" wouldn't know if I was dead.
That's incredibly gay. Girls usually get a butterfly or some bullshit there and that's what it looks like at a glance.
I've got 'W' tattooed on each buttcheek but I'm not showing anybody.
"You shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor tattoo any marks upon you: I am the LORD." Leviticus 19:28
Not even religious, but I think tattoos are degenerate. I guess people who do not respect themselves can not respect their bodies.
Is thise joke? You fucking retards paid money for that shit?
Show it fag
>says this while posting highly opinionated statuses on facebook
>the britbong is calling me gay
i dont know about you but my gf likes it
agent 47 has it on the back of his head not his neck
This slob does look like he came off an assembly line though so it still sort of suits him
>Sup Forums is a christian board
>still falling for this meme
>self projecting his own hate for the tattoo he got of a dick
you get that right out of basic?
but the mindless and those desperate for strangers' approval are easily led
>strangers approval
yes because i was dying for approval when i got the bat symbol on my arm
i didnt get it for any deeper meaning than "hurr durr guys batman!!!!"
Tattoos are a sure-sign of degeneracy and bad decision making.
Fuck you if you're a faggot that believes you should be able to get hired anywhere with a body full of ink and/or piercings.
Get it through your thick skull that actions have consequences.
>mfw i've gotten hired with my tattoos
>mfw my gf thinks it's sexy
>mfw you're mad that you aren't in the kool kids klub
Never seen a barcode with squiggly lines.... Terrible tattoo
It's always fun but predictable in a tattoo thread
They put themselves on display and advertise their dependency on strangers' hoped-for approval by treating us to a look at their tatt
Then when strangers are not only unimpressed but scornful, they get angsty
these discussions are always entertaining. They run a lot of them on Daily Fail when it's a slow news day. always attracts thousands of comments, 95% deriding fools with tatts
She can't see it and has to shave her head like a ringworm victim so others can view it
I have one OP, not gonna share my pic.
I have an inverted cross, that is also a question mark and it's glowing red.
it's on the back of my neck.
I'm a conservative and dress professionally, khakis an polo shirts.
I pull it off and i'm so tall most people don't notice it.
My shit kinda looks like this.
Thank god when I was in the army I only got one shit tattoo on my right shoulder blade that can easily be covered.
I'm already a meme enough but not close enough to the millennials I see walking around with shitty and VISIBLE tats on their wrists, forearms, necks, legs, and other places. Enjoy slaving away at pouring coffee for the rest of your life faggots.
Disorganised tats = disorganized or missing brain
looks as if the kids attacked with marker pens while he was asleep
Are you okay?
No doubt it will assist you in some way through life despite you can't see it
deeply meaningful
although to be doubted those who have to look at it as they stand behind you might raise an eyebrow, sigh at mindlessness then look away
Just enjoying the crass lack of originality and stupidity :)
How about you? You autist something with a need to collate people's posts?
>Kids get tattoos of Bernie
>Bernie loses
>Bernie endorses Hillary Clinton
>Kids get a tattoo of someone who endorses everything they despise.
Bernie looks like he's getting anally raped in this tattoo.
this faggot needs to do some squats or get some better fitting pants
none of that nigger sagging shit, look at all that fucking flap in his pants.
unfitting pants really drive me up a wall
Why do you need to begin your post with a space and period?
Just expressing my individuality my way :)
non permanent too
It looks like a fucking corpse.
>You autist something with a need to collate people's posts?
kek what
The corpse of a dead campaign.
It could be worse, at least that tattoo could be turned into a mad scientist or a guy being electrocuted. A decent tattoo artist could probably salvage that mistake and make it a little less lame.
Any kind of tatoo referencing pop culture is kinda gay tqbh. And that fact that it look uncreative as fuck adds to that factor.
Do you have any reading comprehension skills? It says for the dead. So if someone has something about a dead bitch then it's wrong.
>No doubt it will assist you in some way through life despite you can't see it
Almost true, it can be used to identify his body when he dies in a crack den
Get em out lads this thread is getting too talky.
Wrist tats are for women, my dude.
>money talks
>yes because i was dying for approval when i got the bat symbol on my arm
You were absolutely dying for people to see you like Batman, and for others who like Batman as well to compliment you on it. You just want the attention, especially by putting it in a visible place.
Gettin my first tat tomorrow, gonna have pic related on my back shoulder blade area. How much of a degenerate faggot am I?
God this guys is such a beta faggot. Look at how he stands with his legs completely together like he has no balls. Then there's the agent 47 tattoo, it's always nu-male cucks that try to somehow relate to tough badasses.
Never get a tattoo from an amateur. And never underpay an artist.
I'm pretty sure that's a tattoo of Honecker.
>looks like robo anus
Robo Goatse
Yeah, you might as well get the star of david tattooed on your butt cheek
Why don't you just get the Obama logo instead faggot?
I would never get a tattoo, but if I did I think this one would be kind of cool.
I don't have a tattoo and used to try to shame people out of getting them through relentless ridicule but it has blown up in my face one to many times when it turns out they had a secret gay tattoo all along
>Flowery cursive
Ahahaha I can tell you're weak
>not making the galaxy a safer place by sheer force of rage
Seriously, are you even Sup Forums?
>Not being part of the God-Hand.
I know a guy that got that. It looks dumb as hell. Everyone thinks its a gang tattoo or that he did time.
I saw a guy with the XxX tattoo from that one Vin Diesel movie. What has he thinking?
This would be almost non-shit if it was the right size and in the right place with a lot more detail, possible a drop of blood spilling out of it. Lazy fucking work there.
>the ghost of communism
why won't you stay dead?
Hnggg I hate Pokémon this was a childhood nick name thing.
here's me and my buddies just after we got matching tattoos. i know they're lame tats but i love mine so much. i'm the only one who got back alive and survived that war
real tattoos don't need to be pretty to mean something
If I was bald I'd totally do that
Stop being a pussy and show us you fat fuck
>long hair
fake and gay
the only good bug is a dead bug
Gotarded as fuck
Nah no one did I was just skinny so I was a bellsrpout. I fought alot so no one fucked with me. Was a thing amungst friends
>non permanent
Then stop doing it
>omg so nerdy ;D
>get a tattoo of a jew
So ironic I can't even
Easy way to cheat on tests desu
>Hairy crack
Thanks for making me puke you tranny fag.
what a gigantic fagola
Holy fuck wow
any tattoo that can't be covered by a t-shirt is generally in poor taste
Isn't his tattoo incredibly fitting considering the situation
>he can't remember a simple equation
american education everyone
>be post-millennial
>not recognize greatest war film of all time
>claim jus' trolling when called out
This thread is complete proof that Sup Forums is now reddit-lite
hairy ass
Why do you need to go nude to show something on the back of your head? Is her standard outfit a burqa?
What does that symbol mean? And are you the freemason Aussiebro? :3
technically the bar code on the neck was around long before hitman. variant is the bar code on the wrist or forearm. no singular meaning. some consider it to be a holocaust reference despite bar codes not being a thing back then. some say its from a game called one on the ps1 more specifically a add for the game and some think of it as a social statement about our capitalist society like humans are just products