How would you describe the Alt-Right?
How would you describe the Alt-Right?
Dream Meme Team
meme terrorists literally hitler
a friendly reminder that labels are created in order to normalize or destroy someone
we don't wish to be normalized or destroyed
and thus it is a bad idea to use this new expression they've created, (alt-something) and it's especially a bad idea to consider ourselves 'members' of this arbitrary grouping
Is Pepe a mainstream political icon now?
Patriotic American citizens resisting a foreign Globalist takeover of America. Because they don't want to end up in reeducation centers, as special interest groups create a hegemony and become the new royalty.
The natural outgrowth of rapid demographic changes throughout the western world, and a small but unacceptable counter narrative to the mainstream.
The Alt-Right is an American Political movement based primarily on American Right-Wing political ideas, but with overlapping left-wing and liberal philosophies. In America, the Alt-Right is generally organized around the issue of Race, and is a push-back against Cultural Marxism and ideas thought to promote race-mixing and other lifestyle choices that the Alt-Right views as destructive to the white race and their cultural identity.
Typically, the Alt-Right supports stronger anti-immigration policies, tougher restrictions or partial bans on refugee/muslim immigration, and a more laissez-faire economic approach with less regulation of the market and taxation by the government.
The Alt-Right was considered a fringe group in politics until the end of President Barack Obama's 2nd term, by which point its power and influenced had reached a new height vis-a-vis the Trump campaign.
Our Queen of the Alt-Right as noticed us lads!!! $he supports the legalized genocide against the degenerate races!!! #ImWithHer
If you mean he is a normie meme, yes.
totally cool
If Alt-Right is a bad thing, I consider myself a democrat who supports Trump.
KYS CTR faggot.
Troll Internet Defense Force (TIDF)
A vast conspiracy led by Putin, obviously.