You have 5 seconds to prove you're not a Stormfag.
You have 5 seconds to prove you're not a Stormfag
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Where do you think you are?
i dont like hitler
I'm Jewish and my grandfather is a holocaust survivor.
I like watching thunderstorms
I fapped to 5 brown girls just now.
i am german, the site is banned here.
>inb4 use proxy
I want to raise a family with an asian woman
i think BLM has legitimate concerns about the treatment of blacks by American police
My great grandfather was a French jew who used used his American citizenship to help other French jews escape across the Mediterranean. His son, my grandfather (also jewish), was a Flying Tiger
I have multiple close black friends and my favorite band is a Hobo Punk Rap group.
My self-worth is derived from my personal accomplishments, not those of my ancestors.
i am a british patriot and as such cannot be a nazi
get a load of this fuckin' kike
Daily reminder that people who say "stormfag" are the same people that would say "racist" if it wasn't a meme here.
people aren't inherently inferior due to their IQ, it is the usage of that IQ that perplexes me. Why do all the outliers from black/spanish culture emulate white/asians? why are blacks/spanishs so violent? why is it wrong to think people are all different, with different circumstances, intelligence, and attitudes?
That's where you're wrong, britbong.
No proof given, no respect for the statement
Heil Hitler! 14/88.
"In a hundred years time, perhaps, a great man will appear who may offer them a chance at salvation. He'll take me as a model, use my ideas, and follow the course I have charted."
I'm not jewish and my grandfather ate fresh baked jews for breakfast, when he passed gas it sounded like "oy veeeeey!"
>my favorite band is a Hobo Punk Rap group
This is such a Reddit tier strawman.
Good One!
7th gen holocaust survivor here
But I am...
Time to learn these 14 words, stormcucks.
the holocaust happened
hitler did things wrong
jews are not inherently evil
wot? stormfront isn't banned
Sensible chuckle if you check their dating subforum. Posted it here last time and got a bunch of passive aggressive PM's from the white niggers there.
I'm not white
I think the blind killing of gays and jews was evil, no matter how bad they were. Children don't deserve to die because of their race or creed
t. quebequois.
Whites losing pride in their heritage is what's causing this surrender of western values. You can be proud your own accomplishments and the accomplishments of those who came before you.
As I said, Reddit tier strawman.
Don't even bother. Cucks like this have no comprehension of anything beyond the immediate and individual.
Read the fucking sticky much?
fuck the refugees and the EU
race war now
white masterrace
I never said I wasn't.
If you acknowledge that people are different then it becomes easy to justify treating them differently. Then the past repeats itself
Lol, true. When Sup Forums memes about the left it basically reduces their logic to what it is and ridicules it. Leftists can only strawman and post stale recycled stuff. Their is no vitality or creativity on the left, it has exhausted its potentialities.
I hate Hitler and have a positive view of Jews.
You have 10 seconds to go back to rebbit
You have 5 seconds to prove your not some normalfag plebbiter
I dont think the jews are up to something
Also : I am almost certain that the love of my life will be a young Hispanic woman.
>Lol, true
>Leftists can only strawman
You don't think about things before you believe them very much do you.
good goy :^)
Hello Israel, glad to see you made it
What are Steinfags?
I'm a fag
>holocaust survivor
Looks like we're going to have to finish the job now.
Either way jewesses are getting cucked by superior white men, you idiots race mix at a 58% rate, meaning you wont exist in 2100.
It's not though. I've the reduced the stormag logic to what it is and am ridiculing it.
Racism equals prejudice plus power
Fags are gay, homo.
Just kill urself already
I don't subscribe to the "blame all the world's problems on Jews" line of thinking and I don't hate other races.
>not posting the updated version
>You don't think about things before you believe them very much do you.
>t. leftist
Stormfags are ultimately ineffectual faggots. Sup Forums has a higher purpose that most Stormies couldn't even fathom.
Commies, ((())), Stormies, and all other players are nothing more than pawns in the game Sup Forums plays.
remember if your kids dont look like this you are not doing it right
>the game Sup Forums plays
The only game Sup Forums plays is who can say "shill" the fastest.
No Sup Forumsack is up to shit.
You want real happenings go to
Not much of a student of history, huh?
>implying i care about pridefags
Why don't you guys just admit that you love muslims/islam? They agree with you on almost everything.
No you haven't, but there's literally no point in debating anything with you because you're too dumb and stunted to ever comprehend anything beyond Facebook tier platitudes.
There are three niggers hanging from a tree in my backyard.
Oh boy, here we go. The Stormcuck has arrived to show me exactly how a religious minority of literal whos are responsible for the downfall of western civilization, because obviously only some random fucking Jews could be responsible, absolutely nobody else could have such an agenda
So you're just a fag, without pride?
Why not keep it to yourself then.
All my friends are Asian and I'm not even white
Or Asian
I have a girlfriend
Save it faggot, you cunts try to force that tired meme so hard.
That's all the proof I need
Why would I have pride in who I want to fuck?
>Why not keep it to yourself then.
It's like you both went out of your ways to prove my meme. Thanks.
> have no idea what stormfag is
> prove i'm not
> something bad
> triggered
Fuck yeah I'm stormfag, looser. Don't tell me what to think, shill.
im liberal
Natsoc and stormfront are pretty much in the same group, but natsoc > neo-nazi
Also fuck off back to plebbit
What is a stormfag?
I'm gay so...
I never posted on Stormfront because although I became interested in race realism, it was too low class and trailer parkish, for me.
>fails to refute my criticism
>resorts to insults and personal attacks
What else can you expect from a stormcuck?
pol is nearly as bad but its fun hehe
Why are you here ?
"Jewish" creation, that somehow in 'their minds', shields "Jews" from all of the shit they've done to this world.
Right wing memes:
Evreyone i dissagree with is ctr
Well hey there Brother, they's just more Proud White Brothers!
Nothin' wrong with trailer parks if they's all White. Plenty of dumb White QTs to dump your Aryan seed into safely.
>using ((())))
>not a stormie
>12 Years a Slave
>The Color Purple
Oy vey, it's the evil white man
Yeah, my grandfather didn't, fuck off, special snowflake.
I hate most neonazis because they act like the degenerates they claim to hate. Heil NatSoc master race.
I believe women should have the right to vote and gays should have political equality.