What's inside a white woman's brain?
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Mush and fluff
>I wonder if Chad and Tyrone want to fuck me
>Better check Facebook
>I think I'll post 900 pics of my tits on Instagram from 45 different angles tonight
Dogs, brown people, puns, believing they are liberated despite being the most brainwashed people on the face of the earth.
Flux Capacitor
>What's inside a womans brain
Literally nothing. Mostly hot air and lack of common sense.
Why shouldn't college students be allowed to have dildos, user?
>fuck womens
You should talk to some in real life
Get a Tinder or Bumble account and browse their profiles. Truly terrifying what the Jews have done.
/r9k/ please go
No idea, my man.
>preservation of their particular race
>raising their kids to be the next propagator of redpills
>learning how to cook the most esquisites of food
>pleasing their husband while not letting anyone do anything to him
>renouncing the degeneracy of homosexuality, feminism, and promoting the traditional family values
I will make this dream a reality
I'm thinking about watering my garden after I finish cooking me up some dinner.
The thing about women is that they are not more inclined to degeneracy but are more easily mislead since they evolved to be submissive and take orders.
White men stand no chance.
It's a dyke, tard
>What's inside a white woman's brain?
>white woman holds a black dildo
>s-she's a dyke anyway
user, have some self respect. Don't stoop to this level. You can do better than this.
I'm talking about the one on his pic, you mart sharter
Cinnamon, spice and everything degenerate.
Women have low IQs... like niggers... so they don't have a lot going on.
any girl who can get a dildo that big inside of her should be embarrassed.
we should spread more roasty misinformation to try and stem the degeneracy
m8 if a girl needs tinder to get laid, that's already a huge red flag that she's bad news.
Only the absolute bottom of the barrel trash have a tinder.
Do these women not realize that waving around giant dildos makes everyone think they have huge loose vaginas?
most college aged girls are irrational blind libtards. glorified fuckable objects. they either grow into a real respectable woman with some personal integrity or become a single mom and think they're stronger for it.
Absolutely nothing.
They are vapid whores that really want a man to dominate them and fuck their brains out against their will.
Trust me.
>Roller derby
>Waifu's deserve the same respect.
the funny thing is, under feminism, those wouldn't exist because its exploitation and objectification of women.
i don't know and i don't care
naive compassion
Women are having less and less sex compared to other generations.
This is accurate, but some have it for 'fun' as in just flirting with the cute ones.
had sex for the first time last night with a chick and that's what she says she uses it for.
Not an argument.
narcisism and self absorbed egoism
Jamal's dick.
>Dykes don't use dildos and other phallic objects.
Top kek sure thing bud
What is essential to understand, is that survival mechanisms have been almost fully researched by this point.
The specific reason it is easier to apply manipulation and subversive tactics in the female sex, is due to quite an obvious difference.
This has been acknowledged and used during the founding of the feminist movement. The true backing arrived via parties that had vested interests in psychological manipulation.
Women have evolved to be submissive. They have evolved to follow the leader. They have evolved to feed their survival instincts.
What we see materializing in modern times, is a direct result of cultural, social and political manipulation via subversion.
Feeding feelings of superiority, or those of the short sighted consumerist attitude constructs a facade.
An unstable ramshackle bridge that provides movement, from what is deemed to be freedom.
Instead the result is overall instability. Causing further regression into what they have been molded to perceive as comforting.
Comforted by those that share their views. The views the believe set them apart from their societal gender roles.
>this is what my tax money goes towards FAFSA for
a wallet?
Literally nothing but only how they look today that's what important to be a good looking whore.
lol, seriously. no guy wants that girl because her naturally huge, oversized vag. no wonder she's acting out.
That picture is a win.
I love the "Love wins" hat on the fat C UCK.
Cocks, apparently.
And people say that white privilege doesn't exist??? If a black person held a giant black dildo up in the air they'd get shot to death.
A deep desire to be raped by chad
Disney films and Interracial rape.
let's ask a woman
It's a mass of conflicting emotional impulses.
Don't question it.
shit just like inside those of other races
but we don't beat them, maybe that's why we're losing
I saw a video of this girl
>last name Sander
>shouts every point
>has wild crazy look in her eyes
>protests all day for days straight (seemingly no job, no classes, obligations, social life)
>blows 5k on sex toys somehow
She's a Jewish plant.
The media revolves around them and tells them that wanting is a skill.
Truly /pol desu, Does the color of the dildo matter that much to you? Are you really *that* degenerate?
I can confirm this. Why do you think women talk on and on about trivial shit? Seems nonsensical, right? They're literally just passing the time until Chad walks by... I'm Chad
This is true, but does subversion stick? Will it overpower what all of human evolution has conditioned them to be?
Roastie with black fetish here. Most coons are average in size, almost no girl can fit pic related. Dick bigger than 17 is really painful to take. 14-15 mildly thick is the best
Shoes, bags and stuff; i guess.