Are antidepressants redpilled?
What are you taking, Sup Forums?
Are antidepressants redpilled?
What are you taking, Sup Forums?
Why do you need antidepressants? Is your life truly that shitty? If so, why are you wasting your time on Sup Forums instead of consulting your issues or trying to fix it?
Ketamine is pretty redpilled, and is shown to be an extremely effective antidepressant. Also quite safe as far as drugs go.
In the grey market RC world deschloroketamine is probably your best bet at the moment if you can't source regular K.
there is no such thing as a fascist suffering from depression
dump the meds and start 1488'ing
Take 100 mg of zoloft daily, 600 mg of Neurontin 3x daily, and 1 mg of Ativan at HS. This combination has changed my life.
Used to be an addict. On and off my meds. Often relapsed whilst either of my meds or not taking them properly.
I have a pill tracker and it makes it easier to remember to take them daily. I now feel like the person I was before I became an addict. Now, I do believe psych meds are overperscribed. But in some cases, such as mine, it is life changing for the better.
Sometimes it takes awhile to find the right combination of meds. But it's worth trying.
TL:DR- Psych meds have saved my life
>not knowing ganja is a natural cure for depression and a shamanic tool
Weed is unarguably the most redpilled
Pretty sure the only redpilled medication is Adderall/Ritalin.
It depends what color the plastic coating is
I have access to any drug i wish.
I mainly use adderall,xanax,weed,lsd,2c-b, alcohol and mushrooms and dont really have an interest in much else atm; o GHB rocks compared to liquor just a bit more dangerous. When have
SSRIs and benzos are both physically addictive
>buying into big pharma's massive advertising budget and marketing campaigns
the pharmaceutical jew thanks you
>"muh chemical imbalance"
>What are you taking, Sup Forums?
Jack Daniels
100 mg Zoloft
Depression isn't about having a shitty life. Depression is a mental disorder. It can't be cured, it can only be treated
I'm aware. I do take "tolerance breaks for one or two weeks at a time, monthly. But I have to be on my guard against relapse during this time. Never had withdrawal symptoms thanks God. I've also used kratom more or less 1-3 times a week for over a year. Never have had withdrawal symptoms. Used to chip heroin here and there. Never physically addicted and easily able to quit without withdrawal symptoms.
That's a depressant
Spritzer right now.
Savignon Blanc / Carbonated Water.
It's all in how you manage it.
K is the shit. It's the best thing to come out of India.
Also, taking 1 mg of Ativan is seriously the equivalent of 0.5 of Xanax.
There was an old anti depression medicine called religion that doesn't seem to work as well anymore
>What are you taking, Sup Forums?
Nothing and I feel happy because my life is good
40g of Fluoxetine, more commonly known as prozac. Been on it for a few years now.
Tolerance grows extremely fast and is very long to reverse, prolonged abuse can shrink you bladder too. Altought I really like it once in a while, that's not the kind of stuff to get addicted to
Antidepressants are the most bluepilled idea ever
>can't deal with feelings in a responsible way
>have to take pills just to function like a normal person
>implying this is good for anybody
Just try and get /fit/, the sedentary lifestyle is driving a lot of this touchy-feely bullshit
Who are you trying to convince? Yourself, or me? You sound like a drug addict. Also taking .5mg or xanax, or 1mg of Ativan, pretty much every day will 100% get you addicted. Also you can't take 'tolerance breaks' on most SSRIs that I know of they don't work that way.
Not judging you just saying. Just saying watch yourself user doesn't sound like you really know what you're dealing with. I'd assume you're probably in your early 20s and haven't seen a bunch of people fuck their life up horribly yet.
Vitamin D.
Also, lots of kaffeine.
20mg Cipralex
But I keep going on and off it because I feel like it makes me into a different person and I don't like that. The things I find beautiful when I am on it are not the same as the things I find beautiful normally.
And of course it's not redpilled, our society has become so dependant on drugs because we've lost our faith in God.
Nicotine and caffeine. Gets my head spinning so fast I'm too dizzy to think about my depression.
Seriously though, I've had anxiety and depression my entire life. I refuse to take pharmaceuticals. 8 years ago I started vaping (never smoked cigarettes) and it's helped me tremendously. Brain feels a little foggy sometimes, but it's better than having the feels.
antidepressants suck
i dont know how they got these through FDA approval
no long term studies
doctors don't even know how almost all of them work
they dont work, the only thing that changes is people on them are so desperate to have something that actually works that the placebo effect kicks in and they attribute it to whatever brain frying chemical is in them
run or bike or swim at least an hour a day
doesn't fix everything but works a lot better than any poison docs prescribe you so they can afford that shiny mercedes in the parking garage
Anybody who uses any drug that isn't caffeine is a blue pulled faggot.
And? Why would you still waste time on Sup Forums? Put your energy into fixing it. There is work to be done, do that.
Sorry if this offends you but you'll feel better doing work instead of sitting in the dark posting sad frogs on Sup Forums/tumblr all day.
There is work to be done. Find a significant other. Work out. Go out and eat somewhere. Do something productive. I guarantee you will start to feel better.
Nigga you can just grow that shit and smoke it straight out of the ground it's like a potato it's not a drug
>Supplement vitamin D if you live in a perma-dark place
>Exercise literally every day even if it's just a walk or some stretches
>Have a productive hobby you can throw yourself into and get better at e.g music lifting woodworking fucking gardening even
>Eat a proper diet none of this corn syrup shit get yer meat and veggies
May not work for the 1% of genuinely depressed people.
Got off all that kind of shit years ago, started having blackouts when drinking on prozac and ended up in hospital after trying to smash up a kebab shop once, dont remember any of it.
Just blagged a months worth of zopiclone from the doctor the other day though, feels good man.
t. Fat sedentary person
meditating for like 15-20 minutes helps too, does have to be all guru hippy shit, just sit for 15 minutes and try and doing nothing but focus on your breath going in and out, its actually fucking hard to do but trains your brain to not ruminate on stupid thoughts which leads to depression
>ended up in hospital after trying to smash up a kebab shop once, dont remember any of it.
You were dreaming of the crusades user, your ancestors are calling
Yeah, lets all neuter ourselves with SSRIs. Great idea
psilocybin is pretty red pilled antidepressant.
my anti depressant is taking a camping trip to the state forest as often as i fucking can.
its a 45 minutes drive and i try to go at least 2 weekends a month
Zoloft, 200mg daily
I went through a few grams of k in m wife and the bladder thing is correct. Used to be able to hold m piss for hours and hours and now i gotta piss every 30-40 minutes after i drink anything. Gets annoying but i made my own damn mistake.
Currently on 30mg mirtazipine/remeron, sorted my life out and sure help me sleep at night, dreading coming off them though.
I like K but its not redpilled in the least
ever seen (or tried yourself) to walk in a K-hole?
I was lucky to get away with just two black eyes and a busted lips, those greasy turks dont take kindly to having their chairs thrown around and their big tub of chili sauce kicked all over the floor. They actually lost their license over it too, so I have to walk around that area with my hood up and my head down incase they are around and recognise me. I guess I won in the end though.
Depression is attention seeking bullshit.
'boohoo, life sucks, my toes hurt, I'm lonely.'
You don't need pills to fix that. Stop sponsoring the pharmaceutical jew and find a passion
>or kill yourself and rid the world of your negative shit.
Non-kiked mental health professional here, basically depression is a result of your 'feel good' chemicals, serotonin etc. getting too low due to life crises, sedentary lifestyle, being a worthless faggot etc. This depletion can cause or be caused by harmful and damaging thoughts (I'm worthless, I'll never amount to anything etc.) As these two factors combine, it becomes difficult to generate new 'feel good' chemicals by yourself.
The best way to fight depression is to eat healthily, exercise and get a good work-life balance. Basically normie tier advice. Sometimes this seems overwhelming and impossible and that's when you need a little kick from antidepressants to be able to implement these healthy lifestyle changes.
If the aforementioned ruminating thoughts don't go away then some kind of cognitive-behavioral therapy is beneficial to change negative thought patterns.
You don't take anti-depressants and then continue to sit in a dark room and play Dota for 14 hours a day. You use them like mental NOS, to give your 'feel-good' chemicals a boost in order to implement a healthy mentality/lifestyle that allows you to maintain a state of euthymia.
They aren't a one pill fix all and I certainly wouldn't recommend them long term, at least not in mild-moderate cases and certainly without ongoing therapy. Like any medication they are useful when used correctly it's just that it's easier for (((((Big pharma))))) to create endless new brands and mixtures and keep people on the pill-mill.
Obviously there are different methods of interaction, something I admit I'm not very educated in, but you should be able to find a pill that works after a good 2 or 3 goes at most if you've got a good doctor who isn't trying to Jew you.
This. Neanderthals and chimps don't get depressed because they are too occupied with basic necessities of their life. (Finding a mate, eating, killing, etc.)
I see way too many people on Fagbook who use muh depression and feels as an excuse to sit around and shitpost all day. You don't have PTSD from a war. You don't live in a poverty-stricken area. You almost always have the ability to fix your issues.
If you have some sort of event in your life that is causing you to feel like this, that is not depression. That is a normal reaction. Sorry that happened, but you have to get over it and not continue to let it ruin your life. Have some respect for your life.