A lot of people are working hard to make this happen. The least you can do is SIGN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Numbers of signatures gathered so far are encouraging but to be sure it passes, we need YOUR SIGNATURES. The time of taking a backseat attitude and letting others do everything is over. In california, you will lose the legal right to own all standard capacity magazines next July. You will lose the right to buy and sell ammo privately. You will lose the right to order ammo online. Go out and sign it, and get your friends and family to sign also.
We have until August 29th to reach the required 365,000 sigs to put it on this November's ballot. And failing that, we have until September 29th to reach the signature count in order to put it on the 2018 ballot. This year is preferable obviously.
and keep this shit bumped all day even if you aren't from kuckfornia. help us overturn the cancer and send a message before it spreads to your states as well
that initiative is to allow digital gathering of signatures for exactly your stated reasoning.
i signed that one as well.
it really does help bring power back to people, since not everyone can afford time off work or gas to go out driving and signing in person. also makes logistics infinitely easier for signature gatherers, since you dont have to deal with the costs of printing thousands of dollars of paper and training signature gatherers
Lucas Edwards
come on guys help bump to let other calinons see
Sebastian Miller
Lol to be brutally honest: It's over. Remember how excited we were over the idea of CA turning into "shall issue" for ccw permits? We waited 2+ years just for the 9th circuit to say "fuck no- only criminals can defend themselves in public".
But out of the blue, we get 6 ridiculous antigun bills? One of which is an attempted ban on all semiautomatic rifles in CA?