Why does IQ matter to society?

Why does Sup Forums cling to IQ so much as the be-all-end-all of a person's worth?

How many people on Sup Forums with high IQs even work to make "world changing" breakthroughs in science, art or literature? What's the point of bragging about having a high IQ if your individual achievements are still unremarkable?

Not everyone can be an Einstein. Say we kill everyone in America with an IQ below 100. Say we eliminate all of the Mexican immigrants and Blacks etc etc. Now who gets to perform all of the jobs that you were "too smart" for? You do.

Society needs average (and below) people as much as it needs geniuses. Unfortunately, not everyone can be an atomic physicist and still maintain a functioning civilization. We still need janitors, lawn mowers, garbage men, store clerks, fast food chefs etc.

Instead of killing or deporting the people Sup Forums deems as trash, why not try to improve them and reign them in? Why can't they still be rewarded for contributing to society in their own way. Every job counts, there will always be a lower class. Despite this, how that class behaves is up to those in control.

TLDR; Even a dog can learn how to behave. A person with an IQ of even 65 should be able to do the same. Why doesn't Sup Forums focus on improving minorities instead of starting a race war costing millions and ultimately harming society regardless?

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>Society needs average (and below) people as much as it needs geniuses.

A higher IQ society not only leads to more inventions and breakthroughs, it also correlates with more capacity for impulse control (more developed pre-frontal cortex), that is, less teenage pregnancies, less violence, more capacity for ethic and thoughtful behavior and basically more civilized behaviour and less niggering

Feel like sweeping floors and paving streets then Watson?

i have higher iq than most jews and asians

Good for you. What do you do with it besides post on Sup Forums?

I always understood IQ as the capacity to learn and understand, as well as the speed at which one can do so. Just because someone is slower doesn't mean that they will never understand at all. Essentially, shouldn't people still be able to teach an idiot not to commit murder and rape?

>Good for you. What do you do with it besides post on Sup Forums?
Nothing. I am a complete loser in real life because of my autism


I haven't noticed people clinging to IQ

Maybe you imagine it

Obviously, the smarter you are, the better equipped to deal with life. And the reverse

Car carried away in flood. Compare the smart individual to the dumb. Difference could be one or more lives lost

Electrical fire in the home. Same thing

Victimisation at work, mugged in the street. Usually, smart people handle life's situations in a smarter way

Dumb people captured on cctv as they loot a store. Dindu. Six years inside

You surely aren't going to try to persuade that there's no difference in life terms between being smart and being stupid?

You want to breed with stupid? That would be criminal in lots of ways

National average iq creates with gdp. A countries average intelligence is going to be a main factor in how well of the country is. Outliers are oil rich countries that have a high gdp relative to iq and communist or recovering communist countries that have the opposite

Correlates with gdp*

A person with an IQ of 65 can't do too much. Can't read, talking is jumbled, if at all, and won't be able to do anything in society, see aboriginals.

Now don't be too upset that you scored an 85 and most of the world hates you

This is actually pretty simple, so watch and learn:

Modern societies don't happen by accident. They are made up of interlocking complex systems, from agriculture to transportation to communications.

It takes a certain number of higher-IQ people to design these systems and do higher-level maintenance on them to keep them functional.

We know what it looks like when a society is given systems too complex to manage - look at colonial-era roads and railroads in large chunks of Africa. They weren't maintained. They just decayed. The societies which inherited them lacked the sophistication to maintain the systems associated with modernity.

IQ matters because - without it - we lose civilization itself. And the more lower-IQ individuals in a society, the more difficult it becomes to drag them along and maintain them at developed-world standards, since their living standards are the product of outside interventions rather than something they achieve through their own means.

If you want society to degrade, then by all means, flood it with low-IQ people.

This place is made up by /r9k/ fat neets, with no social skills at all, and their biggest contribution to mankind is complaining about niggers on Sup Forums. They have no influence in society or politics, and they obviously don't work towards it.

Now consider yourself in their place, you have nothing besides how supposedly smart you are (even though you don't put that to use at all), wouldn't you sell it out the most?

Because that's working so well for Japan despite their aging society. You can replace some things with bots, but not everything before the economy goes to shit. In order to create a robot that can truly replace man, you would have to create a being superior to man and we all know how that ends.

Don't you think your own country is held back in many ways by a large, low-IQ population in the north and in the favelas? Imagine your country without them.



Also, IQ tests have been ridiculous for years. They used to be used pre and post-WWII to separate rich whites from other races, lower class whites, and propel them into higher level careers. Because they use terms or references that are biased towards the well to do.

Money/cushy life =/= intelligence and we've proven this

Modern IQ tests do a good job of measuring the "g" (general intelligence) factor. Look up the decades of work on the WAIS, for example. "Tests = biased" is a long-debunked myth that frauds like Stephen Jay Gould tried to push.

The field is called "psychometrics." If it's ridiculous, then why is it such a big deal over in China?

Of course, you are part of the Luxembourgish masterrace- the most evolved homo sapien ever having walked on earth


An Autist trying to cling to and defend IQ tests as the only measure of intelligence, THAT'S original

Too bad you're too socially awkward to contribute to society