Is it just me, or is Sup Forums finally unironically becoming the best its ever been?

is it just me, or is Sup Forums finally unironically becoming the best its ever been?

you guys posts' rock recently. keep it up!

More bobbyposting your grace?

Summer 2014 was peak Sup Forums

>tfw you go hard in the paint with shitposting and the quality of this board improves

No, more like when Breaking Bad was in it's 4th season (2011 I think it was).

dis 2bh f*m

Sup Forums has been in terminal decline for almost 10 years. Don't mistake the increased activity for evidence of renewed life, it's an unmistakable sign of one of the last bastions of web1.0 sliding into compatibility & similarity with the rest of web 2.0. Sup Forums's culture is rapidly becoming indistinguishable from the rest of the internet, it is becoming more like reddit, twitter, facebook as all the sites draw from each other and become so culturally porous that they all blend into a tasteless homogeneous sanitized psuedo-culture.

Pickle Rick is in the house tonight!

Thats just because you are reddit yourself. I noticed since summer came and school was let out Sup Forums turned into tumblr.
For example:
triggered lefties all over the place

This place should get a little better again once college is back in.

>Sup Forums's culture is rapidly becoming indistinguishable from the rest of the internet, it is becoming more like reddit, twitter, facebook as all the sites draw from each other and become so culturally porous that they all blend into a tasteless homogeneous sanitized psuedo-culture.
Just Sup Forums, Sup Forums, Sup Forums, /vg/

>get trolled
>i-its teh lefties i tell ye
Who hurt your feelings nig?

all me

yur welcome Sup Forums

I dont get it


It's every board except for the most niche boards like /jp/, /m/ who retain parts of former Sup Forums culture just by being so isolated from the general replacement of 'oldfags' with posters who arrived in the last several years.

I used to go on just like Sup Forums or Sup Forums but Sup Forums everyone hates everything and Sup Forums is just boring I feel like Sup Forums is a good balance of smart discussion and a little bit of idiocy

At least this guy is trying to upset me

You dont get it? Are you retarded?
All the boring college people are out on summer break and posting on Sup Forums.
Whats not to get?


So basically entropy

Fuck you
Sup Forums is most normie board out here

>he said Sup Forums is getting better
>better act dumb


You can't pin Sup Forums's decline on one thing. It's a combination of things, but one thing that I think if often overlooked is how Sup Forums's own ability to self-moderate, it's proverbial 'immune system' has been utterly obliterated. In a very real way, Sup Forums is dying of AIDS.

The difference between Sup Forums in 2007, when the site was difficult to navigate (not knowing noko could make you leave the site in frustration), filled with users who were incredibly hostile to perceived invaders, inundated with an esoteric lingo which made the site almost incomprehensible to laypeople combined with an utter absence of guides to hold your hand, 'lurking more' was essentially the only way to post on Sup Forums without being bullied off the site.

Now you can just google everything you don't understand and there's a knowyourmeme page with everything you need to know, but worse than that is that the same lexicon and memes that you find on Sup Forums are exactly the same as you see on twitter, facebook and reddit so there's no need to google in the first place. Anyone can painlessly make the transition from the most popular sites in the world straight to Sup Forums and this had a massive negative impact on quality control.

No that would be either Sup Forums or Sup Forums

Sup Forums's quality has been declining, but I think that's also the case with the internet, overall.

All the most popular shows and movies are actually turning to shit so being apart of the shitposting for it is actually fun instead of depressing.

And Sup Forums unless they find away to permanently scare the kekistanis off. Only the niche boards are still the same imo.

Generation Z will be the final nail in the coffin won't it. We've had a good run lads. Outlived everyone else at least.


barrel rolls
chocolate rain

haha you new kids dont know what you missed. i mean im in 30s now and still post on here to lecture current visitors but shit i was part of something real back in the day

Sup Forums was made in the 10s and doesn't even come close to how new was

>>Yea man, you were 13 or more years younger

Moot messing with the site by adding autonoko and invisible sages ostensibly to make the site more convenient and streamlined had the effect of making Sup Forums more accommodating to newfags, removed much of the necessity to 'lurk' and assimilate before posting and gimped the ability for older users to exercise self-moderation on their own boards

This part is merely my own musing, but I feel as though when new users learned the ropes from the generosity and goodwill of established users who sometimes took the time and attention to share simple guides on the 'dos and don'ts' of posting (how noko worked, how sage worked, etc...) had the effect of generating a gracious connection between new users and the site. It was kind of a 'rite of passage' that strengthened the ties of posters to their board.

We're getting old

How was /new/? I only barely remember browsing it before it was closed.

Thanks! Back at ya pal.
Thanks for posting my image too.

What do you think, will you be on Sup Forums occasionally for the rest of your life?

assuming it survives that long

I'm honestly shocked at the current state of this website. Yeah, we made racist jokes sometimes, but it was all fun, right? At the end of the day, we all voted for Obama, we all supported gay marriage, and we all opposed racist conservative christians. But now? Our entire fucking site is subverted because of fucking nazis.

The internet is OUR platform. the LIBERAL platform. Racism, sexism, misogyny, were all confirmed to be left in the past because millenials are the most left-wing generation of all time. So why in the FUCK, do we still have to deal with nazis IN TWENTY-FUCKING-SEVENTEEN? Despite how much you wanna cry about how it's just a conspiracy and a boogeyman, Russian hackers ARE real, and this site is proof. We went from one of the most liberal sites in the world to supporting Orange Fucking Hitler? Nah, that's not normal progression because people only get more liberal with age, just like how you get smarter with age.

Threads like these just show that we need MUCH more strict moderation around here. I'm sick of all of this shit. Fuck Nazis, Fuck Fascists, Fuck Hitler, Fuck Drumpf, Fuck White Pride, and FUCK REPUBLICANS. Just fucking nuke this site already.


been here longer than I expected to be

Posters like this miss the forest for the trees.

While old memes seem quaint and ridiculous, whats important was creative spirit of Sup Forums and how it differentiated itself from the internet at large. Sup Forums was its very own thing that was unlike generally everything else on the english speaking web. THATS whats worth remembering, not individual 'memes' which can be cynically dismissed as childish buffoonery, lacking a sufficient dose of our contemporary cynicism.

The cynicism that pervades Sup Forums today betrays a slide into complacency and an unwillingness & inability to do anything about the increasing resemblance of Sup Forums to the rest of the internet. Calling things 'reddit' doesn't repel reddit as much as it makes solidifies & normalizes the link between the sites.

I couldn't agree more. Well said user WELL SAID

Internet belong to no one, and this was never a liberal site, but a contrarian one. If you can't handle the nazis return to icanhascheeseburgerz bitch boy

Kekistanis must be unironically wiped off the face of the fucking earth.

I'm with you till the end of the line buddy.

I think Sup Forums culture will always survive as long as the site does. Anonymous posting is rare getting rarer and it brings out a certain humour that other sites can't replicate. I've been here since snacks and honestly I don't think quality has really dropped that much. \tv| has always been a basic bitch board with the odd exceptional meme

>>The internet is OUR platform. the LIBERAL platform. Racism, sexism, misogyny, were all confirmed to be left in the past because millenials are the most left-wing generation of all time. So why in the FUCK, do we still have to deal with nazis IN TWENTY-FUCKING-SEVENTEEN?

Missing the whole point of this site and anonymity.
>>B-b-b-ut goverment pls remove all my and others privacy rights, so you know everything.
>>you can then punish those nazis that called my dany a whore in eternal /got/

You are worse cancer then the nazis with that way of thinking

This is just the evolution in the cancer that is Sup Forums. Tumours growing on tumours floating in an ocean of piss. Don't kid yourself, you're here forever.

>Sup Forums shit everywhere
>everything is a feminazi plot to subvert my white male lifestyle and cuck me once again
Sup Forums is dead

there's nothing balanced about the discussion here

Gen z thinks this shit is for losers. Can't blame em.

what was that saying a few years ago?

do not feed the troll

The faggotry coming off of you is palpable. Kys.

can't wait till Game of Fags ends and all the summerfags are gone


>don't think quality has really dropped that much
I feel the same. it has always been a pendulum pretty much

That doesn't actually engage anything in the post. You're spouting worthless epigrams.

So much of the conversation about the quality of Sup Forums gets hung up on this idea that 'Sup Forums cant get better nor worse' usually phrased as 'Sup Forums was always bad'. But that's just a cop out to avoid examining the question. It's a shortcut in thinking, a ready-made answer instead of something that comes from a real investigation of the changes in Sup Forums.

Looking at the lifecycles of boards are you forced to admit that quality DOES in fact change. Sup Forums is not the same board in 2017 as it was in 2007. Sup Forums is not the same board in 2017 as it was in 2011. Boards DO in fact get worse, and what is Sup Forums but the sum of its boards?

Good advice, user.

2011 wasn't peak. It was just the last time this board wasnt infested with people from Sup Forumsv/eddit

giv trip bf

>Kekistanis must be unironically wiped off the face of the fucking earth.
it's hilarious how much they fear the Kekistan shit.

It's like the Branch Davidians x 10.

>You can't pin Sup Forums's decline on one thing
You can pinpoint Sup Forumss decline
the cancer "bane"

This board is shit

I reject the idea that quality on Sup Forums is a 'zero-sum game'. That as one board gets worse, the equivalent creative energy gets spread elsewhere.

I think more realistically as boards leave their golden ages, much of that creative energy dies with them, the unique configuration of posters to topic that was responsible for the best aspects of the board aren't seamlessly transitioned to another board, they're just lost forever.

You sound like a crotchety old man. Does shit here still amuse you? Does it make you laugh? If not, find a board that does. Sup Forums has, in fact, always been terrible and it will remain that way in perpetuity.

itt: nerds whining about the alleged golden days of their anonymous finger-puppet board and shills sheistering

It's just leftovers from the election year I guess. I don't believe the vocal nu/pol/ cancer will survive past 2018, until then it will be contrarian to be punk/liberal again like in the Bush years.

Expanded version.

these shills niggers don't think we know what the establishment is.

>Sup Forums has, in fact, always been terrible
You're dodging because you have nothing worthwhile to say. I've given specific examples of changes to Sup Forums and how they have affected the site, you're spouting platitudes disguised as 'wisdom'.

>alleged golden days
>m-muh Sup Forums was never good meme

It wasn't that it was different, it's that it was elitist. I remember being too scared to post on Sup Forums until I had been lurking for almost a year because it was an intimidating place. It was at the peak of internet hate machine status. But it made a name for itself and more and more people started showing up and after a while no one thought to lurk. Now any fucking tourist drops in during [insert FOTM normie franchise here] just so they can post their review of [insert FOTM normie franchise here] along side their objective power ranking, or [insert FOTM normie franchise here] company wars.

I just want Sup Forums to be comfy again. The ebin ironic era has gone too far.

I wouldn't exactly describe it as fear.

>past 2018,
How many years will it take Sup Forums to go back to the way it was before the board was invaded in 2014?


t. mobileshit frogposter that came here after 2012

It's the truth. I was cancer for the golden age of Sup Forums and most of it was garbage. How is endless rickrolling any different than Bane posting or any one of a succession of memes that get beaten to death? It's an evolutionary process. Trying to hold on to some perceived past greatness is delusional.

>tfw people unironically used to brag about making a thread on Sup Forums that weren't just 200 people calling them a faggot

>Oval can never come back because of captcha
>no show will ever have a community as tight as Lost
>Avatar 2 never ever
Sup Forums is dead.

Not him but I wouldn't say elitist. It was just incredibly evident whether or not someone understood what the site was about because of the overall culture.

ITT dumb faggots that think all of Sup Forums was Sup Forums and keep bringing up Sup Forums shit


I still have fond memories of 2008 when people used to actually talk about movies and tv shows

tv seems ok at the moment since there is ONE tv show people are actually discussing and its not just 100% shitposting like for most of the year