Tell me, morons

Exactly how is the 2nd amendment gonna protect you from tyranny when the government has tanks, jets, nukes and battleships? Didn’t think that quite through, did you, dumbfucks?

Other urls found in this thread:

t. sveingali

Tell that to ISIS, Vietnam and Afghanistan. Also you can't control land you entirely destroy.

ISIS started with shitty guns, and now own land.

implying assassinations aren't a thing

>what is guerilla warfare?

What did he mean by this?

tyrannical government = chaos and anarchy = gangs such as raiders and bandits rising.


So in the face of a hypothetical tyrannical situation.. we should just give up our arms and surrender?


you cannot enforce a totalitarian police state with
>tanks, jets, nukes and battleships
you need an army of minions willing to die for said state in each and every step they take, as the next door they try to kick in can be their last with simple supersonic lead coming their way

The US military, strongest in the world, could barely handle a few thousand ragheads in Afghanistan

How the fuck do they win against 100 million US gun owners

becuz wen duh guberments drop bombs on civies dats when udda countires cum in 2 stop dem

this guy probably has a whole dollar deposited in his account at this point

How many times are you guys gonna make this thread.

>the government will use it's full force against it's citizens
>other countries wouldn't help if this happened
>the entire government will be against a rebelion and not one person in the government would be for it

lmaoing at ur life OP

As if the US military will ever turn on its citizens. At the worst, the military will split and fight each other, like the civil war. However whichever one supports the citizens will win due to sheer numbers of armed patriots out there. There are more than you think.


Exactly how are gated communities gonna protect you from justice when millions of gun owners are hungry, scared, angry and have nothing left to lose? Didn’t think that quite through, did you, dumbfucks?

Magical thinking.

That's what progressives believe.

How are your air rifles and "don't rape me bro!" Bracelets going to protect you when Achmed is raping your women?

>The government is letting gays get married, tried to get people healthcare, and is not deporting minorities and Muslims en masse, and therefor violating their rights, because I'm afraid

>oy vey what a tyranny

I chuckled. Anyone have the "media guide to gun identification"?

>the US military has never lost a war to a bunch of poorly equipped faggots

im sure carpet bombing american neighborhoods will go real well in curbing the civil unrest of a revolt situation

i'm not here to fight the government.

i'm here to have a chance against some niggers that want my TV.

what are drones and heat-sensors? keep telling yourself you're a modern day Rambo, buddy. it's adorable.

They stromed the Bastille against all odds and after a ton of people died they kinda got what they wanted. So why not now?

Ask this guy....

I think this infographic sums up my argument, OP. Good day.

This has been refuted again and again on this board, eurocucks need to stop acting like they understand what its like to be free

Heed this, cunt.

American citizens literally own tanks and grenade launchers.

Its actually easier to get an M32 + Rounds than a fully automatic.

RPGs are also available although hard to find.

Plus we have access to some 20mm rifles and howitzers.

Citizens actually have the ability to go taliban at any given moment.

Plus the thousands of troops who will refuse to fire on people in american soil.

and strategic nuclear weapons are totally relevant for fighting off insurgents in your own country

and an attack helicopter or armed drone is totally useful in the middle of your own cities

this has been discussed ad nauseam, it really needs to stop

Ok Hanni Fjordbjyokssen, but a government would refrain from using tactical nukes against their own citizens. Kind of weakens their position globally.

since when did politicians hide in jets and tanks?
even if they did they have to come out sometime

dude lmao that's the most degenerate video i've ever seen go be a cuck somewhere else

holy shit


God tier post. I keep that wiki page on my favorites list.

Every. Fucking. Day.

Whoops, forgot you started thus thread huh? Nice trip, faggot


>implying a government would use full scale military equipment on its own civilians.

tanks, jets and battleships didn't stop the NVA in the 70s...

the Taliban still exists and holds territory in Afghanistan

fact is without the support or at least compliance of the civilian population any government isn't going to last long and in the event of a popular uprising (maybe against some future Putin like character) some of the sentiments might well be shared by a decent portion of military members anyway...

your 2nd amendment is a legit defense against a future dictator

>tell me again idiots

>how will vietnamese and afghanis resist american occupation without tanks, jets, nukes, and battleships

I mean, sure, lots of people will die.

You have a real can't do attitude, though, OP.

The NVA had tanks and jets, supplied by the Russians.

You are thinking of the Viet Cong.

wow thanks thats going in the bookmarks

The american government had planes, jets, nukes, tanks and everything else and they couldn't beat a bunch of peasants in Vietnam, m8.

my bad, you're correct




>what are drones
implying we even have enough drones to cover every city in a single state.. let alone all 50.

>reposting this every day you get home from school

Oh boy, this thread again.

Hope someone slits your throat for being cucked


More like 300 million. Nobody is going to use their 3 guns at once. They will hand them to family members/friends.

nobody in the military would support the government turning against its people. in fact, they would be the first to take the lead in offing the government.

If they decide to bomb the general population, obviously we wouldnt stand a chance. The weapons are for fighting ground troops who try to invade your property. A tank cant rummage through your house and take your property.

>use drones in Afghanistan
>taliban still active and recruiting more everyday

Can drones occupy cities

if government decided to confiscate weapons from the people and they where actually able to take 1 weapon every second.. it would take nearly 11 years to get them all.

well, after Hitler removed guns from the german people, he killed a few millions of them.
ask them, if they would have liked to defend themselves?

Fucking this

I can shoot myself before the government gets the chance to shoot me.

Government also has AR-15s? Better drink my own piss

That's a big find

idk dude, ask the muslims in the middle with only ak 47

If it's so useless, why do they want me to not have it?

Honestly, it's so we can shoot the people commanding the tanks, guns, and helicopters. You know, the ones hiding in the Capitol building.


There's at least one of this every week, and it's always BTFO.

The government wouldn't attack its own people because the military is of the people. It's more likely that politicians would all be assassinated by the military and an emergency elections would occur than the military following an unlawful and unjust order against the populace.
