friendly reminder to the cucks, newfags and shills that Sup Forums is a national socialist board
Friendly reminder to the cucks, newfags and shills that Sup Forums is a national socialist board
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It's not
The people here want change, that's all.
And change is needed.
Daily reminder
Sieg Heil!
we're under attack but we can beat these desert rats
Natsocs destroyed the west.
they made people see nationalism something bad.
They made facism turn into a buzzword.
the world would have been much better of if Hitler simply wouldn't have existed.
14/88 Deus Vult
>National (((socialist)))
Fuck off we're fascists
crack that consensus!
get those nazis fightin the gun lovin libertarians
no one cares about shared enemies!
>national socialist
Fuck off.
The German National Socialist Party was called the "German Workers' Party" when it was founded. During the depression they ran soup kitchens and during the winter they kept heated rooms where people who couldn't afford coal could warm themselves up. When in power they also reformed the tax system so that poor and low income people would have to pay less taxes. They sponsored youth clubs and had an organization called "Kraft durch Freude" (strength through joy) where you could make little payments and save up for a subsidized holiday tour.
German Nazis basically took care of the little people and that's what got them elected. The main difference between them and communists is that commies wanted to give away free stuff also to foreigners, and we know today what kind of people that kind of behaviour attracts.
What is your problem with this?
It's a cucked-fucking-system. Just like Sweden.
Explain how.
Btw, National Socialism =/= Democratic Socialism
Forum overrun by Tinfoil Hillary supporters claiming we're all National Socialists. No, we're not. And you will never win.
Our movement is too strong.
Anyone who claims to support national socialism is a fucking IDIOT. Why would you want a dictator? Are you mental?
There can be such a thing as a benevolent dictator, Amerifriend.
Explain why you enjoy having to decide every 4-8 years who is going to lead your country as a strong leader or kick it into the dirt.
They are so stupid they can't see that it would be impossible to implement something like that in todays world. That time is over.
We need something new, and we already have it. We just need these fuckers to leave that's all.
im not a national socialist, but i am a nationalist socialist.
>We need something new
Got any ideas, Norfriend?
kys stormfag crossposter
>Inb4 Libertarianism
We are literally in a movement right now. National Socialism has no place in it. Hatred for jews has no place in it.
We need to be smart.
Posting "nazi" images is NOT smart (if you REALLY want change)
>Sup Forums is a national socialist board
haven't you been paying attention?
people that aren't offended about "muh globalism" are not going to be offended by "muh jews"
>Hatred for jews has no place in it.
Do you realize where you are?
Go away, Schlomo.
Sorry, but you're probably stupid. We need to be smarter to achieve our goal. Referring to WW2 will lead us nowhere.
It will destroy our movement. It's as clear as day. WE DO NOT NEED NATIONAL SOCIALISM! There are an infinite of other options available that regular people can actually embrace. They will NEVER EVER embrace national socialism because of history. Face it, and act accordingly.
the national socialists here are teenagers and roleplayers
their involvement with politics begins and ends with Sup Forums
outside of this website they are apolitical
most of them don't even fucking vote
The GREAT majority of sheep people will, after 71 years of propaganda.
We need to win the sheep. Talking about old ww2 shit will not win them over (and we REALLY don't need it - there are many other options).
haha you're wrong
especially young people literally don't care about muh ww2 anymore. only oldfag cucks are still butthurt about muh germans invading.
Never was, not once.
They tried the first few months this place started and got kicked to pigchan.
They try every summer, but get BTFO.
>south africa
>literally cucked: the country
We are actually libertarian/constitutionalists
Sup Forums is a board for the discussion of news, world events, political issues, and other related topics. it's not your personal echo-chamber.
It doesn't even matter if they care or not. Our entire society is built upon the guild of ww2, there is no escape from that reality.
Again, if you keep posting National Socialist stuff you are working AGAINST the survival of the white race, and you should be shot for treason - like leftists
Rand Paul please go .
>the guild of ww2
Newfag spotted
>Natsocs destroyed the west.
They did not destroy the west.
Their defeat destroyed the west.
Friendly reminder to the cucks, newfags and shills that Sup Forums is a happening board.
why did americans destroy this?
Dieses. It was a pro-European movement.
>Pol a national socialist Board
Kek, we are a bunch of autists shitposting on a satire Board
The Americans are only partially to blame.
The vast majority of German & other allies' lives were lost on the Eastern Front and it was the Russians who broke Germany.
The Americans only sped it up by giving supplies to the Commies and invading France.
I'm really honestly trying to help you fuckers
It's okay to be "nostalgic" about ww2, but you need to realize you will not be taken seriously by ANYONE (of the sheep)
Embrace the new movement, and forget about ww2. THAT is your only chance of change.
Don't violate the NAP
Hey fellow Norwegian
Never were, never will be, Sup Forums is a National Socialist board.
Oh trust me, history will always repeat itself, the gears are already in motion. National Socialism will be adopted, rebranded and put into practice in our lifetime.
free breivik
>windmill of peace and tolerance.jpg
Right in the feels. Every. Fucking. Time.
It's okay, Amerifriend.
It may be restored in time.
Now in gif format!
Delicious reverse psychology.
You are presuming that I give a single fuck about expanding Sup Forums's audiance to an even larger amount. If I wanted to be part of a shitty movement that difuses into a big lump with no meaning I'd join the alt-right. People like you fucking destroyed this board.
Perhaps something similar, but calling for NatSoc today is working AGAINST our own interests. Posting "nazi" images is working AGAINST our interests.
>generalising all the opinions
I don't even dislike national socialism but you fags are getting annoying. Sup Forums is just a board for POLITICALLY INCORRECT opinions.
Then you are going NOWHERE.
Enjoy you silly thoughts (almost) all alone. Like a small girl wishing the world was a disney fairytale. You are a stupid fuck that will never get anywhere beyond fapping to
Stupid fucks like you pisses me off
Honestly how fucking new are you?
Probably been here long before you...
You are all still as stupid as back then
Sup Forums was libertarian long before it was national socialist you fucking degenerate untermensch.
I've been here since Sup Forums was still /new/.
libertarians are a vocal minority of Sup Forums
Very few people here actually believe in the NAP, UPB, or absolute freedom.
Stop lying. Everyone knows this is your first summer.
Pol was never libertarian, it was just a temporary surge which then left. When will this meme die out?
I remember when you could chose your own flag.
I remember that the Hakenkreuzflagge was the first choice
Sup Forums has always been National Socialist.
Funny when those who PRETEND to want to save the white race, are the MAIN people working against it.
You fuckers are WORSE than the leftists, because you are too stupid to see the damage you are doing
>it's another South African Cuck episode
For you maybe, you're the faggot who fills the /NSG/ with false information.