Do women have a God-given right to dress like they want? Does it become degenerate at some point? Pic related is in front of me right now. Should i confront her?
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Ur a creep lol
Anyone can dress however they want as long as it looks good/decent and socially acceptable.
You are the one reacting to it, develop self control.
that's a big picture
whats that fleshy band thing around its thigh?
leave it alone
generally speaking, it cannot kill you if it cannot see you
a good rule of thumb- leave it alone. if you cannot kill or disable it, stay unseen and avoid giving your position. god bless op
Are you autist? Puritan? Bitter virgin? Priest or pastor? Why would you confront her about the way she dresses? Does it offend you? If yes, well, it shouldnt. She is old and ugly but if she desires to dress in short pants, probably to feel more attractive and to boost her own self confidence, its literally none of your business.
When the way she dresses threatens your own life, existance, health or well being, just then you should confront her. Till then, live and let live
OY VEY, muh cut dik
She's fine in my opinion, as long as you don't like your dressed for the beach in school I think it can slide.
How about you stop taking pictures of people around you and upload it to the internet? It's very obnoxious and more degenerate than having too little clothes on.
A cunt should dress as her husband tells her.
But I don't think that thing in that picture is a woman.
>stay unseen and avoid giving your position
No, when dealing with other predators it is important your presence is known so you can comfortably mutually avoid each. If you try to remain unseen you run the risk of bumping into it and that will lead to a confrontation that neither of you want.
Sorry Sven, but I live in a free country.
Start playing video related on your loudspeakers while staring her in the eyes:
Why don't you just cool down and accept people for who they are and how they dress. If you keep this up you will die of high blood pressure.
get the fuck out of here you liberal catholic degenerate
A society has norms.
Women could always dress like that but it wasn't considered normal. By dressing like that you were marginalizing yourself.
Today we have a different set of norms, but that can change over time.
My dane man :D.
Yes go
I don't give a shit OP, but why in the fuck would you frame an old coffee bean bag?
Skin colored pantyhose. Probably using it to hide 5 o'clock leg shadow or varicose veins. Which is weird because it still subjected the public to its deflated middle aged ass.
Because it's a coffee shop? It's thematic
yeah, mbt has something to say to you
But I don't get it, why?
A really large condom.
Just saw this video on the top of my YouTube recommendations in my YT account where I pretend to be a feminist:
>starts having sex at 12
>pregnant at 14
Just your average American woman. And the male cucks elsewhere on Sup Forums think I'm silly when I tell em that all the above average looking girls in Murica lose their virginity by the age of 13.
>"I know it's his baby for sure!"
>but still gonna need a DNA test
just LUL
Kek really?
>tfw you completely missed out on teenage sex because you're an awkward autist
Fucking hell, why did I click a [More information]
she even has a 15 yr old BETA KEK already (of course her "baby daddy" dumped her after she got pregnant even tho he said he would take responsibility) who dates her knowing she has a kid already and helps take care of it
and the worst part is the massive LIKES ratio compared to the dislikes and how the vast majority of the viewers are just LOVIN' it how empowered she is, how "courageous" her current cuck boyfriend is and shit
the west is simply fucked beyond repair. The end of white civilisation is not possible to avert.
How can a figment of your imagination grant anyone any rights?
>I never had teen fun
>Should i confront (((her)))?
Is it degenerate for me to find her attractive?
>God-given right
nice spooks you fuckin queer
No sudden movements OP
you should confront it but refer to it as a male constantly regardless of what it says
Fuck no.
Fuck womens rights.
They always prevent me from getting laid, the fucking niggers.
They all deserve to be raped.
Why do people put out flowers in vases if their house isn't a garden? Why do people display action figures? Sports Jerseys? It's just decoration. Why wouldn't you put coffee memorabilia in a coffee shop?
Are you autistic?
They definitely have a right to dress how they want.
They just need to shut the fuck up when people slut shame them or otherwise.