What's his finest achievement?
What's his finest achievement?
He gawz aw o zyeyl evn afzuh fukn th wimz cawz h bwrak bwak th rwak wak
Picture Pages.
Hiding it all as long as he did. I vaguely remember being in high school and watching a rerun of the Osbournes on MTV and hearing Sharon say something very nondescript about Cosby and rumors about him. A lot of people knew for decades and somehow nothing happened.
The Cosby Show.
Also, he's innocent.
Cosby a good boi he dindu nuffin
yeah, amazing how it all came out right before Hillary's campaign and the bogus BLM movement.
Quite a few dissenters in the media ran into other ''''problems''' about the same time.
All coincidences of course.
Kids Say The Darndest Things was honestly pretty kino.
>Bill Cosby pissed off the Jews by criticizing black culture
>Suddenly gets decades old rape accusations tossed at him
I'm sure there's no connection, it's all a coincidence. Just like those kids claiming Michael Jackson molested him after that song calling Them out.
Playing Dr. Cosby. He dindu nuffin.
Just like Mos Def coincidentally getting detained in South Africa.
Just like Dinesh D'Souza getting railroaded and imprisoned on a bogus campaign finance charge.
Just like Kevin Gates getting railroaded and imprisoned on a bogus assault charge.
Just like....well whatever the fuck happened to Kanye West.
we could go on...
You should probably go back to your containment board.
Not an argument.
Yeah the Sup Forumslacks love defending rapper nigs
It really stretches the limits of my imagination to think people like you are serious. How can you be this stupid and still able to turn on a computer? Go back to first grade and learn how reasoning works, learn what selection bias is.
This is exactly what I'm talking about.
>Yeah the Sup Forumslacks love defending rapper nigs
they clamped down hardest on blacks that they didn't control before the election/BLM movement. They needed to maintain the illusion of their controlled 'voice of black America'.
upholding black respectability for as long as he did, against all odds.
>it's a shill whose argument is 'Sup Forums'
Still no argument to be seen.
Go fuck yourself. There's no proof that he date raped anyone, and false accusations are used to silence people. Also find a new bogeyman, not everyone is from Sup Forums
Yep. They needed the voice of black America to be their plants like Spike Lee, Jay-Z, Dr. Cornell West, Kendrick Lamar etc.
>the Jews are responsible for every ill that befalls anyone anywhere. Prove me wrong.
Fuck right off. How's that for an argument?
Starred in two highly rated black sitcoms that played a big role in normalizing the idea of civilized, suburban black families in the 1980s and early 1990s while keeping his innate instinct to rape women out of the public eye until he was no longer culturally relevant
Still no argument. Pretty sad.
Do you have any proof the accusations are false, let alone that they were used to silence him? Silence the speech critical of black culture that he gave over 10 years ago? Every single person on Sup Forums is satire levels of retarded, all of your logic is astrology/horoscope tier.
$3 has been direct deposited into your Goldman Sachs account. Thank you for your service.
I see the threads been flooded by spastics crying about Sup Forums already. After all Sup Forums is well known for it's love and defence of blacks everywhere.
yep. It why there are no more real rappers and instead we either get androgynous dumpster fires, or straight up plants like Chance the Rapper.
The DNC essentially tried to steal the voice of black America.
The Cosby Show easily. Everyone on the show worked so hard to craft an expert family sitcom that would grow and mold into a classic and succeeded in making one of the best tv shows of all time. It's easy to shit on now but at the time it was fucking groundbreaking. It's a legitimate sleight to the entire cast and crew to take it off tv. They worked so hard only to have cosbys fucked up past come back 30 years later and erase it all.
>well known for it's love and defence of blacks everywhere
They're doing it in this case for an ulterior motive of crying about de jooz. Who do you think you're fooling saying these shills aren't from Sup Forums?
If only blacks would realize the kikes ar using them.
Shillberg trys the same formatting and roundabout dissing a 2nd time.
Fuck outta here faggot.
Not the guy you're responding to but you do understand that the burden of proof lies on the accuser, right? His guilt or innocence will be determined in a court of law where evidence will presented to an unbiased jury out of the public eye.
divide and conquer
the reason why the '''shills''' prob write about 90% of the hardcore racist shit on 4chinz
You should take your meds user you're becoming paranoid again.
Saying that Cosby was set up to silence him for speeches he made over 10 years ago is a also an accusation, dumb cunt. One that makes no logical sense, has no basis in fact whatsoever. Just standard fan fiction from paranoid schizos
yeah sure just 18 Hollywood wannabes and has beens just all coincidentally mobilized at the same exact time against an 80 year old man.
Joke's on you I'm actually George Soros
And Kanye West somehow forgetting how to like drink water or something and getting 'hospitalized' against his will for 'dehydration'
It's not a coincidence, one person bringing it up gives others motivation and courage to do the same, also probably the occasional false accusation from a sociopath looking for a payday. You are mentally retarded.
Why are you responding to me as if I was defending that idiot's position. God damn you're just as dumb as he is.
yeah sure. ok. they were just cooling their heels and not going after this multi-millionaire; some for literal decades.
Are you gonna try and sell me a bridge in Brooklyn next?
we have a winner