Nordic master race thread? Only pure nordics allowed
Nordic master race thread? Only pure nordics allowed
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Nordics are literal niggers
How does it feel that the Greeks and Spaniards BUILT Europe
>praises europe
Nordics are the useless showcases of Europe. Only Anglos have actually done something for Europe.
Implying anglos are not sub-human
Nords were alpha in 10th & 11th century. Today they are Lords of Cuckholdry and supplant the Jewry in the end of Western Civilization
what the fuck are we doing there
yeah sure, and niggers built america
Why is the Jew in there? Doesn't like Barbara at all. Explain yourself.
How does it make you feel that you are just a small Part of europe that spread and developed to shart in marts.
You are like a hoe who got bukkaked from spaniards, portuese fags, the british and Germans.
Dumb goy, America WAS built on cotton.
that's what europe has always been asking
>American education
yeah native americans too.
is this bait or are you fucking retarded
Built Europe?
>What is British Empire?
hahahaha now they need their own threads so no one can trigger them
10 years and 5% all muzzies is all that is needed to kill master race, try being under them for 350 years and stay pure
>inb4 rapebaby
check science map, niggers
Where the fuck is Finland? You Norwegian nigger.
Fins are mongolians.
Do you really wanna be part of their faggotry? The real autistic nordic circlejerk club.
Right, because Israel it's the only true nation?
what the fuck are we doing in pic related?
Pure-blooded Norseman here.
Start your fucking racewar already. I'll be on the first plane.
I am more nordic than you.
I didn't know we were skandinavian, that's for sure
How does it feel that the Romans destroyed both.
>all this nordic butthurt
nordic countries were piss poor up until post ww1 where their only achivement was to stay the fuck out of the war and be able to produce shit for the broken post ww1 nations. they repeated this success with ww2. holy shit what a masterrace.
mongols always defeat the russians
I don't need jew opinion.
Nice pic, now show one that compares how long each of those existed :^)
meanwhile in Rome, Athens, Constantinople...
jokes on you most of those were Ukrainians
it was another hoholcide by Stalin
me on the left
natives were killed by disease famalamabamistan
>Some wasteland
>Roman Empire
>most important places of trade and development.
>their only achivement was to stay the fuck out of the war and be able to produce shit for the broken post ww1 nations. they repeated this success with ww2. holy shit what a masterrace.
I wouldn't say this if i were you.
rip english
Looks dirty as fuck.
You're not white. Literally thinks you're cool, because you have no morals and no understanding of how a society is put together.
>tfw wanna blanda opp with stronk azn
>tfw your dysfunctional weak child becomes my child economic slave.
Can't wait to raise a supreme gentleman.
We dindu nuffin.
y-y-yeah... b-blanda opp...
"master race" kek, dude have you even played Mount and Blade - Warband, you're literally the definition of retard. XD
>Isreal is casually inserted