Land of the free

>Land of the free
Mart sharters will defend this

Other urls found in this thread:

I can't. We've been deceived for a long time now.

Wow, the system works.

Those are 643k imbecils who should die due to natural selection

I thought I had melanoma and my doctor wouldn't see me for a month

t-thanks socialism

desu government should pay for healthcare for uncontrollable things like a car crash

but it's too far to rack up taxes while half the things we'd be paying for would be preventable things like obesity caused problems


not knowing what bankrupt is.

>open border
cant have both

Nice ad-hominem. Why do you stand against the real force of nature: natural selection. Welfare will make a society of leeches, in the long run society will be destroyed.

socialism is evil muh pastor and muh fox news told me so

19th century laize faire capitalism is the most superior and just way to allocate resources

Social safety nets are a Jewish trick

PRAISE jesus

yor countrymen in germany are a perfect example of this

Americans used to be able to purchase catastrophic insurance for big medical emergencies...dirt cheap. Dems/socialist killed it.

Did you mean to write "our" instead of "your", """Kraut"""?

>have no money
>get hurt
>need serious surgery
>go bankrupt after
>free surgery

really makes you think

very funny mr 60% white

>most of those are niggers
Please, Achmed, we don't need them actually propagating; we need them burying themselves in debt from all those aborted nigger babies.

60% > 0%

got any source on your percentage tyrone?

Lived in Germany for 10 years...

> 50% in taxes
> 19% sales tax (VAT)
> $8-9 a gallon for gas due to more taxes

Got to keep about 25% of my pay...for "Free" medical care.

My sources are going through Austria, from Slovenia, as we speak. I'm sure you'll receive them with open arms

>get sick or injured
>hospital cannot refuse you
>rack up $700,000 in medical bills
>don't pay anything
>Get your credit history dinged for 7 years

Medical care in the usa is 'free'. We have no debtor's prisons here and hospitals are required by law to treat patients regardless of ability to pay.

you are like an sjw, taking your feelings over reality.
stay sharty pablo

Well I agree with you actually. We need a public option, but it's not enough to make me vote left, there are more important issues.

wow someone who actually knows whatsup

In Poland pretty much everything is free but then there are people who get to wait 3 years for their hip replacement

On the other hand if you get cancer or some shit they will fix you up right away, serious diseases they won't make you wait.

We pay out the ass for that shit though. My employer (foreign multinational corp) pays for private medical healthcare and I can see a specialist within a couple days. Through public healthcare you sometimes have to wait even a month or longer.

Doctors at the private clinic actually seem like they give a fuck too and wont just tell you to fuck off or call you neurotic.

> thinks others feelings are hurt
> keeps repeating mart meme


>Countries that could defend themselves against Russian agression
>1. USA
>2. ???

best reply

Did nazi germany have free health care?

Japan is pretty shady with its medical practices. You need to pay up front for most services, usually cash.

To an extent social safety nets are good. At the point it's used in America, it is abused and it is bad for communities that thrive on it. look at the black community objectively and tell me welfare helped them.

eta. We don't live in a capitalist society, we live in a mixed system with the most outstanding feature being corporatism and cronyism. This is nowhere close to a free market, the helathcare system is nowhere near a free market and it hasn't been, long before Obama started forcing people to buy into health insurance.

The other countries listed dont have a debt of 20 trillion currency units, and i dont feel like dying while waiting in a line at the hospital.


I'd give you a crumb or something to eat but I don't know what roaches like.

also pic related OP

I would be interested to know this

I love capitalism but medical care is one of the areas it should not be involved in. You have a choice about buying a car, you don't really have a choice between dying and living so they can charge anything and people are going to pay it (or try).

it's almost as if your perfect utopian free market always coalesces into corporatism and cronyism and oligopolies

Huh really makes me think

Free market fetishists are worst than communists

How many people die waiting in a line for care in your country

>tfw europe gets taxed 70% to pay for someone's problems
>tfw they try to gloat
i don't have a picture for this feel

>Free market fetishists are worst than communists
This especially when those retarded an-cap threads pop up and the only answer they ever give is "well people will compete" and when you bring up corruption or collectivism it turns into "well people will have to just not buy from them, do your research" excuse.

Its like the idiots in the one thread who literally thought that the Tylenol company actually made tylenol and they totally didn't buy any ingredients, materials or the actual acetaminophen from another company that specializes in synthesizing it


Nope. This is pretty much the single issue everyone can agree on. We don't even need socialized medicine, just regulations to keep greedy fucking HMO's from jacking the prices on everything.

what's the big deal you didn't even pay for it, cry more george

Funny i know a guy who crashes cars on purpose to get insurance money on his shit cars lmao

Why didn't you just go to some medical clinic? Worst I've ever had to wait was less than an hour

You can add dozens of other countries to that list.

Nobody who needs medical care and can't afford it goes without. The left likes to pretend we live in a society where people are dying because won't see them but this just isn't true. The privatization of healthcare in a America is great because it provides incentives, and for this reason we lead the world in the creation of new medicines and we provide the best medical care in the world. This is why the rich people of other countries fly here for treatment.

I guarantee it is significantly lower than the amount of people who die in the USA because they can't afford healthcare.
This is the dumbest fucking argument in the world, it has nothing to do with the actuality of universal healthcare, and everything to do with age demographics and infrastructure.
Look at European country healthcare and wait times you fucking mongoloid.

1 hour abortions, by one get 1 free. refer an abortion and get free weed

You're more than welcome to pay for a private insurance plan, and go to a private hospital. Oh wait, you wont, because healthcare is expensive as fuck. Here we don't even have the option of waiting in line for free care. Be glad for what you have.

Yes, European countries go bankrupt instead.

I had an infection in my thumb and my doctor insisted i'd come over immediatly

thanks socialism

Then pay out the ass for private healthcare so you can go bankrupt like the rest of the statistics.

t-thanks capitalism.

Utopia isn't meant for this earth. The market isn't supposed to be perfect, there are winners and losers and ultimately the people decide. It's the fairest system and it's the most efficient system that allows the cheapest alternatives and the best alternatives to surface. As soon as it is government regulated you have a bloated, inefficient system that everyone is forced to pay for. When it comes to what people want, they should have a choice in the matter why do you want to control what you don't own own, what you never earned?

The more socialist a country is the less innovative they become. I wonder how much those European countries contribute to the development of new medicines?

Yeah Germany is doing fucking awful I can't believe how fucked their economy is from having free socialized healthcare.

Oh you mean like Bayer and Merck? The two largest pharmaceutical researchers in the world?

This. Plus I've seen interviews with doctors, and the hospital is providing charitable care

Just unfortunate it's being wasted on idiots, who's meth labs blew up in their face, and conveniently didn't kill them

It's called "taking care of one another"
Individually, the tax rate is quite high. The reason? To take care of those who can't take care of themselves. If I lived in the US I would've shot myself because good luck combining being a student with crippling depression.
In here? Well, I may be "leeching off tax funds" but I'm certainly alive and getting better. I'll finish my tax-funded university degree and become a net gain for the society - and not complain about it because a vast majority of what I pay in taxes is spent on services for people who need them, not killing sandniggers with drone strikes.

Quite a lot, thanks for asking.

You are aware that Japan and China basically own the united states, right? either one can cause you to go bankrupt in a single second, but that wouldn't benefit them or anyone else, so they aren't.
Don't be under an illusion that the U.S so is well financially though. In some aspects you are way worse off than parts of Europe.

Why are americans always defending their shit system? Always start damage control when someone points out how shitty it really is




>just declare bankruptcy and lose everything lmao
Great plan, can't wait to live in a basement suite with a hot plate for seven years



pic related; it's you.

Systems with more socialist leanings only work for countries that are mostly homogenous, which is why it worked for Scandinavia and most of western Europe. As soon as a large influx of immigrants gets added into the mix however, the system slowly falls apart.

Wrong. Hospitals are required by law to "stabilize" you, meaning they can't turn away a trauma victim from the emergency room, but after that you're on your own. Any form of care outside of the emergency room you can get fucked if you don't have the cash to pay for it.

The cronyism only happens because they lobby for regulation by the way. I am not ancap, we obviously needed some regulation, but when that regulation prices people out of the market, or forces me to subsidize a system I don't agree with, it is wrong and anyone who has a brain should realize that. What is corporate welfare? What was the BP scandal int eh gulf? What is a monopoly on healthcare in this country, What is forcing me to buy 'private' healthcare coverage when I am healthy? All those things are government regulation at work.

Not having government regulation doesn't mean that companies will be fully uncountable to laws. To me it means that corporations aren't allowed to do the things that I couldn't. I can't dump oil in my backyard, but BP can dump oil in the ocean and still remain in business, that is regulation and corporatism at work, it makes these companies UN-accountable because government ultimately decides what is and isn't illegal. The government will not hold companies it is in buisness with accoutnable for anything, look at the banking scandals going on, guaranteed loans. They are crashing our currency and pricing us out of life and liberty.

I would rather see the USA nuked than have """free""" health care. I'm not going to pay for a surgery for a nigger who was shot.

pretty much what he said
You pay the state enforced health insurance (that you will not use if you can because its shit), and then paid private health insurance.

And now the biggest yoke.
Because the private one is not subsidised in any way, and needs to compete with each other AND the state, it's usually cheaper then the mandatory one.

>eurocuck thinks free means free shit

something self inserted into the anus is not considered an emergency

You already do with your healthcare premiums, just in a horribly inefficient roundabout way. Our system is fucked and there is literally no way to defend it unless you are an HMO lobbyist.

This This This. Eurotrash doesn't understand, will never understand America. Life is tough. We accept some misfortune, and we don't need a nanny government to coddle is through life. A government that coddles you is a government which controls you.

Why do you think a tablet of Motrin costs $60 if you go to the emergency room? You're paying for that nigger's surgery one way or another.

your government is responsible for one of the biggest citizen surveillance programmes in history

You pay for it, but it's very high quality and very fast. If you have your shit together (having health insurance) hospital bills basically don't affect you.

Please, you do realize your government is in as deep as ours, hand in hand, buddy. You really think we would post on Sup Forums and be FOR that? I don't like it any more than you, but your government literally works with ours so that they can legally spy on all of us.

USA is responsible for 80% of all meds in the world. The US pays R&D costs for everyone else.

only thing that worries me about americans is they are killing themselves once they reach 45+, seriously america we need to have a talk, relax and stop killing millons while your country burns coal


>Midlife increases in suicides and drug poisonings have been previously noted. However, that these upward trends were persistent and large enough to drive up all-cause midlife mortality has, to our knowledge, been overlooked. If the white mortality rate for ages 45−54 had held at their 1998 value, 96,000 deaths would have been avoided from 1999–2013, 7,000 in 2013 alone. If it had continued to decline at its previous (1979‒1998) rate, half a million deaths would have been avoided in the period 1999‒2013, comparable to lives lost in the US AIDS epidemic through mid-2015. Concurrent declines in self-reported health, mental health, and ability to work, increased reports of pain, and deteriorating measures of liver function all point to increasing midlife distress.

True. We have a monster nanny government because so many Americans have lost the principles of self-reliance and independence.

>britbong thinks he can use a surveillance argument against anyone
also surveillance =/= relying on free shit from the government

>so many Americans have lost the principles of self-reliance and independence.

In simplier terms

America is stopping being American

You guys need to stop, you were the chosen one!

Isn't the idea of self-sufficiency just micro scale communism?

like people who get randomly stabbed, attacked, crashed into by idiot drivers, come down with some sort of disease or illness, break a limb through no fault of their own, etc.

They can't take your home or car (if you need one) and that's only if you file for bankruptcy. The hospital cannot file that for you and while they have many advances in the medical field, they cannot get blood from a turnip.

If you have enough to be sued or go bankrupt you have enough to have insurance.

Really the only healthcare victim in the us are the hospitals and insurance companies, dumb as that sounds. The prices for medical care is inflated because poor people get free healthcare and the cost is footed by the care provider, who pass the costs onto paying patients and their insurers. The latter raise the costs of coverage, ect. Which puts more people out of the price range for medical coverage, so on and so forth on a cycle.

Obamacare was designed to address that but it was half-assed and ineffective.

But yeah, healthcare in the us is free if you don't pay for it.


You could say that. You could also say one person is a micro scale crowd.

I hope you are both making jokes.

>govt imposes strict regulations on healthcare
>barriers to entry create monopolies
>prices rise
>govt complains and makes the tax payer pay for it

Pic related

It's not like the jews pay taxes, m8.
What do you think (((they))) created legal loopholes and tax havens for?

How do you think insurance companies work? They charge outrageous premiums because retards who think like you do just declare bankruptcy when they can't pay bills. Enjoy not being able to buy a home, a car, not to mention possible suits and legal ramifications for seven years

Trash thread, Trash OP, Trash meme. Reported.

>walk down the street
>get stabbed by some nigger
>choice between either paying for insurance, going into debt or dying
>natural selection at work, all white men die
>oh wait though white man you can't play by natural selection's true rules and use your superior intellect to start herding niggers back around like cattle because that's not pc.

>not having a gun on you at all times
>in the US of A

>ever relaxing around niggers, ever
yep, sounds like natural selection to me

American healthcare is a fucking joke. Why do I pay more through insurance and out of pocket than every other country does through taxes? Why is my healthcare so shit in comparison? Why do I still have to wait weeks for an appointment at whichever doctor my insurance will give a fuck to cover?

For-profit medicine is a cancer to society. Republicans, controlled by the for-profit health industry, are ensuring America's destruction.


Private healthcare does not exist in any form in Canada. They shut it down.