America, This is the first official artist rendition of your wall
Where are the cannons?
Where are the laser cannons?
My dick!
Could use some defense weapons though. I'm sure there's mines planned and shit, just not shown
>It's made of concrete instead of holed fence
Trains are gay.
On the Mexican side, obviously.
except the Trump Train
Needs more sentry guns.
Trump uses a jet plane like a true, red-blooded American.
No landmines?
Pic is of our side of wall. No Graffiti.
No 40mm flak cannons? Well I guess thats Mexican labour for you...
If it has golded T's in it I can donate to the constructions desu.
i would also expect this+maybe concrete base so it would be really hard to dig under it
We drive. Why the fuck would we put a train on the wall?
again... all that would be on the Mexican side, not the US side.
The wall's to keep them out, not keep us in.
>implying you can see landmines
Where are the sniper towers, razor wire, czechogs, and land mines?
Trump can get great deals on concrete through his mob connections, which is why Trump Tower uses it as its primary structural material (different from the standard way of building a modern skyscraper.) The Israeli “defence” wall is concrete.
It needs some work, it should just read "US BORDER"
Who the fuck cares about Mexico?
Reminds me of Half-Life/Black Mesa.
If the wall is made of concrete, the compression of the soil underneath from the weight will prevent most tunneling
Where is the big beautiful door that Trump mentioned?
Where is that train going?
>the wall doubles as a rail transit system that can quickly take you anywhere between California and Florida
>Train serves Seattle, Portland, Sacramento, San Francisco, San Jose, Los Angeles, Anaheim, San Diego, then turns east to Arizona, hits Phoenix, then Albuquerque, the Texas Triangle, New Orleans, Orlando, and ends in Miami.
>Entire system is an American built and designed maglev
>Runs in a transparent Vacuum tube most of the journey
>Fastest train in the world
>Best train in the world
>European rail BTFO
>throw your rubbish out train window
>lands in mexico
fucking bueno
>no minefield
>no laser walls to activate drone strikes
>no pop-up .50 machine guns
>no walls of serated barbed wire
The Left will never allow it to be built.
1. a Federal Judge will declare it unconstitutional or otherwise halt work on it.
2. The democrats in the house and senate will filibuster everything (even have more sit ins) to block it
3. The left will just occupy/riot at the building sites.
I like dilberts take on the wall. It should be a railway, and also stunning architectural entrances with asylum housing built in to the wall. Really a new typology for borders around the 3 world to follow
I could climb that.
Can he just use an executive order on that shit?
Have the original OP image?
You mean the ones the Palestine's dig tunnels under regularly ?
>Can he just use an executive order on that shit?
What good is an E.O. if no one is allowed to fulfill it?'re acting like the President has UNLIMITED POWER and that there's nothing wrong with the president wielding UNLIMITED POWER
Don't worry.
Trump has NO intention of building a wall.
So, if Trump gets elected, how do I get a piece of this. Somebody is going to make serious money building the Great Wall of Trump, and that somebody might as well be me.
Why don't Americans know how their own government works?
Gona need a harambe statue on that shit
It's already approved in law (albeit as a “fence”), it was just never funded. As for shitlib orchestrated violence, those tactics stop being very effective when the law starts being enforced.
Order 66
where are the gundams
Wtf do we need a train up there for? All the towns on the border are shit holes, on both sides.
That's a jewish border, cheap and ineffective
The House of Representatives has to vote to fund it.
Is it still going to Mexico? It'd be much more useful around the middle east.
I like this one better.
Bro we're going great wall of China here. It's going to be a wonder of the world.
Needs spikes and Fougasse
Needs more gift shops. And a Baskin Robbins?
Fucking noice.
Fuck it, I've decided now. I'm going to drop out next semester and BUILD THAT FUCKING WALL
>eventually a trash mountian forms
>the mexicans climb over their brothers
>Trump has NO intention of building a wall.
Oh I get that. It's amazing how people are actually believing a politician's campaign promises though.
>It's already approved in law (albeit as a “fence”),
Trump's wall and that fence are two different things.
>As for shitlib orchestrated violence, those tactics stop being very effective when the law starts being enforced.
No local mayor is going to ruin their re-election campaign by being called a racist and allow their town to be burned down because the occupiers weren't allowed to "SHUT IT DOWN" just for a wall.
And no governor is going to order the cops to violently take down protesters who are "opposing the evil racism of Trump".
>implying we won't have a CCTV system, immigration services patrolling around the clock, and landmines hidden everywhere
A) it hasn't followed its own rules since FDR.
B)the total documented codes and laws of the US comprises more pages of text than any one man can read in a lifetime.
C)most of those laws are written in legal jargon, unreadable to the average person.
Yeah, we're all fucked up in here.
>the snake pit
notice the lack of manpower needed to secure it...
but train routs don't work that way
Yeah, there aren't many stops right on the border, there.
Nobody wants to build on the border because you'd get robbed and/or murdered by illegals and drug/gun runners. If there was a wall like that, you could build right up to the last inch of American soil
>That train
>not mounting CIWS
>online sniper rifle game to shoot illegals
It needs some form of razer sharp edge that deters grappling hooks.
Other than that it looks great.
It's a start. There are some improvements/additions that could be made (most of them ITT), but it's a definite start.
I'd want to set up spic hunting tours, walking along the border wall.. anyone between the fence and the wall is fair game. bonus points for shooting children, they're harder targets.
I don't mind Mexicans, though.
Take that back you fucking newfag
Where are the vertical farms and the Goliaths?
Chile has landmines in their border fyi
Bullshit kids sit still when they panic they are fish in a barrel when scared.
Teens/young adults should be bonus points.
Yeah, fuck you. Trains are cool. The thought of a maglev train being part of the wall makes the wall itself seem not so bad.
The base concrete foundation should be a lot further out for one thing.
It should come out a good ways and then slope into a drainage ditch, then rise again. Have a chain-link fence on the start of the ditch.
We'll all be dead by the time something like this is constructed. It'd cost hundreds of billions.
where are the tunnels?
>Implying Libshits have any power anymore
I wouldn't put a tram up there. I am sure the cartels have enough American weapons to try to destroy it.
lasers, please.
You trainfags are retarded. Fly in an airplane like a true American.
>wall becomes political symbol
>put train on top
>people are naturally going to want to destroy train because muh immigration rights!
No thanks.
haha haven't seen that with the little mexican flags added.
It should be made of stone, desu
Like the pyramids and shit
It's not like I'm going to pay or build it
Trains are way cooler don't try to deny that
There's a lot about the US I think is done better, but this is one thing Europe has over you
Like that train isn't going to be blown the fuck up by pissed off drybacks.
I'm sure we can at least agree on
>2x multi for preggers
I like it. Clean, modern, effective. If the faggots want to try and jump over, well, cross a train line, too.
Honestly, I thought of this yesterday. Logistics and cost might fuck with it, but I think a good way to sell it to M-MUH IMMIGRANTS idiots would be to make it have multiple functions. I didn't think of the train, which would be AWESOME for travel in the south-southwest, but think of something else.
Solar panels running on the back across the whole US side of the wall. Can't trust it on the Mexican side where they'll bust it all. Use the power to power this train, all Border Patrol stuff (Maybe electric cars for BP), and surrounding towns.
What, lefties, you don't want us to go green and have a massive solar array? What's your problem?
The USA has built its cities and infrastructure to rely upon the automobile. I believe that the USA has backed the right horse. Self-driving cars will enhance the capabilities of the automobile. Self-driving cars will make mass transit obsolete. The USA is best positioned to take advantage of this emerging technology.
>yfw the trump wall becomes a tourist attraction
it will pay for itself
You can't build that thing here keeeek
>train that can be shot at from the other side of the wall
Nice going
The Mexican size in that picture looks much more comfy, healthy and sustainable.
>not wanting to take a train tour of the trump wall so you can watch the sentry guns light up drug runners and human traffickers
It would be like the american version of the orient express, only way cooler.