Your turn fags.
Other urls found in this thread:
Life is satire
Le god emperor bump
Yes, i don't believe any of this shit.
I support equality and open borders, i just come here to shitpost.
>Checks flag
Of course you like open borders.
Sup Forums used to be satire until we were flooded with neo-nazi mouthbreathing retards. Anyone who takes anything on this board seriously should kill themselves.
I voted for all three because you're retarded and I can
I should kill myself.
Poe's law is an Internet adage which states that, without a clear indicator of the author's intent, parodies of extreme views will be mistaken by some readers or viewers as sincere expressions of the parodied views.
- Copied from Wikipedia so it must be true.
Some people are here for the bantz. Some people here are stone cold serious. You get to figure out which one is which.
Sup Forums is post satire.
Keep shilling.
Everyone here wastes their time posting opinions that they don't even agree with on a cambodian finger painting website. Now stop asking.
Sup Forums used to be satire, then newfags showed up and took it all seriously
>"is it satire?"
>implying you can rely on any answer after that question.
Yes, but we all agree that the Jews are evil.
Anyone who claims Sup Forums is satire is either: (a) someone who joined up post /new/ (b) a shit poster (c) a massive faggot shill (d) all of the above
A good mix, sometimes when I post I'm just memeing and sometimes I'm serious. It makes for a great mix of entertainment and information.
>Sup Forums used to be satire until we were flooded with neo-nazi mouthbreathing retards.
so what youre saying is that Sup Forums was never satire?
who is this semen goblin
Sorry, no sauce. Try reverse search.
White genocide and cultural marxism arent hilarious memes.
If you see little boys being raped by refugees and think its satire, you need a bullet in the head.
fuck off, faggot
Depends really I think your wording was to vague. I am a christian, conservative and nationalist so there is a fair amount of stuff I actually agree with on Sup Forums. Mainly about the SJWs, the death of nationalism in the west and the problems of Islam. But with that said I'm not a 'race realist' or whatever the polite term is and I don't have a problem with the Jews.
your flag is basically the same thing faggot
>Sup Forums used to be satire until we were flooded with neo-nazi mouthbreathing retards.
Thanks for clearing that up
the choices are so retarded. learn how to make a poll you fucking dumb nigger
im checking the result and voting the one with the least votes
>It is in the Jewish interest, it is in humanities interest that whites experience a genocide.
>Until white children are burned alive, white women raped, mutilated and murdered and all white men who have not been slaughtered (you) watch powerlessly as their people are terrorized; only then will mankind be on a more equal footing, ready to discuss white privilege and the apparent chip on the shoulder that minorities have.
-Ishmael Levitts
Why is the leaf always complaining?
Makes me think!
We took another poll and it showed about 15% of people are under 18.
Theres your "I come for memes" crowd.
>I don't have a problem with the Jews
>No its a good mixture of bantz and facts
>yes, I just come here for the memes
Mook delete this fucking board
What the fuck is wrong with you nigger faggots?
> Your turn fags
This isn't Sup Forums, go away and quit typing like a child
Yes we stand with her.
Pol is a board of peace. Peace can only ever be achieved when the religion of Judaism and Islam are destroyed permanantly
>Even the best of Gentiles should be killed
>This will be Israeli law vows Netanyahu
Heil Hitlerry!
dear NSA. everything I have ever posted here has been satire.
Sup Forums is not satire, it's just full of morons ever since Trump and Milo
>a fucking leaf
Ah here is our greatest Ally who is the champion of middle eastern democracy...
the r/donald faggots destroyed this place
>I don't have a problem with the Jews.
Oy vey, you're in trouble now! I'm a Polish Jew by ethnicity, btw.
Pls don't genocide.
A real life Asuka!
I've been on here a long time and somethings been bugging me lately. I was watching the speech Hillary did recently, I think you know the one, and I have truly seen the error of my ways.
We, the "alt-right", have struck fear into the hearts of tax paying democrats and have been officially labeled as Internet Terrorists™. This evil ideology must be stopped before it gets a Death Gripˢ on Internet culture. We must join to the rest of the world in globalism, multiculturalism, and common sense gun control!
We must destroy all borders, they are obsolete in 2016! Let a refugee into your home, let him share his religion of peace with your wife and children, empty your bank account and share the wealth with urban youth, be more open minded! America is already great because it is good, Black Lives Matter!
Guys... Drumpf is a loser... It's 2016 and I and going to shill for the Hill.
#hillary 2016
just end urself senpai
Say what you will about the majority of posts here but much of it is shitposting whereas the well thought out few do hold some water.
>Implying feminism, BLM, and the rise of Islam in the west aren't bad
There are many people pushing for mass immigration, that is just cherry picking the Jews. What is the connection between people like Ben Shapiro and Milo Yiannopoulos to George Soros?
I'm not a Jew-phile I'm neutral on them.
I'd hardly consider a maymay to be a source but either way there are plenty of religions with stupid messages, most of which come from catholics but that's besides the point.
>This evil ideology must be stopped before it gets a Death Gripˢ on Internet culture
I know you're being witty but fuck internet culture, if Sup Forums kills it off we would be doing society a favor.
You're such a faggot
OF course it is
except when it is totally not
your mother is a whore and you are a fag
Sup Forums is the satire board, /po/ is the real nazi board. Get it straight, faggots.
the options as a response to your question about Sup Forums being satire is fucking stupid.
Sup Forums is NOT satire. this is where uneducated people come to feel smart while they brainwash themselves on a bunch of biased information. there are no facts presented here in a way that informs people; the only 'facts' presented here are meant to manipulate their feeble grasp on very complicated issues. not even the bantz here is particularly noteworthy.
Sup Forums is what it was always intended to be; a containment board for racists, misogynists, hypocrites, contrarians, shortsighted, easily deceived, and manipulated retards that have no idea their educations are being guided by some of the worst people they've never met AND whose existence confounds and largely, disgusts that of reasonable people.
i come here just to laugh at the ironic bigotry and spiteful, pedestrian adherers of conservatism. the majority of Sup Forumssters don't have any real grasp on reality and the worst part about it is that no one can stop their descent into madness.
Hilldawg is the real Sup Forums candidate now.
would date
it is if you believe it is
Bigotry, the post
>Check out my basic bitch opinions. Will you show me your pussy now?
Yup, and anything Sup Forums says is automatically wrong. Even if it was true the act of posting it on Sup Forums makes it false.
>This post included
>a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance
that's the full and more contextual definition of the word.
plus, my criticisms are not unfair. you can't be bigoted while dismissing the opinions of bigoted individuals.
it's that weird position of the retards here saying that people have to tolerate the views of people who are intolerant.