Tarkovsky's Stalker

Can we discuss this?
I don't understand the significance of the last scene with Monkey. Also why did Professor dismantle the bomb?

r/movies is better for this sort of discussion

>Sup Forums watching anything other than capeshit

don't forget star wars

The Zone prefers to grant secret and half-felt wishes, rather than the wishes we think we have.
The Stalker probably wished, he thought, for his daughter to be well and able-bodied. But when he entered the Room on his first journey there, he cured Monkey differently, leaving her infirmity intact but granting her a strange power instead.
In this way the Zone is just the onrushing future, for which the approaching train is also a metaphor. The future does not always deliver what we want it to.

I thought the stalker never went into the room himself though. And aren't his daughters abilities(and disability) just a result of him being a stalker?

his wish was to make his himself, his family and people who needed a miracle feel happy or atleast feel like they will achieve it. There is no magic in the room other than for him. Nobody elses wishes come true. At the end of the movie the two guests break his self delusion and ruin his hopes of ever having his happiness. He goes home to lament for the rest of his life. Monkey is just a psychic mutant monster baby. The result of exposure to the zone, nothing more.

The room didn't contain anything, it was just the Zone

If there's no magic in the room then how did porcupine become rich

the magic was only for the stalker, because of his constant exposure to the zone i guess. anyone else who found what they were looking for found it by pure coincidence.

>Also why did Professor dismantle the bomb?
Cuz they predicted that вeep desires too primitive so humanity should not be afraid of it.

>significance of the last scene with Monkey
The monkey showed that this place is not as simple as it might seem

Oz never did give nothing to the Tin Man that he didn't already have.

The ending scene with the stalker and his wife explains a bit about why the Zone would grant the stalker's wishes, but no one else. Faith and what have you.

boring as fuck movie


>thinking tarko/v/sky is high brow


the daughter may or may not have special powers, it's unclear whether the zone really has any supernatural significance at all. that's the theme throughout the whole film.

imo the zone is fake. nothing strange ever happens besides some mild hallucinations which could have actually been dreams or due to radiation poisoning. the magic of the zone was never shown, only told through an unreliable narrator. the stories of people getting their subconscious wishes granted seems like an after-the-fact excuse for why no one actually gets their wish, like how 'psychics' will take any word, event, or meaning in life and twist it to fit their prediction.

This film has way too much to do with concepts of faith, especially traditional Russian Christianity (Orthodoxy).
Without understanding those, you'll never get the full grip on the meaning of the movie, so to speak.

A good advice to everyone: stop blending the lore of the movie with this shitty videogame for retarded russian shkolota.

Tarkovsky is tumblr pleb trash

This, like almost all his movies christianity plays a huge role.
The stalker is the one with faith, the writer is the artist, and the scientist is the logical one. Their dialogue between each other is really the main thing of the movie.
The entire movie is inspired by a story from the Bible where two wanderers are travelling around Jerusalem after the death of Christ, talking about it. Then a third wanderer appears and joins them, and they talk some more of the death of Christ until they realize that the third wanderer IS Christ, then he disappears.