What does Sup Forums consider as the biggest degeneracy in the world?

What does Sup Forums consider as the biggest degeneracy in the world?

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Sup Forums



can't argue with that

Jews are the poison in the well.

The most degenerate symptom is either bug chasing or transgenderism. Willfully destroying your body in both cases as well as increasing the chance of infecting others with STDs.

Trannyism and its normalization.

pride is the root of all degeneracy


I agree with you on that one

yeah fuck the jews

pride? I kind of get it but not entirely

edit: Mislead Pride

Pride of things that are righteous and true are good things.


Denial of ones downfall

coal burning (white female and black male)



literally every degenerate thing we have today originated from marxism


slam dunk degeneracy

but not black woman + white male?

I remember those days as a teen when I though Marxism was the coolest thing ever

redpilled gays are good in my book


entertaining the thought of actions and beliefs be more or less degenerate than others.

No matter what it is, all degeneracy is degenerate, and must be purged violently in cleansing fires.

>bug chasing or transgenderism

Whites racemixing with non-whites. If the lower races want to do it then more power to them. Maybe one day they'll haves evolved to that same level as the white race.

>slam dunk degeneracy
Certainly. But even so, I'd give everything to fuck them once.

Juden are degeneracy personified.

The degeneracy we have boar witness to this generation is a result of cultural marxism invented by the Jews. They are the root of all of it.

you need to re-evaluate your priorities, user

I will, I promise. Just let me do them once. Just once would be enough.


good luck, i guess


And lying.

lying is something we can't control, we all do it

Willful genocide of your own race.

In this case, white people who think it's cool to be pro-white-genocide.

I draw pony porn and sell it.
Its actually very weird, pony porn goes out, gtx 1070 comes in

Holocaust propaganda.

It's the very core of white genocide. It's how kikes organise themselves and justify their actions, it's a weapon they use to inspire us with guilt, it's an example held up to show us why we supposedly have to accept mudslimes and pislam no matter what.

A dogfucker is a paragon of virtue compared to someone who teaches the holocaust mythology to white kids.


It creates the whole problem of moral relativism and hedonism, which opens up infinite possibilities for degeneracy. All forms of degeneracy are abominations against God. No apostasy, no degeneracy. Moderate "Christians" can be just as bad, degradation of belief is what causes the problems.

wish i had drawing skills

I reckon it's a toss-up between lgbt-nonsense, Islam, Jews and feminism, all of which strive to undermine the fundamental Christian values which kept improving throughout the centuries, acting as a safeguard against these degeneracies, now that people in the west are losing faith in Christianity, having less kids, importing fertile muslim migrants and accepting faggotry as "normal", we are fucked.

Eastern Europe will be the last bastion of whiteness on the face of the Earth in the future, if things carry on as they are.

>pic related

>A dogfucker is a paragon of virtue compared to someone who teaches the holocaust mythology to white kids

well said

I wouldn't say that, Estonia is about 85% atheist yet I think Estonia is one of the more redpilled countries in Europe

good times breed weak people

Thanks mate, will do my best.

animus and mangos



Race mixing of any kind that produces an offspring and mixed offspring themselves

I'm more lax about mixed relationships that cause no children

but Sup Forums praises kek

The right.


Why would anyone pay money for something that is free and nearly infinite?


Because they have their own original characters. Besides, the mentality of commissioners isnt to fap, its actually just the same as usual art. Its a large circlejerk competition in groups about who can get what done by which famous artist. The more famous, the better ofc. Shit pays, and pays well.

Race mixing is objectively the greatest degeneracy.

Atheism or fornication.


It frees the minds of once-enslaved churchgoers. Lack of religion doesn't equal hedonism or amoralism, and none of it affects what you choose to do. Take your fairy tales elsewhere.

Fuck it's like Disney made an accurate prediction of future humans

I need to invent a real life hovercraft chair. I'd be fucking rich as hell.

We live in strange times.



While pony porn is indeed degenerate, it's negated by your entrepreneurism.


smoking weed

Fuck your christian values. The loss of religion is due to people thinking for themselves, not degeneracy, and it doesn't represent degeneracy. We're moving into new moral territory as society evolves, and it's a good thing. It means future generations won't rely on archaic rulebooks based on fairy tales to live their lives with purpose and happiness.

also this, how can you let this happen to yourself

Whats bug chasing?

No bully pls


Fuck that guy.

Sleeping around with the intention of getting AIDS.

Good for you. You've found a way to exploit a bunch of stupid stupid people for substantial profit while doing what, I assume, you love to do (drawing).

I don't know what your career goals are or whatever, but if this is just a profitable hobby my hat is off to you sir.


Trying to get STDs on purpose and spread them, especially AIDS. Faggots who are seriously psycho often have orgy parties where this occurs, usually one person has it and everyone else tries to get it.

Every "person" who engages in this activity should be tortured to death.


and then giving AIDS?

you best be talking about bruce jenner and not brett favre, one of the most based human beings in existence

jews. not killing them on sight.

Being muslim or identifying as a gender that isn't male or female. Also fucking toddlers/babies is pretty degenerate as well.

Torture implies the pain inflicted on them is valued. That they have something of value.
No. Just take them out back, hang them and leave them to the birds.



I think this may be the winner.

There's a thing with buggers where you are only truly gay if you have aids. The world's a scary place.

what a cuck.


>The loss of religion is due to people thinking for themselves,
Uh, no. The arrogance of atheists is truly hilarious. The loss of religion is due almost entirely to the fact that education and media has been completely subverted by Marxists. It has nothing to do with independent thought. Atheism itself is illogical and only appears as a result of brainwashing.

Independent thought leads to agnosticism.

While I agree with you in theory, the loss of Christianity in the western world is probably one of the main reasons the populace is laying down and allowing hordes of Muslim immigrants to flood our ancestral homelands without opposition.

I saw a picture of a line of Muslims pissing on the side of a church today. I have to think that a hundred years ago that would have caused a reaction.

I don't believe in Christianity but I still identify as a catholic because I consider it my culture. And I don't want to abandon my culture.

Dude Im an atheist but christianity actually teaches good values. Fuck outta here with your fedora tipping bullshit.

I doubt this is as widespread as you think. I live in a seriously gay city and have several gay friends who are outspoken, and I'd never heard the term until today.

Lying for any reason.

Without lies this world would be a very different and better place.

Apparently, the intent is to just "get" it. Those are the bugchasers. The purpose is beyond me and I seriously doubt this is a widely-used practice.

Prison School manga.

True. So fucking true.

Brett Favre's reaction earned my utmost respect. Of course I'm talking about Bruce Gender.

Cuckoldry. Fortunately they don't breed so hopefully this particular dysgenic practice dies out.

Beyond me.

Atheism and agnosticism are practically the same thing. If you are agnostic you are an atheist. You can be an atheist and not be an agnostic, but that's actually fairly rare in the "atheist community".

It's not widespread but it definitely happens, just behind closed doors. There's certainly a minority of gays that get off to the idea of STD spreading. It's kind of like taking virginity, except you're taking their health.

I'm confused what's happening here, black peoples raping a white woman because that's the future they're chasing?

You are assuming that the thought that there must be a god of some type is inherent.

I'm not brainwashed. I was raised to be a good roman catholic. I just see past the bullshit and think for myself. The only logical conclusion is that there is no god, and never was. Now that we've entered a new age of thought, god is no longer necessary.


Drug dealers

They have destroyed dozens of countries.

>Independent thought leads to agnosticism.
Explain. Seriously.

Easy, grooming little kids to be homosexuals and transgenders.

>never liked manga
>checked out 1st chapter after someone posted lewd page of it
>binge read everything in 3 days
am i degenerate