>two characters who ruined their respective shows
But which was worse?
>two characters who ruined their respective shows
But which was worse?
Dawn got hot near the end but was a annoying teen brat most of the series. Connor at least had superpowers and was handy in a fight, he also had a reason to be edgy beyond being a teenager.
Dawn was at least on Buffy's side. Connor was an edgelord that cucked his on dad and actively worked against him.
He was ok later though. I mean after the memory wipe and post-finale comic Connor
Same as comic Dawn
Banging Xander is shit tier fut she got her key powers to travel in dimensions. A bit less shitty.
Hold up, is that Pete from madmen?
Connor was made so much worse by Cordellia's actress being a huge cunt and not telling anyone she was pregnant until it was too late to reschedule shoots or work around it.
Never liked Dawn and the whole retcon she caused on the show.
At least Angel had enough sense to get rid of Connor before its GOAT final season
It was GOAT
But I still have Vietnam flashbacks because of it
My poor feels...
I don't get why people hate Connor or season 4, of course the guys emo as fuck from growing up in a hell dimension and all the build up with the beast and jasmine was hype as fuck because it was one on-going story of the heroes getting shit on over and over again and the intensity was not broken up with monster of the week episodes like most of the series and shows like that
I liked Connor.
Apparently she didn't know they were killing off Cordy when she came back for that S5 episode. Joss added the phone call in later. She was pissed.
How could Pete be the worst character in anything? I disbelieve.
Nope, sorry. Trachtenberg was my waifu from the moment she came to love with Buffy.
I mostly hate it for Whedon's cuck fantasies that got poor Amy's character blacked and Angel being a beta numale. But the Beast thing was good and about halfway we see Amy stop with the blacked crap and going to based Wesley slowly... but it's still too slow and Whedon is still a hack who didn't deliver on those things
implying you had been brainwashed by Sup Forums when you first saw angel
just using modern Sup Forums terminology
would you rather i used other terms? I cant seem to remember better ones
I was angry as fuck with the Gunn/Fred shit, that much i remember, and it bothered me back then and still now, and it made me hate most of S3 more than 4. That pairing was just wrong, and it goes beyond Sup Forums shit. Cordelia/Groo was also a shit pairing that bothered me and Cordelia/Connor an even worse one, but Cordelia wasn't my waifu.
Connor banging Cordelia while Angel looked on, as fire and brimstone was raining down, was one of the most kino moments in the Buffyverse.
>Dawn was at least on Buffy's side.
remember when she kicked her out of her own house
That's a big part of why it was GOAT. A shame now it's tainted with the knowledge that Joss was fucking every single actress on the show.
Damn, someone finally said it.
>having waifus
There's your problem. Also older woman + teenager is a patrician fetish.
So who did Joss bang? Connor?
He wasn't. Fred was the worst character.
How do you think Charisma Carpneter got pregnant, user? Did it never strike you as strange that it was hidden from the rest of the crew for so long?
Honestly, I always thought it was her. "Always" since yesterday.
Those nipples, tho.
>Those nipples, tho.
I've never seen her nipples. How are they? And are you talking pre or post pregnancy?
These were from her Playboy shoot. During or just after. It doesn't say. I thought "she should have kept her clothes on." But hey, maybe Joss liked them that way.
Stfu Amy is pure. Article said Buffy actresses and there is still debate over which ones yes and no.
Problem aint the fetish. Problem is that Connor ia cucking Angel, again, pertpetuating the cycle of misery porn
It's not surprising. They were pretty mad about the whole pregnancy shit
Those are great nips. What are you, gay?
Misery porn is the point of the show tbqh
Maybe so. I could forgive anyone for fucking SMG, though. I would fuck her to the Moon and back. I love that little Jew bitch, and I hate myself for it.
shots fired
I think any one woman from these series would be a forgivable offense.
He just stated the obvious then asked a couple of questions. Why do women have to cry about everything?
was excited angel had handsome teen son someone to bond with fight with hug with but idiot writers turned him bad and wrote him out many seasons without him hurts so much but good writers wrote him back even if only for one ep
Used to work night shift. Came home, had a bone and a drink, turned on Buffy and Angel, and went to bed dreaming about all those complicated, broken beauties. There's nothing like that now.
Angel and Darla having a kid together still makes no sense.
Why? Darla was hot and nasty and always love/hated Angel. And he always got the bone for her, in spite of his horror and disgust. It was perfect.
i think he meant vampire can't get pregnant or impregnate or both.
>Pete Campbell
>worst character
her nips look like black eyes