Sup Forums goes mainstream
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They just don't get it.
>"There's all these ideas happening in there," says Davis.
>they're all bigoted nationalists.
Nah, London is just full of yuppie pedos so they can all burn in hell for all I care.
What a time to be alive.
must be cool to see your very own memes in the MSM. too funny
Nice trips you got there
>they're all bigoted nationalists.
That's a bigoted comment if I ever saw one lmao
Nobody even knows what the alt right is
Hillarys head needs to go into a main stream.
"Its followers are fond of internet pranks and using provocative, often grossly offensive messages to goad their enemies on both the right and the left."
Bahahahaha... hahahaha
I knew I had value.
There's no "alt-right", it's called having common sense.
Liberals, when will they learn?
>old lady yells at internet
>old lady blames twitter for all her problems
>stupid media have old people write about Sup Forums while ignoring real problems
Alt right is such a dumb term.
>Shock Troops
I like this though.
SPLC is on us now. We bigtime now.
Can't wait for the South Park episode on the alt-right. Will probably be their season premiere.
>"I quickly realised that the folks I was talking to were among the most articulate and educated in this group. But there's a level below them, they're running these gross hate group pages," Bateman says.
>Bateman says
I don't believe anyone on any chan made this. This is gays as fuck and HAS to be reddit or a fake made just for this article.
>Bateman says
Omg.. I just came thinking about this...
>Mfw they have Stan or Cartmen or Kenny (obviously not Kyle) browse Sup Forums and every edgy kid ever gets Redpilled.
By exposing us they expose themselves. While we casual walk into it and embrace it, they will be dragged kick and screaming into it revealed and burned by the truth.
wasn't there an episode about jokes going too far?
or the that was the theme of the last season with PC?
please happen