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stelio confirmed to be satan
this is great, up there with ricky spanish
either you love rodger drama or you don't
As a greek it's cool to see someone reppin your people get some spotlight.
How come American Dad is arguable the better show but Family Guy is the main one?
>it must be suffering to be greek but at least it's not asian tier
what are some greek typecasts? masseuse?
because normies have shit taste?
I'm gay (homosexual)
Doesn't rely on cutaways and pop culture references as its only jokes. I assume they have an actual competent team of writers but I've never checked.
stan isn't a retard
He also isn't as cruel as Peter so you can actually believe they're a family.
>doesn't know what ointment is and how to apply it
>thinks he is saving his family but only further dooms them by shoving an aggressive bear in their faces to rescue them, even impaling his wife with a harpoon
>regularly causes mieschief due to his utter retardation
What show are you watching. He and Peter are indistinguishable in this regard.
because franny is a babe
>that episode where he erased their memories every day for 5 months so they could give him the perfect father day
He was certainly more manipulative then Peter.
Stan learns lessons from that. Family Guy is just gags and all of the fucking with each other.
That's true there always is a lesson but I've just noticed how scheming and awful Stan can be when he's trying to change the family and get what he wants. In the Stelio episode he stalks and beats up Steve for weeks.
Are the current seasons still watchable/okay? I haven't watched American Dad in like 3 years. I was on a kick then just stopped.
The lesson was actually good and Steve was a pussy.
He repeatedly beat Steve and drove him to paranoia
And yet he didn't learn the lesson
>lol I'll just pay someone to carry the oranges
It needs to be taken to an absurd level for it to be funny.
Implying those oranges didn't get up the stairs
More hit and miss. Season 12 had some great episodes.
The TBS seasons are odd. I would say the episodes have not been bad. The plots have been great but the jokes just do not hit. I enjoy watching the show but it is not the same.
There are some gems though. Steve doing a B story of trapped in the closet was great.
Amateur. Its 2 Stelios' and 1 Kontos'
and Louise.
You actually have to be a little smart to get all the jokes in American Dad and they make fun of both sides of the political spectrum
Stan actually cares about his children even if he disagrees with them, he's not anywhere as cruel to his daughter as Peter is
Seth McFarlane is heavily involved with the production of one and only a voice actor on the other.
American dad dials back the randomness a fair amount and the jokes actually and plot lines for each episode actually make sense.
Characters are also more likable and consistent than family guys.
What lessons? All episodes follow the same trite pattern.
>Stan does something retarded due to his hardcore beliefs
>chaos ensues
>he "learns" that he was wrong
The same shit literally happens in Family Guy with Peter. However, none of that matters because all of that is forgotten next episode and both do the same mistakes again.
Woah I need to drink less.
the dry jokes usually land unlike family guy
Family Guy made the wrap up lesson at the end of the show into a gag. They regularly joke about there not actually being a lesson.
do you really think i'll give you the money just because you're making that stupid noise?
Peter is a retarded psychopath, Louise is an annoying bitch, Brian acts like a douche, Chris is creepy and annoying, Meg is bland and basically just the punching bag and Stewie is okay sometimes but can be grating.
American Dad actually has likeable characters despite their flaws. Kind of dumb how little Klaus is in the show, I think there are some episodes where he isn't even shown. What do you guys think of Klaus?
This. While I enjoy the show, it's hardcore cultural marxism.
klaus is probably my least favorite character. his german accent gets on my nerves, and his jokes don't stray very far.
stan > steve > roger > francine > haley
Klaus had one of the best jokes on the show
sorry for potato-quality video but it's the only one I could find
He was better in the early seasons, when he was really perverted.
Side note. The Happy Haley episode establishes that Klaus has been a fish since she was 8 years old. Haley is 19 currently in the show. Stan has been keeping him as a fish prisoner for over 10 years.
I liked fraternity Klaus this season, he was a huge cunt to Steve for no reason.
>that episode where stan and francine each have their own steve to raise
>they have their own methods of raising him: overbearing and overly strict towards each of their steves
francine's steve hit too close to home
Actually good writers and fun plots that actually utilize Stan being in the CIA (which thank god for the writers because season 1 was just political jokes with Seth at the helm).
Also all the characters are enjoyable to watch and they actually do great things with their side characters instead of making them forced as fuck like Family Guy.
Don't you mean Stevearino?!
>francine's steve hit too close to home
was the it ghost loads?
What exactly is a ghost load?
Is there anything better than night tennis?
It's when you masturbate so much in a day that when you orgasm nothing comes out, happened to me once the first day I masturbated
Stans fluctuating power level annoys me a lot desu
He goes from being able to beat up multiple mobsters with relative ease to getting his shit pushed in by a home depo worker
You could argue that Stelio is different but it happens all the time
lazy writing desu
I don't produce semen at all anymore. Of course I jack off like 4 times a day but nothing comes out. Not really a big deal but it's a little concerning
Jesus christ that's horrifying
Nope. That was earlier seasons. They have chilled out on it now, and Stan is more of a back to earth dude now
American Dad went through a transformation similar to King Of The Hill.
A producer with KoTH early on realized that the characters were unlikable and that it would hurt the series, so he had the characters changed a bit so you you'd feel empathy for them.
Similarly American Dad had some weaker episodes early on when having characters like Stan just being the conservative straw man, which got toned down over time since it limited the possible stories they could do.
Over time the American Dad characters were made easier to empathize with which makes it easier to care about what happens with those characters. It doesn't just feel like a bunch of random shit happening so much as a story where you follow the characters (even if it is ridiculous what all is happening).
Family Guy instead just does random gags without caring what happens with the characters.
No cutaway gags
I am offended by this cultural apropriation of my people and their culture.
Turks are Greek.
We ruled that land centuries and millenia ago.
Steve> Stan> Francine> Roger> Klaus> Jeff> Haley
The Steve episodes were always the best.
Also the best side character is principal Louis.
>when you notice hes pretending to be a Canadian shitposter
Oh no. He's coming from so far away. He's picking up so much speed.
American Dad is pure background noise kino
Can Kontos posting replace Sneed posting?
Did you see Mike Judge is starting talks with Fox to bring back KoTH?
This desu
Yesterday I was sick and rewatched some episodes, and it was great
When I play games (not frequwntly) i usually put American dad plying as background noise
The characters is what does it for me.
Family Guy family:
>5 unfunny unlikable people
>1 somewhat funny and interesting character (Stewie)
American Dad family:
>4 funny characters
>2 unfunny characters (Hayley and Claus)
Funny and prominent sidecharacters in Family Guy:
>Quagmire, Herbert, Carter, Adam West
Funny and prominent sidecharacters in American Dad:
>Steve's friends, Jeff, Lewis, Bullock, Greg & Terry, Father Donovan
So basically Family Guy relies on out of context sidegags or a few characters other than the family to be funny, which makes the jokes more surface-level. American Dad has both a great family and plenty of great sidecharacters, so they can make better jokes that relate to the history of the character. The family members are also better developed and have more than 1 side to them (Francine is a dedicated but airheaded housewife with a history of being a huge slut and partygirl, Steve is a wimp when it comes to Stan and bullies but can completely dominate other situations, Roger is an entire show by himself and since he's constantly switching characters he's never boring). Family Guy did this with Stewie being both evil and gay and Lois being both boring and sometimes violent, but never in the same extent or in a similarly funny way. Basically American Dad can be funny without even making jokes, because the characters are entertaining and simply knowing how they work and their history can make something funny (that other people new to the show wouldn't understand).
Also because of how Roger switches characters and is an alien, Claus being a talking fish and Stan being in the CIA means that the show can do more outrageous things and incorporate sci-fi concepts without it being weird or conflicting. There's more room for interesting plots this way (Stan trying to fuck Steve in the body of a hot robot teenage girl for instance).
I played through both Fallout 3 and Fallout NV with American Dad on my second monitor. Great times.
>it gets much worse than that
mcfarlane is producing, first he killed it with his unfunny negro senpai show now's he's raising it from the dead to be worse than ever
Tbf American Dad sucks now too. The recent episode where they parody Amazing Race was just painfully unfunny, not a single good joke in the whole thing. Same goes for the one where Steve joins an all-female roller skating team.
he can be pretty retarded.
that whole preachy episode about minimum wage he was stupid as shit, they had to have him be stupid because any normal guy would have been able to prove the message they were puking at us wrong.
I laffed
I wish the TBS American Dad would fucking stop with the opening "joke" then cutting to intro.
It has zero flow.
His eyes are red from smoking weed
That was literally (literally) fake news and you're too much of a dumb shithead to even know it
Best character
>hello desk sandwich
>you thought those were ding dong prices?!
>black bagels y'all!
no u
Family guy HAS had and always will pull in more viewers and reach a much grander audience than am dad. Like it's that simple shitlord
maybe baby
>your mom is going to touch more sack than a medieval grain merchant on inventory day
I agree with the rest of your post but Quagmire hasn't been funny since Season 7.
And Louissssee
>these recent episodes
good god, what has gone wrong
>tfw this shit meme is the only thing people think about and sing to me when they hear my fucking name
Did anyone watch last night's episode?
I think it was the American Dad equivalent of the Principle and the Pauper. It just felt wrong in so many ways
what did they retcon now?
Stelios is a meme? I haven't seen him posted here before.
>Poorly Planned Parenthood
Holy shit
They didn't retcon anything; Klaus and Roger started dating (and broke up at the end)
Okay, Tarkan
What's the context? Doesn't sound as bad as when they basically made Steve and Stan fuck.
It's one thing when the characters all have a weird sexual tension.
It's another when there's a 5 minute montage of Roger and Klaus making out and humping. It just felt so contrary to their characters and the show.
It's weird cause last week's episode was one of my favourites of recent too
I once knew a Jewish girl who kept a't end well for her. But then again, nothing did for Fran Drescher.
Ha! You thought I was making a holocaust joke! SHAME ON YOU!