Reminder that both of /Our Guys/ are going to be killed off before the end of the series so that YAS QUEEN and manbun feminist can win.
Reminder that both of /Our Guys/ are going to be killed off before the end of the series so that YAS QUEEN and manbun...
CIA and Jaime are going to die?
good thats what i want to happen
littlefinger has zero chance of surviving this series
>littlefinger has zero chance of surviving this series
No shit. The way he dies is going to be fucking stupid though.
stop being edgy bro, fuck these guys.
Jon snow is going to be killed by the nights king and Dany is going is going to be killed by Jorah (who is AA) to temper light bringer.
Sansa after witnessing what a clusterfuck having a monarchy really is throughout the entire series will try to shape a new form of government (You won't find out what it is though).
> implying democracy is better
Tyrion was working on a non monarchical
system before he got interrupted by Dany sperging out at the idea of her dying
I won't be surprised if Arya literally teleports behind him and tells him "heh... nothing personal"
/ourguys/ are clearly Jaime and Varys though.
Like I said. You don't find out what it is (because GRRM is smart enough to create a new system of government to fix the types of problems we face).
What the fuck do you have against the Others? You are unfamiliar with their culture and ways?
You fucking racist
>(because GRRM isn't**** smart enough to create a new system of government to fix the types of problems we face).
maybe CIA can leave westros for essos. wait for aftermath of the fight of the dead then comeback with army of the sons of the harpys teamrolling danys forces.
>Jon Snow is going to be killed by Euron and Dany is going to die during labor while giving birth to their daughter
Nah, they won't have kids. Jon and Dany are both red herrings. Jorah and Sansa are the characters that'll ultimately matter when the dust has settled.
when the dust settles only Lyanna Targaryen will matter desu
Pretty clever point user. II bet you get called racist all the time and it's just not fair. I mean it's not like you just drew a parallel between human beings and mindless undead hordes that just want to destroy everything living thing in their path.
Sansa sentences him to death and Arya kills him sunday
GRRM is a fucking retard and his show is a fucking shitfest. I will never understand why this show got funded in the first place. It's literal reddit cancer.
In the book how they are created isn't revealed, though it will probably be the same due to GRRMs propensity for bashing nukes and WMDs, being an invention of man (or CotF) gone awry.
That being said the book does still draw very clear parallels, with them being called the Others, having an otherworldly beauty, language, and basically just being mysterious Ice Elves that we don't know what they are doing or why. They might be acting because man is in violation of the treaty made back at the end of the long night without even knowing it.
>TL;DR ur a fag
i see this actor on a near daily basis thanks to you homos, so i want to see more of his work. any recs?
can't seem to find Still nor A Good Man, but i'd like to see them.
I hope you realize this bit >though it will probably be the same due to GRRMs propensity for bashing nukes and WMDs,
Literally just cancels out every point you just tried to make.
TLDR: back to Sup Forums
Why? Aside from the whole
>durrr back to Sup Forums
being literal non-argument reddit-tier bullshit, I want to hear why saying that George's past writings and personal beliefs are not indicative of how the story will play out.
>Literally just cancels out every point you just tried to make
Because you just admitted that in the end the book white walkers will also probably end up being an allegory for WMDs just like they are in the show.
Which if you could have understood from my previous post if you could comprehend anything beyond buzz word bullshit like "reddit-tier" and somebody telling you to go back to Sup Forums after you started race baiting on an unrelated topic.
Nice straw man bro.
It can be an allegory for two things. They can be an out of control weapon AND be sentient, misunderstood 'Others.' Like I said, maybe humans are violating an ancient treaty without knowing it.
Regardless, we're talking about the show where everything we've seen thus far is that they're just an WMD allegory and you're race baiting.
And pro tip for you. When somebody says "go back to Sup Forums". They're just pointing out that you're needlessly trying to inject real life politics and tensions into a hobby board that just want's to act pretentious while talking about tits and dragons and that it's annoying as fuck. If people wanted to hear that shit they'd go to a politics board.
The show doesn't even call them Others anymore, they totally dropped that allegory. I was referencing the books.
My first comment was funny, fuck you.
Funny is a bit of a stretch but to each his own. Just realize if you randomly link topics to current political then nine times out of ten you're going to be primary coming across as an annoying cunt.
Sounds like you are on the wrong side of history and got offended
Now you're just baiting. :^)
>GRRM is a fucking retard and his show is a fucking shitfest. I will never understand why this show got funded in the first place. It's literal reddit cancer.
And yet your here... I'm sorry Stannis died... but it's time to let go
>Dany is going to die during labor while giving birth to their daughter