Pro amnesty

>pro amnesty
>won't build a wall
>panders to blacks and Hispanics

Why do you guys support Trump again?

the last two are undoubtedbly true

the problem is fascism is aspergers

>Blacks and hispanics

*Blacks and Mestizos

Who's this guy?

Trumpcucks are too dumb to get that the media encouraged them in their 'vote for the worst' campaign with the design to sandbag the Republican candidate afterwards. Also 2nd point here

Did you hear about Hillary's e-mails?

>Trumpcucks are too dumb

They are cultists. They actually think Trump will start a race war if elected. Such is the life of the brainless.

For 2+ years. It went to Clinton's core unlikability, which made it critical that the Republicans nominate someone who's own unlikability didn't rapidly exceed hers. They failed.

>Did you hear about Hillary's e-mails?

Did you hear about Benghazi?

>don't worry Hillary is so weak and will be prosecuted anyway so we can go with whoever

Cultists is on the nose. For a year they were warned that his immigration stands were fake. Infuriating. The mental gymnastics they're having to go through now...

I think more of them are expectant of a race war if he loses, though.

Few want a race war. Most want a wall to impede the flow of illegal immigrants

Correct the Record isn't fooling anyone.

Because America 1st policy.

Your country is doomed, no matter what happens and who wins, it'll be shit.

>Because America 1st policy.
Doesn't do a hell of a lot of good if the guy you suppose represents it (though if you understood the import of the details to his background you'd see his stances were mainly empty rhetoric) cannot win.

This too. We're too far gone, and obviously as a people not aware of what's at stake.

He's pandering to both sides and Sup Forums users are the stupider of the two sides, so of course they support him.

Guys guys! I have evidence for hillarys arrest! I'm gonna take it up to su

haven't supported him since he started pandering to niggers for votes, he's become a politician

>won't build a wall
Where the fuck is this one coming from? What basis does it even have?

Cuckservatives will never be nominated gain, regardless of whether or not they have a chance to win (they don't).

>h-how are you going to build a wall in the current year?? OMG he's being a ridiculous anti semite! he can't be prezzie >:(

meanwhile in the holy land...


Hillary will start the race war, we all know this.

She understands the thread of those superpredators and she will make them heel.

He's playing off the Hillary kills people meme, which should never have been been allowed to spread beyond mockery of conspiracists.

Dahnald Trimp

hhahahaha jesus christ, you're in every thread saying the same thing, you're butthurt kek

the flip-flop is strong with mr. Donald

Si mon.
