Why is this allowed?
Why is this allowed?
because hue
Pic morumbi, são paulo brazil
I agree. That terrace design is just terrible.
because photoshop is legal
I agree. Those poor people should be forced to live further away.
You're right. They should put a grass or water colored tarp overthrow eye sore on the left.
So everywhere should be a shithole?
I agree, the left side should have been a nice park
If the market allows it then it's fine, the real answer should be, why not?
I agree, those shanty towns ruin the view and should be bulldozed.
I would not trust a wall that thin around poor people.
Because poorfags should be executed on sight
Looks like that one wall works
Left side is for niggers.
Who the fuck would want to rent any of those rooms? The view is literally shit.
t. El peruANO.
Is that the actual map from MW2?
Everywhere should look decent, fascist.
There is a electric fence in the wall mate
Let me explain it like Russian Today commenters would:
It's USA's fault. Their criminal regimes install their own leaders in these poor countries, exploiting their resources, waging wars, bombing innocent people, infiltrating their countries with CIA spies, controlling their governments, threatening them with sanctions if they don't comply. Everything bad in the world happens because of USA, Putin is the greatest leader in history, the Russian people live such a wonderful life in a rich and free country.
kek, there, I explained it how RT posters would.
Lack of common sense
>it's a liberal trying to "fix" the natural occurrences and fucking everything up on the process episode
imagine living in this building with all your friends. shit would be cash.
>são paulo brazil
seriously. Who would want to go out and look at peasants.
What a shit view.
It's real. The favela just sprouted there and no amount of whining from the rich guys got the government to take them somewhere else.
I'm sure the design has been approved by engineers and architects. All those pools on top of each other freak me out too but I don't think anyone is in danger.
You mean why brazil is allowed ?
What's wrong? The people on the left made poor life choices, coupled with populist government programs that make sure those people stay poor and a lower IQ than the already low national average so parties like the Worker's Party can keep getting those easy votes.
And much more which I can't be bothered to type.
Almost all of that is true though
Except not EVERYTHING bad is because of us
And Putin isn't the greatest leader in history
The rest of it is true.
I thought that's the only point of being rich.
Yeah, why is it allowed for some of the units to not take care of their pools.
it shouldn't be
I know right. This low of a property value for such wonderful appartments is just criminal.
Yeah, I'd be pissed to have that shit neighborhood as my view.
Because setting fire to the favela would be wrong for some reason
Yeah imagine paying all that money for a luxurious apartment and then having to Put up with the smell of the poor it's not right
If i get five (You)s, i'll go full Allah akbar and i'll stream it. XDXDXD
says the guy who owned slaves and was so fucking rich he could sit around all day and "think about the world"
I think Sup Forums has made me lose all pity for poor people. I'm not really well off myself but I still disdain the majority of them regardless of race.
I have no idea why this is because the only thing Sup Forums ever talks about is race relations and memes it seems.
Kek, favelados do this all the time to receive money from the gov
>Omg it shouldn't be allowed for there to be neighborhoods only for the wealthy. We should force all wealthy suburbs to have section 8 housing.
>Omg wealthy people can't just move here and drive up property prices, this is OUR neighborhood.
are you a time-traveller?
if not
how did you get a pic of future Europe?
>looks like Judge Dredd
So is Sao Paulo confirmed Megacity?
in non-shithole countries we buy land far away from the poor to build our homes
Rio is Megacity
They just need to bootstrap it and take out a loan from daddy like I did!
wtf i hate brazil now
left - niggers and shitskins in their natural environment
right - hardworking white people in their natural environment
White people on both sides desu
I heard they tried to move the poor people to the countryside so they could have a better life there, but they got mad and built a bunch of disgusting sharthouses right next to the rich.
Meanwhile sheltered celebs fancying communism meet with reddit's applause and really making u think, huh?
Yes, because every single one of those rich people earned it and didn't receive money from mommy and daddy
Probably the realization that just because you're worse off doesn't mean it's someone else's fault coupled with the fact that FREESHIT gibmes are what's wrong with the world.
>Why is this allowed?
Im on your side OP. What can we do against the filth in the slums?
That's a pretty cool way to structure balconies, I don't understand why you have a problem with it.
What do you mean?
you don't like the fact that the poor nordestinos imigrants built their shitty houses near rich areas, in order to get rich, but don't know how getting rich works so they just continue to be poor to this day?
You're talking about the populist governments who made their degenarate lifestyle viable?
Or are you all about that "equality" bullshit?
Limited / no ability to reap the economic rewards of your industry because of forced redistribution means nobody gives a shit and the economy stagnates, comrade.
The interesting part is that sometimes this actually happens. Then the poor people who live in a landfill turn their brand new condo into a landfill. And the picture zooms out to the next wall.
I gAve my parents money for their down payment you fucking dweeb. Im allowed to hate poor people.
Those people should try not being impoverished
>In Brazil
Everybody is a mixed nigger here, in Sup Forums standards at least
Fixed. This is the liberal utopia version of the imagine. We wouldn't want to be unequal, better to all be equally miserable.
I know! I doubt they got planning permission for those houses, plus red brick is so 40s. Tacky.
We totally fucked their shit up, but they're better off for it in the long run I'm comparison to what they would be if they'd followed the (((Soviet Union)))
t.salty shitskin
White people don't make "nice" neighborhoods with magic, retard. The people make the place, not the other way around. Put a bunch of niggers incthose high rises and they crumble within a decade. Don't believe me? Look at any white city that is now filled with niggers throughout the ENTIRE PLANET.
Why can't you niggers grasp this?
Man, being a cop in Brazil must be like being a Judge in 2000 AD
I hear also that huehues get fucked in taxes for vidya, can anyone confirm?
You know the rich neighborhood is mostly white and the shitty favela is black. Don't even pretend you don't know. But yeah, it's just because they were enslaved and brought to civilization 150 years ago, it's entirely the fault of the white man, they'd be kings otherwise.
I disdain the inequality is the source of conflict meme
people should look at what they get and be glad, not look at what somebody else has
niggers and mudslimes want to be kangz? they already live like kangz, a european monarch in the 9th century (or an an african monarch in the 19th) would change places with them in a hearthbeat
no want for food, comfort or warmth? all basic needs cared for by that state?
what are you complaining for?
Disgusting, who want's to see that filth from his balcony. Poor people are just disgusting.
Somebody has to work in the factories desu.
I always have a problem in city builders where I don't have enough uneducated and the city struggles from no industry.
Why would that matter?
>Work hard all my life
>Can't give money to my son
The utopia of a lefty faggot.
Except me. I'm the only white brazilian.
This image kind of speaks to me about the duality of an average 4channer
On one hand you Wojak, who just wants to be at peace with the world and for him to find his place in it.
And then on the other hand you have Pepe, who represents the darker half of us. The half of us that hopes for happenings and the punishment of normies so that the world can become more fitting for people like us.
>we should judge whether or not a person has a high standard by referring to the 9th century
why are conservashits this fucking stupid?
It must be awful living in that building. Think of the stench.
Because you complain about poor people when everything was handed to you, either literally or through nepotism.
You shouldn't have kids at all. Look into antinatalism, faggot.
because BRA71L
I don't understand what you're asking.
It's poetic; it's supposed to show how far above the common man they are.
I don't even know what black and white is anymore
Sup Forums treats race the same way sjw's treat sexuality
congratulations sasquatch xdd
>You shouldn't have kids at all.
haha holy shit (((they))) really did a number on you didn't they
>not one of them think to plant some grass
Homes are not safe. All the rich people live in tower here. Not towers like North America where each floor has lots of rooms. My tower has two apartments a floor, with separate elevators. Richer buildings are one a floor.
because not all men are equal
Yes, force some innocent being into existence because it fulfills your selfish ambition
Don't even worry about their lifetime of suffering and inevitable death
You're right. Why are the poor homes ruining the view for the people that can afford real homes?
>Look into antinatalism, faggot.
I can't tell if you're a retard normie or just messing with me.
>trying to rationalize that you are so much of a walking failure that you won't even manage to reproduce
Loving every laugh tee bee aych
You're just mad because you've been convinced by (((someone))) that your life sucks and isn't worth living.
Venezuela and South America in general have this in common, there is no infrastructure oversight and any asshole with concrete and sheet metal can build some shit looking house on a mountain. I've been to these places, packs of stray dogs, India tier shitting in the streets, guys trying to sell you shit, the occasional tranny prostitute, and alleys that shrink or lead to nowhere.
I love when proper landowners come and purge the favelas.
>worth living
Top kek