>a 2017 show with a student-teacher relationship
>a young adult show with murder and incest
how did Riverdale get away with this?
>a 2017 show with a student-teacher relationship
>a young adult show with murder and incest
how did Riverdale get away with this?
>Lili Reinhart was born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio
>53.3% black population
That's hot.
no wonder she wanted to off herself
Got away with it because the left want to normalise incest and Pedophilia just as they did with homosexuality
wtf? I lvoe the left now
>reddat gets hot broads like that
can blacks have autism because ive seen you post this in literally every riverdale thread
do you think she would fuck you or something
ape like features
her neck makes me cringe
what's wrong with her hih testosterone neck?
>how did Riverdale get away with this?
because no one watches it
>Riverdale probably won't get a season 3
It hasn't happened and it already hurts
we're getting a season 3
just watch
So if taboo (like teacher, underage student) relationships are my fetish, would this show be interesting to me? How about it being good fap fuel?
The first four episodes maybe
females are allowed to fuck any age they want
does he abuse lili?
He abused her alright, with his dick
waht did jughead mean by this?
nah, he gets cucked by dylan on the reg tho
It's been a hit on netflix
its the new trend.
Dylan is a manlet
dylan is 5'11, he's an honorary lanklet
Out of the dirt is where flowers grow
I wonder how many nudes he has of her
Most of its viewership comes from Netflix, the numbers from the CW don't reflect how well the show is actually doing
Hell they walked away with a bunch of teen choice awards, with Pretty Little Liars and Vampire Diaries finished Riverdale is really the only game in town
What'd they win in?
Best New Waifu 2017
>Hell they walked away with a bunch of teen choice awards, with Pretty Little Liars and Vampire Diaries finished Riverdale is really the only game in town
reminder a faggot shill writes these entire threads
She deserved it.
Get a real job you disgusting lowlife
>he thinks Betty is best new waifu
Imagine being this wrong
you first
I'm not the one selling incest stories to children you literal dirtbag.
brool cory, sto
What part of that is supposed to be objectionable?
The Zionists are still reeeeeeing because their murderous corrupt puppet lost the election.
And because they're insane and they believe they're God's chosen they think it's perfectly acceptable to spoon out this garbage to punish us for our disobedience.
just stop
Betty doesn't look like a tranny.
What the fuck. Also, do you guys find it interesting how when a male teacher does it they say rape, but when a female teacher does it they say "had sex with"? Legally speaking it's rape in both cases, right?
reeeeeeeeee where were hot young teachers when I was a kid?
Fuck off youpiece of shit. The irony is that given your position you were probably abused as a child as well.
If Cheryl is a tranny, I'm gay for boipussy now
It's the divide and conquer shill tacket. Men v. Women this time. How novel.
I see this show is on Netflix, I never bothered. Does it have incest?
How come I never seen a single Black character in all of The Drew Carey Show?
It's fucking bizarre how they're mostly latina or white women in Texas. Something weird is going on in that state.
American cities are extremely segregated. The blacks live in their own areas.
You weren't watching hard enough
Fun fact: in 2017 'Riverdale' is located in Langley, VA.
It has cousin incest + impregnation
Is dirtbag shill gonna script a fake race fight next?
Alright, just watched very first minute. I was hoping those redheads were having an incestual secret, that shit would have been a major turn on. I'm probably gonna watch the first few episodes for this teacher/student stuff and then I'll drop it
Some grown man is writing this shit.baka
Shill, are you being blackmailed or are you just human garbage?
What the fuck is with all the subversive smut on TV lately?
>show about student teacher relationship
>US judge last week decriminalised that
>hot girls wanted tv show about girls doing porn
>stories about girls doing porn because they saw this show
>homosexual childrens show
>inevitable consequences
>I am jazz transsexual child tv show
Any other examples? Whats going on here?
something something (((they)))
Be happy. Shit like Riverdale and this thread are evidence they are losing power.
they obvs where and then tried to double down w/ Charlotsville, and then turned their whole media propaganda/illusion apparatus up to 11.
That they're stooping to shit like incense plots on tv shows for teens really means they're in trouble.
I know ZOG is at it again with this show but it's my guilty pleasure, I can't help it
She reminds me of this girl I used to hook up with a little while ago. Good sex, total bitch though.
More veronica lewds?
In like Betty lewds
I gotchu senpai
Is it possible to fall in love with an actress?
She likes dogs a lot
>2017 show about teenage femdom
wew what a time to be alive lads
>Betty "1488" Cooper
does anybody have the sauve of that riverdale porn about /fit/?
I don't browse these threads a lot (I also don't watch that show only here for the waifu pics), who does Sup Forums like more, betty or veronica?
Who /masturbated to the comics/ here?
Feel like kids these days have it easymode with the show.
Then again the comics were full of fetish fuel stuff.
I've cranked it to that shower piece by DeCarlo
>Then again the comics were full of fetish fuel stuff.
How is this on the show? The fetish fuel/fanservice stuff? I mean I know there is some, but people seem to post only the same 2-3 webms all the time, like the pool scene. Is it all there is?
I figure the story must be terrible, but is it worth it to give it a shot for the fanservice?
It's a tie.
I prefer Lili
I've never seen the show but this bitch wins and left in your picture is last place
Imagine getting a double BJ from Betty and Veronica, their tongues slathering your cock, gently kissing each other as they worship it
How fast would you cum?
Have I fapped earlier in that day?
>me on the right
would pay to see mike adriano direct that kino
is there a show that's shilled harder here than this one? I swear there's a thread every single day.
have you watched any pornos recently? incest is IN