Why the fuck can't the French learn English? What is their problem?
Why the fuck can't the French learn English? What is their problem?
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>england isn't 100%
Really makes you think.
Look at us. More than 3/4 of our total population can't do it and you're like a "genius" if you can speak it.
Why the fuck the brazilians cannot clean the olympic village ?
It's required by law to restrict english on radio stations and on billboards, it's an active push back against the spread of
and most of those who reported they can do it really can't
>swamp germany
Came here to post that
Now Canadas is lower but if you don't include Quebec we basically get 100%
nerve gas
What's wrong with that?
Keeping your own language is a step against globalism
the west speaks english. get on the boat
the east speaks like 2200 languages
just what the fuck senpai. learn english, no one wants to hear or learn your shit. do you really want subtitles for your grandchildren? honest question
and they're still losing the language war lol
There are some extreme areas of Wales and Scotland where some natives don't speak English.
even though swiss german is by far the best language to ever exist everyone should be able to speak english fluently and well
Why aren't you on this map swissbro? Is it EU(rabia) only?
I haven't had the opportunity to visit but my parents did and say you can speak English quite well
>eh, dude weed, globalists lol
literally translated by google
They're polling all of Britain there, so likely includes Scotts, Gaelic, Cumbrian ( which is practically not English let's be honest ) and Welsh.
Most people would be bilingual with these, but not all of them. My Nanna can't speak a damned worth bit of English.
I'm missing a ton of dead hobby languages but people forget how stupid linguistics in Britain is.
old people were learning russian.
Do they speak Whale there?
It's not because they can't it's because they won't.
If the SNP would just let Gaelic die gracefully it would be nice.
yes its because we arent member of the EUSSR
meeh... those with higher education should all speak english very well. those without... honestly not that good
Je give you le hello du le france.
You putain cucks. Sadiq khan. UNITED QUEENDOM
>that feel when part of the 5% non-immigrant Québecois that can speak a decent English
Love you too Frenchbro.
ruining our records since 1830
Gotta get those anglo shekels
Kanker walen
wtf Spain?
>speak a decent english
am i being rused here?
It sounds like Dory's Whale-talk in Finding Nemo mixed with dogs barking.
>a few years ago I visited Wales and got robbed by gangsters
>tfw during the entire encounter I couldn't stop laughing at their ridiculous accents and it kept pissing them off.
>swedish education
Why would they want to they have been at odds forever
I guess thats why spanish and italian posters are so rare
>France: 39
>Poland: 34
What the fuck?
should be like France 5% Poland 50%
>still has to use English loaner words
Disregard dubs.Nigger nation is attempting to distract humans.
why the fuck do i have to press 1 for welch
I guess many eastern European countries are better in German than in English, this is at least my experience.
Maybe we have 34 because of emigration
That applies to yugos and baltic states, the rest prefer english
Can't Turban the Orban.
> be brazilian
> translate an english sentence in french
> don't know that it means you have a big dick
Next time, translate it better
be brazillian
stabbed in atm line
curse using broken english in portugese
subtitles describe your attacker in english
If you take the whole population, it looks like we don't since most of the people are old en France (41yo on average); more than half of those people couldn't speak English to save their lives.
The people under 40 usually can, or they're too retarded to even need to speak English
41 yo, jesus. that is a lot of milfs. can you confirm that there are a solid proportion of milfs
There is around 52% of women in France I think so yeah I guess
That's literally any country desu.
People assume just because they can say a few phrases that they can speak a language
>be in Czech Republic
>go to a train station in a major city (not Prague)
>ask the person at the ticket window if she speak english
>thought to myself: Ok, maybe she can't understand complete sentences, but my wish is so easy, I am sure the will understand it.
>Say: "One twentyfour (24) hour ticket, please"
This one: cd.cz
>She understands nuffin
>Another try: "A ticket for the whole day please"
Eventually I wrote "24h Czech Republic" on a paper and I finally got my ticket
Česko, please
even if they can speak it, they won't admit.
I can't help but feel left out somehow...
The French can speak English, they just don't because they're assholes. Nearly all on the EU can, and they do it well. Except for Spain and Italy, they're just loud uneducated monkeys.
That's a big factor, I certainly won't speak English in France
Yeah, what's up with the French and Slavs sounding like retards when trying to speak English?
I'm more upset about that 4+/-% in England that can't speak English.
It is true that Nigs and mudslimes in France speak "dirty" french?
I can't understand french but I think I hear differences between the french spoken by whites and the french by nigs/mudslimes.
the french are still so bitter they lost the culture war
but hey, atleast some african countries speak french
Why do French backpackers always segregate themselves and only speak French amongst themselves at parties?
>speak French amongst themselves
>because they're asshole
We send all our morons to Australia
God I love those european surveys. Everytime I see my little country like an island around this mess.
The french, even with all the muslims, are very pride of their culture. I think they just told the Cambronne's word to those who has made this survey.
Proud. Now I'm the illiterate cunt.
I agree.
Yea, at least the ones that sell weed where I live, they speak a weird mix of arab and french
For us the survey results are so low because of the southern italians. Fucking barbarians
Because French is a Romance language, English is a Germanic language.
Notice the high rates of English knowledge in Germanic countries vs France, Span and Slavs.
Pretty simple. The more closely related a language is, the easier it is to learn.
Severely underrated
Honestly though, If I were French I would think English is beneath me as well. Since English is just shitty pleb mix of German and French
I currently speak Spanish (C1 ) and German (just B1 level ) , and I'm looking forward to learning French
I would agree that English is in fact a practical language not just because of its popularity , but because it is easy to learn for other Europeans
WTF... explain yourselves.
You're still a fat stupid hick inbred cousin fucking American. Enjoy that, I do.
>he wouldn't fuck his cousin
I mean having inbred babies with ur cousin is one thing but not fucking a fine ass bitch just because you share one ancestor is another I mean C''mon mang
oh yeah and another thing youre from Ireland a fucking island I mean that's as inbred as it gets
Why would any language be beneath you? And yes, English is very practical, since it's basically the lingua franca of the West. But good for you you're learning new languages.
Also, the 90 number for the Netherlands is absolute bullshit. But that's what you get when you let people judge themselves. Have to protect that ego.
>not giving your family the D
>especially members of the same sex because it cant make babies
Same in netherlands nig nogs and mudslimes speak a mix of dutch,arabic, carribean nignog languages
They don't need it. French culture is superior.
> UK
> 95%
> not 100%. what?
Im just saying for historical reasons , about how the French conquered England and the Brits speak a bastardized language of French.
Just put yourself in their shoes. But of course an Italian could say the same about the French language
even in Europe the spics are savages
such is life in eastern europe
Don't white randstad (western part with the largest cities) youths use 75% English in their daily speech?
I had this woman from Rotterdam working with me on a project a few months back and the amount of English in her vocabulary was staggering. After a few days I was ready to strangle her.
italian and latin isn't the same thing
why didn't you try speaking german? I heard like 15-20% of Czechs speak it
Lotta fucking nigs, I guess.
Also some Welsh and Scottish native speakers.
>no skills, no talent, no good education
>mfw keeping Polish % of english-dialogue capable people low is in my interest
French is literally German with Latin characteristics.
Yes, many languages were influenced by other languages through history. I don't really see your point.
You bet we are, but we know it and that's why we fuck our power over to the EU. So when do you do the same to Canada?
Even the most nationalist parts of wales barely use Welsh
It literally is not. Standard German (Hochdeutsch) is comprised of influences of many German dialects, which in their turn evolved from Mittelhochdeutsch/Althochdeutsch after German split from the Gemeingermanic group of Indo-European languages. The Latinic group from which French evolved doesn't even belong to the same language family and only connects to Germanic when traced back to Indo-European. French has been a great influence on German vocabulary from the middle ages onwards, but that's a whole different matter.
Because FUCK YOU, in France we speak french.
Gods, Sweden you son of a gun made me laugh and ended my bad mood.
So any explanation for why that number is still so painfully low in France? It can't be mainly language nationalism.
Complete nonsense. The Francs were a Germanic tribe which was invaded by Latin pigs.
>origin of english language