Improve the country by deleting 5 states.
I took the liberty of having the best answer. Template in my next post.
>Cali butthurt incoming
Improve the country by deleting 5 states.
I took the liberty of having the best answer. Template in my next post.
>Cali butthurt incoming
Other urls found in this thread:
As promised.
>Not deleting Ohio, Florida, and California
>West Virginia
Honorable mentions include Florida, Maryland, and South Carolina
He did delete California you burger
Im curious to know your reasoning for Delaware
Just a useless state with boring people
Fuck you nigger Louisiana is whiter than New York
>not killing off New York and New Jersey
I am disappoint.
he said 5 states, it's implied that delaware doesn't exist.
I honestly didn't know that.
By what metric?
you actually get rid of most of the black population by doing that but not the part rioting except texas
It definitely feels that way when you drive through it
Those are the niggiest parts of the country.
Your a bong so I forgive you
> you forgot the other half of Michigan
texas is already gone
>it's a flyovercucks think America would still be relevant without coastal blue states thread
I don't live in USA obviously but i don't know which state is worse: MN, NM, WA.
I deleted WA because of the Seattle.
yea but the white people that live there are bad because they are racist
It's perfect
Just nuke everything that isn't the South and all will be perfect. Fuck Yankees.
>everyone hates my state
You don't have to remove entire states... just 25 metro areas.
I left the better coast, Commie.
Find a flaw.
>only deleting half of michigan
>leaving the braindead yoopers alive
Look, if you want erase the big cities I'm all for it, but we will need to evacuate all the prostitutes first.
No it's not, retard. That's just Austin.
Austin has always been a retarded island of libcuck scum in a sea of Conservatism.
you took out all of your pacific access, retard.
You're taking away our three biggest cities, which is very good.
>There is a literal body of water seperating them
Why is it the same state?
MN and NM really have nothing to do with each other. NM is pretty much useless, just where old people go to dry up and die in the desert.
MN and WA are both a couple ultraliberal city areas surrounded by wildlife and outdoorsy, conservative white people. WA has shittier weather though so you made the right choice.
Fucking stellar. There goes Americas economy you dipshit. Now the country is dull, poor and flyover, besides New York
Dont worry user, even if we remove all the degenerates in cities, there will always be girls with daddy issues and/or drug addictions ready to step up and fuck you for money.
>implying Seattle is worse than Portland
your foreigner is showing.
New York
This would reduce America to third world status, just so you know. Take out California, Texas, and New York and you basically cut the GDP in half.
Whichever 5 states are the blackest
>removing NY
What are you some kind of cunt?
fuck you nigger virginia is the best state
I'd delete California, New York, Illinois, Washington, and Massachusetts.
>"find flaw"
>Cali gone
Bro do you even need us?
i wish california would leave the US. we would be a utopia on our own without all you red state cousin fuckers dragging us down.
>San Jose nuked.
I'm living there right now but don't let me stop you.
>butthurt texan detected
your shithole state is doomed and you cant do anything about it, sorry :(
>Not deleting Ohio first
Come on lad. It's like those "fixed" europe images where Belgium still exists
We don't need San Fran/Oakland and the worst place in the world, LA.
Commiefornia stays because the hilarity it brings is too valuable.
Daddy issues girls are fine, but drug addicts go downhill wwwwaaaaayyyyyy too quickly. That said, you missed a really serious problem, small town america may have whores, but it doesn't have all that many asian whores.
>killing Florida
>not New Mexico
Well you deleted where most of our relevant ports are, so good on you.
No states, just cities
>Jew York
>San Francisco
>Los Angeles
Because we own that shit, mother fucker!
The country's IQ just dropped by like 50 points
>New Jersey
I'm sorry... we just can't risk it. Imagine how many commies and social justice types might escape the blast radius in the time it would take to evac all those innocent prostitutes.
I'm sorry... casualties of war and all that.
>Sanctuary cities, gun-free state with gross over-regulation of EVERTYTHING
Pick 1, user.
>smartest state
>one of the dumbest
it may even out
Why dont you need the center of the world's technology again?
>Forgot to save after making the final state
Hurr. Washington can fuck off, too.
We could probably solve almost all of our problems by exclusively removing California and everyone inside of it.
Niggers have been around forever but without the hollywood jews promoting their thug culture they wouldn't be nearly as large a problem.
>Nobody deleted Kentucky yet
We live to see another day
Then I can't support this plan and will report you to the relevant authorities. I will have my adult massage parlors and escort services kept intact or I will see this country burn.
>but it doesn't have all that many asian whores.
>not willing to give up your ladyboys to make America great again
Trump would be disappoint
All you did was take away the 5 largest electoral vote states
>takes washington instead of jew york
>takes Oregon instead of Maryland/Washington DC
New york
New jersey
Stay in your own state. You shit up our beaches and come here seeking cheap rent and land.
Can anyone guess what state i am?
If you don't have as many guns as Wyoming, fuck off.
>There is a literal body of water separating them
Why is it the same state?
Well, you ma'am, are a hypocrite by assuming all whites in those states are racist.
>There is a body of water seperating them
>why is it the same state?
>not realizing Hawaii is majority asian
I think you could manage
>no cali
>still keeps jew york
nice memes
Just delete chicago. The rest of IL is bro-tier.
Youre gonna have to go back
If you werent born in mexico, youll see what cali will be like if you ran it
The exodus of those companies are already underway. They want out and rightfully so.
why north carolina you crumpet muncher?
new york
Besides, it's not we couldn't hunt down the commies and tumblrite fucktards after the nuking.
Per capita, hell no. Overall, yes. Ann Arbor is on par with San Francisco, but it is too small to "nuke". Seattle is the better answer over Portland, desu. I'd rather kill 400,000 fags than 100,000 faggier fags.
Why don't you like WA? Some nigger liberal from a city to the west of the Cascades trigger you?
Come on, give us Georgia fags some slack.
Atlanta is the reason for our black problem, everywhere else is pretty white.
Florida, right?
They are racist because they live around niggers
Yeah I live in Portland, it's pure shit but nothing can beat the "most progressive state in America"
Delawarean here, can confirm, please end my suffering.
Why can' the US just Balkanize already?
because fuck off
>that Angie Varona
This is actually shockingly true. My parents were totally into that white guilt shit until we moved from the north to the south and were actually around black people.