Got threads

>got threads
>capeshit threads
>celeb threads
>anime threads
>Sup Forums shit threads

Is this the worst board on Sup Forums?
You go to Sup Forums and you don't see them discussing Billboard's top 100
You go to /lit/ and you don't see them discussing Harry Potter
Why is this board so utterly fucking awful?

dumb frogposter

Sup Forums and /lit/ are boards where pseudo intellectual teenagers jerk each other off, fuck em

This. Kys nigger.

You forgot the worst of them all
>pedo RP threads
>baneposting threads

Shill mods and people who only become janitors so they can babysit their favorite generals
remember the biggest lie that the mods will ever tell you is that they can't change boards unless the users change themselves

t. insecure brainlet

You seem threatened by anything that isn't capeshit discussion

i don't come to Sup Forums for television and film discussion, I come here for memes and shitposting

> pseudo intellectual
*wahhhh, stop being smarter than me! wahhh

>You forgot the worst of them all
No the worst is people who cry about Sup Forums threads promoting discussion even if it off-topic whilst spamming those type of threads

>Sup Forums threads
>promoting discussion

>hmmm, instead of adding quality discussion to this board I'm going to make a pointless meta thread and bitch

Sup Forums is garbage. /lit/ is pretty good.

This. Sup Forums unironically listens to bands and pop music.

Sup Forums and /lit/ is gay though


and what discussion are they promoting?

It's a living lesson to other boards what fostering normalfags will lead to.

I've seen better music threads in Sup Forums. Fuck Sup Forums.

You watch capeshit and flavor of the week horror movies, Sup Forums

*slaps buzzer of failure*
Those are for children and idiots.

Sup Forums is so shit that it could very well be part of reddit.

You mean part of Sup Forumseddit

It's not like they'll leave
t. crossboarder
