Why don't all of the Spanish speaking countries in South America merge into one country? I think they'd be doing a lot better in that case. As far as I know they don't have any huge cultural differences, it should be easy.
Why don't all of the Spanish speaking countries in South America merge into one country...
It would just be a giant shithole, Chile is the only decent country here and they would have to deal with all the indios asking for gibs.
Why not just call the entire country "The Big Shitty Version of Spain"
How fucking stupid can you be?
>idaho and ohio are a world apart
>why doesn't south america just merge? xD
Brazil had nothing to do with Spain though.
They all hate each other and if the borders were gone all the indios and Bolivia-tier shitheads would migrate and ruin the few nice places there.
It's fine the way it is.
Are you implying Idaho and Ohio should be in separate countries? Why? All countries have rural and urban populations. They don't have to live side by side and they don't.
Same reason all the Indian tribes didn't unite before the Spanish and Portuguese exploration: they fucking hate each other faggot.
Well then they should start loving each other if they want to be way better off.
Why doesn't the US merge with Canada?
>Implying that's not happening
Fuck no, I don't want dumbfuck bolivians and peruvians with their gib job gib shack or a fucking brazilian or colombian bringing all the fucking cartels, only acceptables would be uruguayans and a little argentinian, but others fuck no, we're full with haitians/dominicans.
Latino here, when we're all first world I'll support it. Until then, we're better off apart
Why don't all the European speaking countries just merge into one country?
Why don't all the chingchong countries just merge into one country?
Why doesn't India, Pakistan, the U.K. and Jamaica just merge? Really begets a man to ponder
for the same reason you don't merge your assets with the homeless down the street even if you live in the same city
because we have nothing in common.
we shoul make a south cone union (chile, argentina, and uruguay)
Chile, Argentina, and Paraguay are decent. The rest are just pathetic.
Spain is the shitty version of Spain.
Can we just rid the world of Idaho and Ohio? Please?
Aren't all Spanish homeless?
Shit, meant Uruguay. Paraguay is shit as fuck.
So never. Unless you mean everyone dragging the US down to their level and claiming that's what first world is.
>Chile, Argentina, and Paraguay are decent. The rest are just pathetic.
thank you for giving us based William Brown, we would be brazil tier without him.
Its funny when these stupid north americans think they understand something about south america
yeah then all the dirty mexicans will have somewhere else to go and be greasy
Try doing that without causing a war mate, be that stupid.
>assumes spain has assets
>assumes spain isn't the homeless down the street
nobody cares about your grease ball shitskin continent
nowadays we would never attack chile or uruguay.
bolivia and peru would be in trouble, though.
>As far as I know they don't have any huge cultural differences
Why are they independent countries then fuckwit?
Sorry for thinking you all could possibly put aside your petty third world differences and try to not be a continent of disunited poor brown people.
>William Brown
Meh, he was more British than Irish. We can't take credit for that. Potato blight, now that is something I can relate to.
Brazil has literally nothing to do with the OP learn to read you monkey
Im talking more about retaliation after the union.
You can be a separate country and not be that different culturally.
We understand a lot about south america. We understand it's a shit hole and the people there are only good at kicking balls into soccer nets. And even then Germany still pisses on you.
Oh so a union in SA that doesnt include Brasil? That would happen soooo fucking much
>Why doesn't the US merge with Canada?
This. They're basically the same people.
user that's implying that spain isn't shit already.
>Canadian education
Who gives a fuck about south american soccer nowdays? We sure dont, at least not those who have a brain.
Ok so unite USA with Canada and Mexico or the hole African continent, is not that easy, dont be a child.
The set of elites running each country would be reduced to a single elite running everything. The elites currently in power do not want to get into a "there can be only one" power struggle with each other.
This is exactly why they never united in the first place. Every leader wanted to remain a ruler.
Right now it's more complex. The Economic realities are different in each country and different cultures have developed. I could see the Southern Cone uniting in a very far future, but not all of South America.
Or they became separate countries, comprende? Or do you not understand the concept of independence, like an independent Catalonia? Typical fathead.
The fucker in the OP said the Spanish speaking countries in South America. Do they speak Spanish in Brazil? No.
This topic has nothing to do with Brazil or Brazilian posters. Fucking monkeys
>different cultures have developed
Which culture do you think is more different: Spain- Paisös Catalans and Euskadi or Spain-Cuba?
Really makes you think.
>all speak spic
>all live in africa-america
>all black
There's a few things at the least
>>all black
Significantly incorrect
We tried and failed.
Dude, they tried to unite but there was resistance from the elites. I've actually studied their history.
Distinguishes it from the smaller relative, Portugal.
Oh, forcing various countries to unite even though they have individual identities. Where did I hear that before?
I live near where he was born
it's not really South American , but nearly all Spanish speaking countries hate each other. As someone from Mex descent I really only like Cubans, Colombians and Peruvians. The rest are backwards morons or have their heads up their asses.
Are you triggered by something, user?
Come on dude, Argentina might be the black sheep but there was no need to remind them
The gran colombia should reform
Baby, I'm not triggered by fuck. Just playing you fatheads at your own game. Now when do I get to visit a free Catalonia, because that's what the elites (of Catalonia) want. Isn't it? :-x
The same reason Europe doesn't do the same thing. Cultures and people are too different.
Kind of like Asians. There isn't one Asian country that doesn't believe that it is racially superior to all other nations. I'm looking at you, Japan and Korea.
The only acceptable thing would be a south cone union
Because Argentina is to niggish for the rest
Who the fuck even mentioned Catalonia? I am fucking Catalonian, you retard.
gib back clay
>lmao why doesn't the world just join into one county
Are you underage or something?
Why dont usa and canada merge u guys are the same
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh mmmmmmyyyyyyy goooooooodddddddddd. You motherfucker.
You're Spanish first, Catalonian second.
Remember that.
I'm Chilean-Spanish-Catalonian. My grandparents are Catalan and have super Catalan surnames, I was born and I lived in South America for more than a decade, one of my great-grandmothers was funnily Irish. And I do not know why the fuck I am mentioning this. I just posted a fact about Latin American history. Libertators wanted to create a big union USA style but it wasn't easy because many elites remained in power.
In Sup Forums there is ALWAYS need to remind them
People value their countries identity, we dont have the white guilt the US has so we dont see our identity as a sin to be forgotten.
That said each country hate everyone else and pretty much everyone hates Argentina (no idea why thought)
>Aren't all Spanish homeless?
You are basically one of us m8.
If kek wills it, I'll quit my job next month.
Too bad I'll quit anyway. Fuck this.
What's the deal with Guyana, Suriname, and French Guyana, by the way? They seem so out of place from the rest of South America. The only thing I heard recently was Venezuela and Guyana arguing about some oil deposits.
They were gradually decolonized and are filled with niggers.
No, Canada is fucking gay
did you know being gay In Guayana is a crime?
but that's rude, user
can't we all just shitpost together in peace and harmony?
Lel why by the way?
Better job at sight?
your govt dont want that
>Better job at sight?
Abusive boss, paycheck is shit, clients are potato-tier dumb, plus I'll start electronic engineering next year.
So in order to keep my mind stable and not buy a fucking UZI and kill everyone in that building, I'll quit the job.
Weird that you are actually interested lmao
>implying that true Japanese people are not Eskimo people.
Pic related Ainu people.
Also Korea is an overseas colony of the Glorious Empire of Japan, property of his Majesty the Emperor of Japan.
>Brazil had nothing to do with Spain
neither do the rest of the shitholes in South America, they just speak Spanish because hundreds of years ago, some based White Spaniard conquistadors fucked the native women and created a new ethno race of Spanish-speaking mestizo halfbreeds, who continued to race-mix generation after generation for the last five hundred years.
I don´t hate Argentina... well...only if you give up with that Malvinas/Falklands problem would be better... but hey let´s be friends.
Well if you don't need the money maybe it is the right decision.
>Weird that you are interested.
This is a board of peace my friend. If you were depressed about your job/life you would appreciate an user's moral support.
damn, and they speak english there too? sounds like a good place.
>buy a fucking UZI and kill everyone in that building
You know what you have to do, Brasuca. Behind your back, they all laugh at you. Estao rindo da sua cara, fazendo vc de babaca. Ta na hora de mostrar quem e voce. Do it!
Minus Quebec of course.
Canada and USA are literally the same. We'll probably be united after the race war.
Are you brhue?
>Why don't all of the english speaking countries in the world merge into one country? I think they'd be doing a lot better in that case. As far as I know they don't have any huge cultural differences, it should be easy.
Thanks dad, this means a lot
>Estao rindo da sua cara, fazendo vc de babaca. Ta na hora de mostrar quem e voce.
Either a diaspora or a very advanced portuguese student. If latter, why tho?
>Do it!
I'll spare them this time
Didn't work back when we were part of Spain, why should it work now?
All English speaking countries should merge into one country though.
A dude weed lmao country!
Btw is Uruguay safe? I always seen it as a little forgotten gem with good potential.
Is the economy stable or similar to the rest of the cone with inflactionary waves?
Isn't there a huge hostile desert in northern Chile and the Andes 5000+ m mountains along the east? I seen Chile called on of the most geographically isolated places in the world because of that.