Why are americans so scared of the authorities?
Why are americans so scared of the authorities?
niggers are
I aint
i think our fellow white man is asking why we fear a tyrannical government not the cops
Police are actually very effective in enforcing laws in the USA and it's impossible to live here without breaking laws, especially if you are poor.
The cops here don't take petty cash bribes here either.
>impossible to live here without breaking laws
What? How does that work?
If you knew anything about the history of mankind you would be too.
The typical american commits three felons a day. We have so many fucking laws that people have no clue they are breaking them.
He's clearly just a beaner who think stupid shit like that.
stop making excuses for being inclined to break into every house you see pinche marrano
We watched what happened in South America.
You know you're literally tearing your country apart by not trusting the police, the MP, the officers, the ministers, etc., right?
>defending our bloated, inefficient militarized police force
pick neither
Going to need source of that
>three felonies a day
Did you mean misdemeanors?
You're thinking of #BlackLivesMatter
Anyone with half a brain knows a vast majority of them aren't to blame.
Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Since the authorities own the media, it is in their best interest to marginalize the little people.
What you see as "scared" is us reminding politicians and their owners that they work for us, not the other way around.
Its complicated, but we all have guns, and nobody wants to get shot, so we have peace for now.
>Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Since the authorities own the media, it is in their best interest to marginalize the little people.
Have you ever considered that the media itself that presented the "authoritarianism/totalitarianism always fails" dogma?
Also, by owning guns, aren't you kind of enticing anarchy?
because the authorities dont bother anyone. if you want to start trouble with them you will be ruining your life. and most people think things will just get better.
Because it's the foundation of our country
Also, the government doesn't own the media. Someone else does.
You probably comitted one just by accidently clicking on Sup Forums the other day.
Whatever you posted an hour ago could be considered sedition.
You probably have enough bootleg music or movies to constitute grand larceny.
Nevermind all the drug users, drunk drivers, fist fighters, tax dodgers, animal and child neglectors/abusers like regular normalfags do. You know kicking a dog when your drunk is multiple felonies?
i trust the police, armed forces, firemen, etc.
i don't trust the politicians and therefore i am armed
this must be bait...it's too ez...where's the shiny thing?
actually, the media owns the government but these cucks are too simple-minded to realize it
>scared of the authorities?
An argie said this unironicaly
Americans are scared of authorities because authorities keep being BTFO
pic related
>enticing anarchy
Guns are what makes a first world
"Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun." Mao Zedong
Anarchy, Isolationism, call it what you want; I have the means to ensure that it will be very costly to try and take that which is mine.
If I attempt to steal from others or harm them, it is reasonable to expect that they will protect theirs in the same way.
Consequences. Accountability. Consideration for others.
I cannot compare your motivation and mine, as I have never been to Argentina, but think that we have many of the same dreams and goals; only different ways to attain them. I would not tell you that your way is wrong, as long you you leave me and mine alone. Mutual consideration.
This is the essence of Liberty.
As for your direct question, "the media" are an echo chamber.
I don't think people are necessarily afraid of the authorities. The problem is that when most people see a cop, they can't separate the individual from the institution. A few corrupt cops can tarnish the reputation of an entire department. What a lot of people I don't think realize is that cops are just normal fucking people. At the end of the day they just wanna go home to their families like everyone else. The people who take an extremely defensive posture towards the police don't seem to understand that they are dealing with people. Being resistant will only make a cop more suspicious of you. Americans who are afraid of cops are usually the same people who refuse to interact rationally with cops.
We are a country that was made from hating a certain Authority.
I fucking wonder why we have trouble with authorities
...and Soros, Rothschild, et al own them all.
Like I care.
Even the simplest parasite knows better than to harm its host.
Are you an authority ? whtite supremacist ?
Thank you. Well said, user.
When you found a country based on rebellion against authority, it tends to set a tone.
omfg; no wonder we fucking rrule usa,get bent, motherfuckers.
Because the system is based on luck only, therefore being uneffective. Anyone can do stupid shit one time and get caught. Plus I dont belive in victimless crimes
That's just totally not how it works, Hillary
Go put fruit in your beer. I'm too busy shart at the mart to care.
because Britain is totally not involved in the Jew world domination project. You fags better hurry the fuck up and get the hell out of the EU before bureaucrats change their minds
This thread is the FBI. Hello special agents.
Only criminals are afraid of the authorities and that just so happens to be mostly black people.
I'm flabergastted by your wit.