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yeah and thats why vets are scum
sit in front of a desk as your job, endlessly demand gibsmedat, then betray literally the only politician who gives a fuck about you
If that happens, Jill Stein needs to be in the debates too. Fucking vote splitting. Those vets are retarded.
>veterans group
>all veterans
I can tell you 90% of my brigade support trump. I can't speak for the rest of it.
Fuck that fake libertarian
probably a bunch of fags in he air force
he's an open borders and for complete drug legalization , US will be consumed in drugs from South America, just what the jews want
Probably BLM "vets" like the cop shooters.
well, I wanted to talk about this for a long time
here in Switzerland it is normal to do your military service and while there are many easy ways to avoid it, that is generally frowned upon. but you muriclaps keep sucking military penis all day and vets are more entitled shitheads than BLM activists
>we play destructive wargames for no reason because we have no respect for other countries and human life
>now give me my gibsmedat muuh moneiz fo dem programs and thank me for leeching your tax money and literally firing it away without doing a single productive thing in my life
The reason for the vet dicksucking is for two things.
Majority of folks that do it were alive during the Vietnam era. They know the vets went through stupid hippie bullshit when they got back. The VFW was created to give returning veterans support, and it got powerful.
The other reason is because we have no draft, and if people didn't volunteer, there would be a draft. A lot of folks go to the US Military for a large number of reasons. Those who just want to serve their country usually start off as a high-speed death machine trapped in a douchebags body, and when they get to the shit they realize it's all about the men to the left and the right of you. When bullets start flying over your head, you forget about the politics, you know you made a choice to do this, and you know the others made the same sacrifice. The respect we are given as veterans is a result of this as well.
As always, this does not apply to all veterans, but a large majority
every country should have swiss style mandatory service. it beats the lazy and the special snowflake out of young people and creates universal support for military and guns as well as patriotism
that said your reasons while accurate are no valid excuses for your shitty behavior and interventionist foreign policy
>if people didn't volunteer
what if noone would volunteer to clean the sewers, if noone would volunteer for the many shitty jobs that are essential for the continued existence of modern society? noone thanks any of them, yet if noone would volunteer you too had to force people to do it. and maybe if your politicians weren't so corrupt, your population not so ignorant, your military not so inefficient and bloated, your foreign policy less aggressive, you wouldn't need so many soldiers in the first place
>no valid excuses for your shitty behavior
Fuck off swissbar.
dont forget to clap when someone sharts in marts
American hegemony is based on human sacrifice. Planned parenthood, and constant warfare are just two ways of satisfying Moloch's hunger, so it is no surprise that we revere those that satiate Moloch.
As against the government forcing the people to do shit as I am, I agree with you. A 2 year mandatory service would work wonders.
However, our behavior is not a result of our foreign policy. Do not hate on vets for foreign policy, hate on those that tell us where we had to go.
And there's a difference between jobs necessary for society and getting shot at for something that isn't entirely necessary.
Our people are ignorant, but our military is very efficient and not as bloated as it could be. WalMart's warehousing is based almost entirely off of the US Army's supply system, for example.
Once again, don't blame us, blame the bureaucrats.
that's it?
that's all you've got?
>muh swiss power
Sup Forums should put its new found influence behind this guy.
you have my respect for posting good replies
Gary Johnson is literally controlled opposition for Hillary.
>Progressive left org that pushes a degenerate agenda to destroy the military instead of helping vets
I'm sure if you look hard enough you'll find (((Soros))) behind this fake group.
Big diff between military jobs and civilian jobs. That would never happen because the wages would just get outrageously high until someone did want to do it.
Or they find another way of getting rid of t
>scared trumpkins believe this
And that didn't take long. It's like a who's who of (((you know who))).
I wish that woman was taylor swift.