>Be leader of Black Panthers
>Tell blacks to vote for Trump
>Be leader of Black Panthers
>Tell blacks to vote for Trump
these truly are the end times
We're winning
watching now to confirm
>the OG "BLM" members know full well Democrats are full of shit
>fell into obscurity as niggers embraced the democrats
>this is there chance for them to come back into relevance to these people
not really excited having a racist extremist endorse trump but not nearly as bad as grand dragon cyclops faggot
Black Panthers are fags
A crazy radical opposing both establishment candidates? How shocking...
I don't care if he's the leader of the black panthers.
The guy is very well spoken, and obviously cares about what he's saying. It's crazy to think though that maybe the eggs about to crack on the democratic party.
Quanell X is a well known sell out coon
it's real
wtf I love the black panthers now
Typical nigger scum.
Negro logic, if you catch blacks on the right day, they'll say all the right things, but then that African jungle mind kicks in and they just trail off.
It's like they have no center of gravity.
So a racist supports another racist!
wow get your racism out of here, this is not neogaf
Black Panthers don't want white intervention you fucking retards.
How the fuck can Americans not know their own fucking history and political movements?
I know many here are super alt-right, but the facts are this. IF Trump wins, it will be due to the black vote. If even 15 or 20% of blacks decide to vote Republican, Hillary does not stand a chance.
This is why Trump is pushing so hard for the black vote while The media laughs at him. He's not trying to win over all blacks, that's not possible, just like he can't win over all whites. But if he gets even a fraction of the black vote. He wins.
I follow Kutt Kalhoun on facebook. I don't expect many here to know who he is. He is a rapper in the Strange Music collective, the one headed by Tech N9ne.
Kutt likes almost every one of Donald Trump's posts. Not fucking kidding. He has way more black support than people realize. Most blacks are just as afraid to voice their support for Trump as whites are, maybe even more so.
Numerous rap songs have been written about Donald Trump.
Where were you when it was blacks who helped Make America Great Again?
The Conserveting!
Wasn't this guy calling Trump a "gangster" a while ago?
Since when did niggers dislike gangsters?
>Trump will disavow endorsements from "white supremacists"
>black supramacists endorsements are fine
Drumpf just lost my vote.
>"Dear brothers and sisters, regardless if it's Trump or Hillary Clinton that becomes presdient, neither one of them is going to do anything significant or real relevant to change the condition of the black community," he said. "We've got to come up with a better option to both, or just stay home."
I think the latter one sounds like a mighty fine idea.
This is setting up to be a landslide for Trump. He's gotten the Christian pastors on his side by promising to repeal the Johnson amendment. If they mobilize their congregations he'll win with zero black votes. Throw in 20 percent of the blacks and you have a blowout.
>KKK endorses Hillary
>Black Panthers endorse Trump
"another racist" Did he endorse Hillary?
Hillary Clinton is a bigot.
Hillary Clinton is a racist.
Good, now we'll get the uppity nigger vote.
You know you fucked up when even the blacks are turning on your party.
This is going to serve in Trump's favour and only in his favour as more blacks hear this and think: "Huh, so the party I've been voting for for years enslaved me for votes and wishes to continue that? Time to change it up"
Good. We all know that Trump is the non-racist candidate.
wut the fug did I just watch?
He got the support of Farrakhan too. The media doesn't care if BLM or NOI supports somebody because both of them support Obongo too.
People don't give a fuck how Donald got rich. Americans of all stripes, uncucked ones anyway, can respect a man who did what he had to do to get where he is. Blacks understand this, largely because they have had to act outside the bounds of normal society to get rich. They had to "hustle"
The can plainly see that Trump has hustled his whole life. And they respect that.
>that comment on Sanders
>youve been there 30 years, what have you done?
>what are you gonna do any differently outside of congress?
ouch now thats a bern
technically the KKK endorsed both.
I mean, they're people too. They have opinions on politics like anyone else i guess
>tfw r/the_donald would support this as their subreddit's header