Would you kill for your nation's sovereignty?
Would you die for your nation's sovereignty?
Would you kill for your nation's sovereignty?
In it's current state no
But would I for a country that I believe in? Yes and yes
Did they finally build Airwolf?
I mean I killed a bunch of muzzies just cuz I was told to, and got blown up a few times.
So I mean, yeah, ive already done the first and come pretty close to the second already for basically no reason.
The only country I'm willing to die for is Israel
with the current shape of the military? no.
hello JIDF
That Spc need to unfuck his leg pocket
I've killed for a paycheck.
It's where he's keeping all his good boy points.
how did you get this pic?
OBL raid?
I would gladly die for a greater Bavarian Reich
>for basically no reason
At least you lived, can't imagine giving my life for this nation in it's current state. Die just so niggers can riot and muslims can ou
The guy who took this photo was probably ended up in Leavenworth.
it's the stealth blackhawk mock-up they used in zero dark thirty
I'd kill every single man woman and child in the Middle East and Asia if it became a threat to the Untited States and its ideals and I'd die any minute. That's all assuming that all isn't lost in the near future
You mean Blue Thunder
It's just swamp gas, nothing more.
I would kill for a lot less desu
Depends who the belligerents are in the war.
Fuck going to the Middle East for oil though, it's not even like we're removing kebab, just another half measure, like Vietnam and Korea.
Would you fight for the House of Rothschild?
Yeah. I'd much rather do it in a revolution to kick the degenerates out and usher in the age of the rope, but its not bad enough yet for enough people to actually commit anything to such a movement yet.
Im just gonna bide my time and hope im not too old to participate when it happens.
Delete this
Thank you for Correcting The Record, Sir!
Its a prop from a movie about it.
>tfw Airwolw was one of my favorite shows as a child
>tfw you even built and painted the model and flew it around the living room
Nostalgia'd hard desu
No need to censor your self over a failed heli
Would you kiss another man for your country?
Fuck off Sodaz, its just a movie prop.
Such an aircraft doesn't exist in real life.
I do it for myself. All the benefits are just extras.
I'd send a good goy from across the world to defend wars I started. Then I'd rake in the shekels
I'd kill Germans just for pure pleasure. But since they decided to kill themselves slowly...
Its why I didn't join the army.
So I can actually fight for my nation, instead of for the Jews.
is it a triangular prism or obelisk?
this cunt is shit
it was great when there were high kings and shit
now it's run by a shitty fucked-up government and has practically non-existant healthcare
I don't want to ever work for this country's shit government
For the New Confederacy? Sure.
For the U.S.? No.
Not only kill, but also rape, torture, gas, hang, sodomize... whatever it takes.
Yes we do. We blew one up in Pakistan and the Chinese bought the parts.
Answer the question.
>German Rivers
>Would you kill for your nation's sovereignty?
>Would you die for your nation's sovereignty?
>Would you kill for your nation's sovereignty?
>Would you die for your nation's sovereignty?
It depends on the political situation in my country, but in the vast majority of cases, yes.
I've often contemplated how far I would be willing to go, and what policies I would find acceptable for the sake of saving and protecting my people. Would I support a government that would commit genocide against non-westerners for the sake of restoring order? I don't support the killing of innocent people regardless of race, but if the alternative is the decay and eventual destruction of my people, my culture and my nation, what choice am I left with?
The Nazis are more or less the historical incarnation of this dilemma, and I don't really have an answer as to whether or not I can morally justify their actions. That being said, if I had been a German in WW2, I would have given my life for my country without hesitation.
Only in civil war, or against a foreign invader. I would never enlist if the govt. was pushing for war just to topple another dictatorship for (((democracy))), only so the global (((free market))) can come in and profit off the people.
The only war I would ever support would be defending the U.S from a literal invasion.
Over seas fighting has fucked us over way more than it has ever helped us.
The only war I'm willing to fighting in at this point would be a civil war.
For my country: Yes
For my government: no
This. I've actually been pretty close to joining the armed forces on a few occasions but I just couldn't bring myself to do it since I'm completely against what the gubmint has them doing. I would love to learn to be an engineer in the navy or air force though.
>Did they finally build Airwolf?
That was returned to original condition after the show ended and sold. It eventually crashed.
Yes, but only because my nation =/= my country.
I allready have
>Would you kill for your nation's sovereignty?
>Would you die for your nation's sovereignty?
It would be the same thing as dying for feminism and multiculturalism, so no.
bad goy !
Only if we're sided with the winner
>Not fighting for your country in its darkest hour
You gotta go back
I've killed for a Snickers bar.
kek, fuck no.
I'd die trying to fight for the country I've always envisioned, not the piss poor excuse for a state I reside in.
You mean Harold.
When the majority are for whats happening how can you? The majority rule in a democracy.
I for one will not fight for a country that will be majority brown in my life time. Everyone I know wants it this way to and have no problem with it.
I will probably move to somewhere isolated and let all these fucks get annihilated if something happens. I wouldnt even care.
More like not dying for your enemy
If it's something I believe in them yes I'd die for my cause no doubt about it
Yes to both. I would die for the europen soverginity too. Just itching for racewar.
yah, I'm not a shitty refus who is to scared to fight for what he believes in
I would fight and die for my country. As in a coupe against our government and economic system, so yes.
>Would you kill for your nation's sovereignty?
DHS please...
>Would you die for your nation's sovereignty?
No need, I'm voting for TRUMP.
Wow, a leaf that isn't a cuck. I'm impressed.
Who is this Edward Abbet fella in your pic? Sounds like a true man.
Already fought. Regret it. Wish faggots like you were drafted to the front.
Canada could be great.
if straya needs it yes
fuck off cunts best country gonna best
t. shitskin
if we fight russians yes
don't kill civilians or blue pilled leo
or don't kill period violence isn't the answer goy
info purposes only 1/2
info purposes only 2/2
If I killed for my nation's sovereignty, I'd be arrested.
Would you kill for your nation's sovereignty?
Would you die for your nation's sovereignty?
>yur cunshry
>constitushun of duh unetd stts of murrica!
This isn't my country. It's the Queen's country. Would I die for some foreign cunt? No.
Yes, yes.
Yes. The mighty spirit of the Celtic warriors that lives within us is the only thing that saved us from the British attempts to colonize us. Resisting against all odds until our time comes to win is what it means to be Irish.
Only so long as my nation maintains the freedom and quality of life of its citizens. Since my nation is considering electing an individual who has openly advocated for infringing upon my constitutional amendments, I absolutely would not die for this country. I'll fight and if necessary kill to protect my own life and the lives of my loved ones, but I'm not going to stick my neck out for a government which actively works against me and freedom in general.
>Would you kill for your nation's sovereignty?
I would obviously
>Would you die for your nation's sovereignty?
Nope, simply because you can't kill more enemies when you'r dead
They routinely make enlisted people wear high heels and march for miles here
It's called "walk a mile in her shoes" and its supposed to be "equality training".
One of the guys in my unit has a boob job and gets erections when we shower