Confirmed Sam is living in out of his car....
He's good at that
why the fuck do threads about this literal who hack ''''comedian'''' keep getting posted? fuck off to his subreddit or something
T. Pleddit tumblr faggot
why does he insist on making himself disgusting
it's a john belushi homage
This was also posted on Sup Forums. It's clearly, Sam.
>he's doing the Jamaican bit again
Easy Sam, you don't want to overwork yourself with all this fresh material
Fuck off Sam
>why does he insist on making himself disgusting
Because then he can tell himself he's in control of how people find him ugly
He's going for that Karl Marx look.
Heidecker cucked him that hard.
Has there ever in the history of Sup Forums been a cuck more in denial about his short lived fame having gone than Sam Hyde?
he obviously can't live with himself. he's dehumanizing himself. i can't believe people think this is comedy or "red pilling" anymore
seeming him trying to recreate his 2013 humor in a contrived way is seriously depressing
he's half Jewish so...
i was just wondering that too. it's like ironic shitposting, except he's "ironically" ruining himself
Is that code word for 100%
>tfw obese alt right neets thought they were part of a global political movement purely because of internet memes
napalm this board.
it's fun and cool to hate things that are too different
Has there been a bigger career cucking in history than what tim heidecker did to sam?
why are redditors still so incensed with our guy? don't you have a different obsession to focus on these days, like impeaching trump or killing all white people?
He did that to himself
The stupidest thing about it is Sam himself is a jew and was given an opportunity because of it
>when you cuck so hard you destroy urself on a dying medium
now dats a real pyrrhic bull right there
stop shilling this ugly autistic piece of shit
classic... so classic
Even if heidecker wasn't a free speech hating libcuck who would fire people for their political views, it's not like Sam Hyde was going anywhere. He's just an internet loser. His only asset is his obsessed fanbase.
He was given an opportunity because he knows Nick, who is a great guy and managed to get them on Adult Swim.
Sam is just a mentally ill faggot who ruined it for the other guys, especially Ruse.
Stop posting this nazi asshole piece of shit loser.
This. He has no place in a SANE and TOLERANT modern society.
>not taking care of your facial hair
>ruining himself
I don't get it.
Why do people pretend to enjoy cigars?
i guess it's commentary on KIKE PUPPET winston churchill
also growing fat, looking dirty, having unkempt and greasy hair, dirty clothes
it all adds up
even if it's all ironic, he's literally hurting himself to get more attention and to be able to ultimately say "jokes on you, I was just pretending"
this. he makes my wife's son very upset and should be removed from youtube
Holy fucking yuck!
This cuck is ding dong diddly disgusting!
>Tfw you hide MDE threads so you can't see sam hyde's hideous fat mug
BASED Sam working the smarks!
Stay safe, Sam!
>2017: I am... forgotten...
What did he mean by this?
He's ugly by choice, what's your excuse?
My excuse is that I'm not ugly
Nice reddit spacing, faggot.
What's this from?
shitty amateur improv group
I'm in the UK, no one cares about this guy or that show he did which got cancelled.
Why do you guys love him so much? He looks like shit.
just like most right wing """""comedians"""" he makes up for his lack of charisma and wit by being as transgressive and edgy as possible
Sam Hyde you should go into prop comedy and hang niggers on stage
>fuck sam hyde, he is offensive, I can't take his fascist jabs... waaaaah someone post based Sarah Silverman or LouisCK
all you crybabies need to fuck off, Sam Hyde is great
Has he found someone to PAY FOR IT yet?
What is that logo supposed to be?
>that kid in the green shit that looks to be like 3 years old
what the fuck is this?
>dude he hates the niggres just like me lmao
that was fucking hilarious
The future.
>He was given an opportunity because-
He's a jew.
It sure as hell wasn't because of the "talent". There clearly wasn't any
>all you crybabies
Unintentional irony is best irony.
>S-stop insulting a man I admire
You're gay dude.
>He's ugly by choice
He chose to fuck his own genes up in the womb?
When his warranty runs out on his honda he'll be living under a couch somewhere
Is this the guy who fucked his retarded little sister and literally eats human shit? Or is that someone else
Oh yeah I know who you mean, no it's not the same guy. Sam Hyde has slightly better teeth than that guy.
Pretty sure he still lives with his mom
african intellectuals
Sam Hyde is too lazy to do stand up tours he just wants to collect patreon money and live at his mom's so he can spend 100% on vape pens and transexual prostitutes
He is awesome. I guess, not doing mainstream neurotic kike comedy makes people triggered these days.
Yeah I do appreciate him not being another nebbish self deprecating white guilt fag. But his time is done and maybe we'll get another comedian like him
*blocks your best friends career paths with alt-right memes*
what happened to his neck?
I read Heidegger, was confused for a second
prop to dehumanize him even more far
>He's a jew.
Fuck off with your buzzword (because yes,at this point,jew is a overused buzzword on Sup Forums), if there is someone who shouldnt be called a "hurr durr JOO who is stealing moni oy vey",it's that guy who hang out with Andrew Auernheimer
I cannot visualize Heidegger other than sitting on the bench outside his Black Forest house, alongside his wife, who all her life totally dominated him and who knitted all his socks and crocheted all his caps and baked all his bread and wove all his bedlinen and who even cobbled up his sandals for him. Heidegger was a kitschy brain….. a feeble thinker from the Alpine foothills, as I believe, and just about right for the German philosophical hot-pot. For decades they ravenously spooned up that man Heidegger, more than anybody else, and overloaded their stomachs with his stuff. Heidegger had a common face, not a spiritual one, he was through and through an unspiritual person, devoid of all fantasy, devoid of all sensibility, a genuine German philosophical ruminant, a ceaselessly gravid German philosophical cow, which grazed upon German philosophy and thereupon for decades let its smart little cow-pats drop on it….
Heidegger is the petit-bourgeois of German philosophy, the man who has placed on German philosophy his kitschy nightcaps, that kitschy black night-cap which Heidegger always wore, on all occasions. Heidegger is the carpet-slipper and night-cap philosopher of the Germans, nothing else.
He confronted Tim directly and Tim was having none of it. Tim struck Sam down on the spot.
>obese alt right neets thought they were part of a global political movement purely because of internet memes
What is Sup Forums ?
>at this point,jew is a overused buzzword on Sup Forums
Except I mean it in a literal sense, he's of jewish blood. I'm not meme'ing shit so don't take it as me taking jabs at his fat ass. It's a matter of fact
He doesn't though. I don't think he's ever said anything racist in his entire career. Not sure why he gets lumped in with nazis.
>He doesn't though. [hate 'blacks']
.. kys
I have never seen this pasta on /lit/ or /his/, where is this from?
Name something negative about blacks that Sam has ever said. You fucking can't. He also listens go rap.
if you don't have at least a moderate aversion to blacks you have never lived in an area with a lot of them. I don't think that a black person is inherently lesser than a white person, there are plenty of great, intelligent black people and plenty of awful white people but on average blacks are dumber and more violent. ANYBODY who is white and lives in the southern USA with large black populations and tries to say they aren't even slightly prejudiced is a liar.
That black people are welfare abusers and use the term "entrepreneur" more than anyone else to make it seem like they are productive.
KSTV Episode..I believe it was manstarter.
So there is one negative thing like you asked, with proof provided. Now go ahead and ignore this post or move the goalposts on what you said, shill.
>Name something negative
Why haven't you kys yet?
Choosing to act like lobotomized retard isn't productive, do yourself in
The world would be a better place without you
KSTV was released long before WP even aired so it doesn't fit you're ruin his AS career narrative. Also largely everything in KSTV is dosed with a heavy layer of anti humour, sarcasm and playful cruelty. At the start of one episode he boasts about spending money he claims to have scammed from fans on the bikes behind him. He's not Andy Kaufman but he is doing a bit most of the time. Sept with his Mother, that shit is just hilarious.
>that one vertical where his mum standa in the corner like the blair witch to escape him filming her face
>"i wonder where the next great terrorist attack will happen?......"
I honestly don't know why you all get so bent out of shape by someone who is only moderately edgy compared to many other people
>Oakley Madman shades
So fucking jelly
Dude stole "lawd ah mercy" from Dave Chappelle in Half Baked.
Me in the yellow.
>alongside his wife, who all her life totally dominated him
Does anyone here listen to the Nick Dipaolo Podcast?
There was a caller on the last show who sounded just like Sam.
Because it's funny and adds to his mythos
He got addicted to tobacco now. I can tell by the way he's smoking that cigar that it's not just a bit. Sad that he got addicted to smoking for some unfunny irony (the Cody video).
>ywn have a herd of obese NEETs worshipping you and posting about you unconditionally even if you become unfunny and live in your car
why even live bros
Hasn't Sam smoked cigs before?
Y'all realize it was the Buzzfeed thing, not Heidecker that got him fired right?
Simply aftershock of the flurry of beat-downs given to 50 nigger loving faggot communists, one man can only take so much. But he will recover soon.