This is pure, unadulterated funkino.
This is pure, unadulterated funkino
can't argue against that
it has everything for a 10/10 adventure
>fun characters
>light-hearted mood
>risky situations but not overly dramatic
>a spice of romance
>good villains
>good setting
Hollywood summer tentpoles will never be that good again. They realize that any action movie can suck ass and China will bail them out.
True fun, knew where it was coming from, and utilized just enough camp, humor, and spooky imagery to appeal to everyone. It also featured Brendan before he was JUSTed so that's a plus
>tfw we will never get adventure movies like that again
Why? Is it that hard to write a fun script and don't overload your movie with CGI?
And Rachel (((Weizs))) being nerdy and super hot in general.
I agree, I also believes that the sequel is pretty much just as good as this, I like the ridicolous plot.
fucking Beni
hold me bros
>He got JUST'd
>She made a movie about holocaust denial
good movie though
yeah I enjoy it too, but there is a marked drop in quality. it is extremely cartoonish, there's endless exposition, one ancient macguffin after the other, and the movie absolutely drowns in shitty CGI that looks just terrible in HD, while the first one still holds up perfectly
This is pure unadulterated waifukino.
How come Hollywood can't make a movie as fun and enjoyable as this anymore?
Sofia was best thing about new Mummy. Shame script and dialogue and pacing wasn't good
This. They even show David Irving to be a pretty based guy when he goes to shake the hands of his opponents at the end of the trial and Rachel Weisz's character just ignores him.
As a kid I used to think that was the greatest film poster ever. I still pretty much do.
it triggers my autism that the tomb they're in on this poster is in the Valley of the Kings, but they never go there in the actual movie
Posters always have inaccurate locations or events that don't actually happen in movie. Pic related is not set in Washington at all but in a news station.
Since this director funded this movie independently, this poster probably relates with what he wished occurred in his movie but didn't have enough budget