When did sex start having so many rules?

when did sex start having so many rules?

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Suck me tally whacker ya filthy yank!

when women realized they could say whatever they wanted and get people they don't like in trouble.

When the pussy-whipped gender traitors gave the cunts the right to vote.

Pic related

since the beginning of civilization


Literally calling for false claims of sexual abuse

It's a power game. If women control sex they can dictate the terms of it. So when one word of accusation can ruin your life, they wield tremendous power. This in turn shatters marriage, the family, and ultimately the civilization. But it's not like they give a shit.


This kid has been in jail 2 years without a trial due to fake accusations.

>he doesn't want women to be able to revoke consent after the fact because the guy they fucked didn't call them back
what are you, some kind of misogynist?



when women started making them

in the real world there's only one rule

if you don't come suck this gorilla daddy dick i might kill you bitch


Fuck cutters. That's got to be the most pathetic way to seek attention.


excuse me so I could say my boyfriend raped me after 2 years because I decided to reverse my consent?

for this reason i favor legalization of prostutution

it's one of the more honest relationships to be had in the current political environment

Consent is not reversible.

>tally whacker
I've never heard anyone other than my 60 year old father say this.

>Woman can literally say some random guy who's never even looked in her direction raped her and ruin his life

If sexual consent is reversible I want my mortgage reversible as well.

cutters grew up to be sjw's

It's a fetish

>My boyfriend made me mad
>I know I'll cheat on him, that'll teach him
>Oh no, he found out how can I avoid taking responsibility

How long before people stop taking rape claims from woman seriously?

The one time I attempted to get verbal consent it ruined the mood and I got no pussy. Dumbest fucking move ever, never do it. The only reason they try to make people do it is so weak women don't have to take any responsibility for their actions and they can have more opportunities to punish men for their failures.

I had a girlfriend tell me I was lucky she doesn't act like she did with her other boyfriends because I made her made because I was 2 minutes late. What she meant by that is she would sleep with this black dude when she got mad. I dropped her off and never answered her calls or knocks on the door ever again.

When Islam dominates the world and they're just stoned for adultery.

I honestly don't see it happening any other way.

When men started doing everything they were told.

Who the fuck is beta enough to ask a girl for consent?

It's not going to happen any other way.

The irony of this day is going to be so vindicating that it is basically the only thing that keeps me alive.

Humanity 2040: a bunch of retarded cucks ruled by muslims ruled by jews.

Just like Saudi Arabia

It means if you change your mind midway through and say "hey I made a mistake, we need to stop" the other person can't force you to stay just because you're already there. It seems totally reasonable. If you go to watch Saving Private Ryan with your grandfather and two minutes into the Omaha Beach seen he starts crying and saying "it's too real! This isn't what I thought it would be!" He has the right to get up and walk out of the room and you don't have the right to stop him and go "No Grandpa! You started watching this, and that means you have to finish it! We had a deal!"

what it means is that during sex, you can change your mind at any time. if the guy continues regardless of her struggle, it's rape.

But thats never what it means in practice. In practice it means a woman can change her mind, say NOTHING, not STRUGGLE, and still claim afterwards it was rape because she regreted it.

Nevermind how impossible that shit is to prove. If she says afterwards "I withdrew consent" how the hell is the man going to respond?

He could say "She didn't struggle" but she'll just say "I wiggled a little, but I was drunk and you kept going"

And boom, jailed for life.

Fuck this noise, its No means No, not "Yes means Yes"

When people started abusing their rights and we needed a little more discipline and an understanding of what the concept of sex is about.

All women instinctively and involuntarily take make overconfidence (the will to "seal the deal") as the primary sexual criterion bar none. Men buy into this nonsense because they think it will regularize sex. Women have a foundational non-comprehension of consent. They bang the guy who sweeps them off their feet and are disgusted by the guy who asks permission.

Yes. Hell, imagine this.
You had sex when you were 16, and married when you were 20. You both grow old, and at 90 years old, she reverses her consent, and your ass is thrown in jail. Wouldn't that be a kick in the dick?
Tl:dr, reversible consent is Retarded.

Here have 5 bucks.
Wait no I changed my mind, you robbed me! Police beat this man!

I have to take a sexual violence online class for grad school. It was due last week but I think it's still up. I don't even talk to girls. I think I should be exempt.

It always had rules?

This is basically the progressive answer to marriage. Progressives figured out that marriage actually fulfills a specific role in society, and so they are creating a new set of social rules based around communal sex instead of marital sex. The ideal progressive future is one where, essentially, everyone is married to everyone else and 1-on-1 relationships are abolished.

>jailed for life
most rapists, even poor low life scum, around my area only get probation. the only person i know that actually did time only got 3 years.


>Im cuming baby
>I reverse my consent

>How long before people stop taking rape claims from woman seriously?

Already happening.

Just look on /adv/ when any girl claims to have been raped.
It's always garunteed to have a minimum of 3 guys saying "What, was he looking at you too long" or "So you had consensual sex but then regretted it?".

Nobody is taking rape claims seriously anymore.


consent could mean no consent


no consent could mean consent

100% meaningless
>women want it both ways

Do people on Sup Forums actually worry about consent with a girl that likes them?

This is what happens when you make consent laws instead of actually policing actual abuse and forced sex cases.

Maybe if we took the time to get both sides of a story instead of taking the pussy at face value we would not be here. Now we will spend more money and time not helping the people who really need help so someone else can play victim and get that lovely victim cred and pity.

My grandfather called it a tea stirrer.

>when did sex start having so many rules?
There is only one rule.

Don't be unattractive.

The rest is just a means to filter out the weakminded and impressionable.

Back to /r9k/ with you, cuck.

>had drunk sex with a fatso once
>wasn't informed she was friends with another friend that later told everybody I knew
>wasn't reversible once I regained semiconsciousness and saw her gargling my semihard willy
>I wasn't really enthusiastic about it

Was I raped?

It means whatever anybody wants to to mean at any given time, hence why you had to write that entire paragraph and they didn't.


Rape is called sex in nature

You're a male, of course not. Unless it was another male, then you're homophobic for not liking the sex.


Consent literally means not refusing. It can't be specific or enthusiastic, or it's not consent. That's a different word. You can't change law by trying to change the meaning of words; that's absurd.

no surprise the cultural marxists compare intercourse with fried potatoes.


When Women were no longer treated as the sexual property of thier husbands

It means if somebody changes their mind midway through sex you have to listen to them and stop.

The only reason I wrote more was to make an analogy so you could understand better.

My ex implied she had a not-exactly-consensual sexual encounter with someone while away. I told her in this case she either cheated on me or qas raped. She wasn't so insistent on the rape part after this...

No, it means whatever somebody wants it to mean. The word reversible doesn't imply a time WHEN it's reversible.

I just realized that I've raped 4-5 girls.

Australia, you little scamp.


If your wife is rich and husband has no assets. When the couple divorce, can the husband get half of the assets plus alimony?

You're probably closer to the truth you or they might think...

I want to pour Hydrogen Peroxide all over those cuts

nah, we just don't give a fuck what an adult does in their sex life unless they're harming others.

be safe, user.

no, because when they "divorce" the husband will probably get sent to prison.

>tfw I've passed up sex out of fear it was a trap

this would please my autism as well

>when did sex start having so many rules?

Since forever?

The whole "free love" and "hookup culture" fad is a comparatively recent phenomenon. There are very few points in history where pre-marital sex was thought of as a good idea.

The reason why sex is becoming more restrictive these days is because sex only works in long term relationships. There are just too many problems with sex outside committed relationships. You open yourself up to abuse.

They make laws that say consent can be reversed to stop women from being abused. Then when men get taken advantage of, they make laws saying you need this amount of evidence to take someone to court. Then when rapists get away with their crime, they make laws saying all rape claims need to be thoroughly investigated. Then, when men are being disrupted by investigations, they make laws like this and that.

It's a fucking arms race. It's a farce. it's just proof that "free love" comes at a price.

If you're the kind of person that likes sleeping around, or having one night stands, or sleeping with women within the month of meeting them, then don't bother complaining about restrictive rules.

There are always going to be rules, and the law needs to keep up with your culture.


Uh no, that's not how it works.
You can't just sign a contract and then suddenly decide to revoke permission to use intellectual property while keeping the money.

You are missing the point. They are trying to simultaneously have and not have rules. Really Roissy at Heartiste said it best: feminism is about maximizing restrictions on male sexuality and minimizing restrictions on female sexuality.

checked 4 KEK

But they never make laws favoring men though, hell even some rape laws favor women by stating that rape is penetration only, and that anything is a lesser crime. It's no arms race, it's a race to see how fast they can make themselves a protected group with special rights.

wtf i hate Belgium now

It means if a woman says any man raped them in any circumstance, then they did. Take mattress girl, that woman who lied about being raped. According to FRIES she was.


That's pretty fucking dubious and vague.

They really just hate and fear any expression of male sexuality. A lot of them think it is evil it itself.

I did it once out of sheer crushing rage and misery in high school. Tried to hide it, failed. Realized beating myself when the anger is too much worked better.

You don't get to retroactively withdraw consent because you realized you won't be together forever, bitch.