"A Meme frog called peper is now the alt-right mascot." Lord give me shelter Sup Forums, it's beautiful what's going on right now.
"A Meme frog called peper is now the alt-right mascot." Lord give me shelter Sup Forums...
>The only way to purge them is to shine a light on them and expose them for what they are
If the biggest threat to your society is shitposters which happens to be what that "are" is there then I think you need to look a little harder at the foundations of your political arguments.
Speaking truth mang.
>libs literally attacking internet memes to smear trump
this is bellow the bottom of the bucket, its literally looking for microscopic crumbs
You say that but old people don't understand what memes are and just believe what the news tells them.
>mfw channel 4 news name drops pepe and a racist alt right mascot
>mfw literal memes are now part of the mainstream political process
The meme singularity draws near brothers!
/r9k/ hates you faggots so fucking much right now
Praise Kek!
Not as bad as when some journalist was implying "corruption" or "reckless spending" when the Trump campaign spend $260 something dollars at some American pizza place when in reality they were just feeding their whole crew after a rally kek anyone got that pic saved?
I seriously feel sorry for you Americans the sheer media bias is absolutely insane, our local media here publishes, or given how lazy they are reporting anything that isn't sport/TV shows/clickbait just steals it from some american source - and yet the hillary clinton coverage is nothing but incredibly favourable.
Psalm 105:30 Their land teemed with frogs, which went up into the bedrooms of their rulers.
Praise kek
>last two numbers
/r9k/ is full of degenerates, who cares
its all bitching
Can we meme the third impact into existence?
She pronounced pepe wrong. It's objectively 'peh-pay'.
Our Duties towards Kek Almighty and His Messenger Pepe We are first dutiful towards Kek, our Creator and Nourisher, and Kek's Messenger Pepe, upon him be peace
>implying anyone here cares about what the autistic fags on /r9k/ say about us
It slant-rhymes with "maymay"
Why are democrats so worried about a bunch of shitposters sitting around in their underwear posting mean comments on twitter?
>waifus will be memed into existence
>3d no longer pd
3:30 onwards is just hilarious. Pepe was actually featured on national TV, putting a jew in an oven. What have we unleashed lads?
>She isn't real.
>mfw we cyber terrorists now
>meme singularity
I like the sound of that. Praise Kek.
These truly are the end time.
I came here years ago. I was a good goy.
This place infested my mind, and now look where we are.
The evil bitch has to say our name on national television.
Hail to the frog faced one!
People will come, they will take the red pill. It's the start of something beautiful.
>have the opportunity to make a 2D character real
>wastes it on shinobu
Shit taste.
Meme magic is real, gentlemen.
Praise Kek
do not steal this is the rarest pepe
So Hillary's TOP PRIORITY is getting rid of internet shitposters?
That is so petty it only demonstrates why no one should vote for her. This "alt right" thing is a made up problem, and even if it was real, it is so low priority that she shouldn't even be mentioning it because we have bigger things to fucking worry about.
It isn't even on the top 10 list of issues
Holy shit saved, I've not seen that one in 8 years
Blessed by trips!
That is why I am doubling down on my vote for Trump. Hillary is the real idiot I don't know why normies can't see that. Trump has his priorities more straight.
These Trips of truth confirm. Kek smiles upon you brother.
your opinions don't matter anymore. the frog has already been named by a brave user (named sean.)
so fucking strange that the existence of a website that provided anonymous image and text sharing has had such an effect
/r9k/ invented Pepe but there is a huge crossover between Sup Forums and /r9k/. I'm from both boards. It's fine...
Ok so if Pepe is the mascot of the alt-right, what is Wojak?
Praise Kek, piss be upon him, and all of us
a tripfag from r9k? what a wonder
it'd be Kek Vult, not Deus Kek.
it's almost as if honesty is dangerous...
left out again...
>Caring what /r9k/ thinks
So Pepe and Kek are basically one and the same right? So Kek was featured on TV. Maybe Pepe is Kek's one true son, savior of mankind?
Press P to praise kek!
Pepe is an aspect, or avatar, of Kek.
Why should we care? /r9k/ is full of desperate virgin NEETS that wallow in their own self pity.
>That Jared Taylor interview
Kek. They can't just let him talk because he sounds too reasonable. They have to label everything beforehand to be afraid of him before he starts talking.
>I think that race exists
tip top kek
>People like Andrew (((Weinstein))).
Every. Fucking. Time.
Nonetheless--PRAISE KEK
>alpha Sup Forums cucked beta /r9k/
I think you mean /po/
r9k btfo
>So perturbed by a cartoon frog that you have to address the nation on the perceived 'issue'
>Presidential material
This must be the work of the infamous elusive white supremacist pedophile terrorist hacker, known only as "Sup Forums"!
I can't believe we shitposted so hard that we're now a major player in the 2016 election.
The fire rises, brother.
Nice dubs, btw. Consider them checked.
Im gonna need some more Asuka.
f-for journalism.
Pretty sure we're the same thing, it's just there's an infestation of normies on there (niggers and bitches pretending to be robots).
I'd consider it a mark of pride to be hated by those amorphous blobs of miserable self pity
God damn do people not realise that the vast majority of these "tweets" etc are fucking tongue in cheek JOKES?
>"Say my name"
That's fucking hilarious though, it's not a sinister declaration of war or anything
It's hilarious to see them taking all these ridiculous memes seriously
They routinely make enlisted people wear high heels and march for miles here
It's called "walk a mile in her shoes" and its supposed to be "equality training".
One of the guys in my unit has a boob job and gets erections when we shower
you have to do something
>Pretty sure we're the same thing
My sockpuppet accounts have been used as part of Washington Post & Info Wars articles
It's a warm feeling, like when I piss my pants
just another ism to throw on the pyre
Rick Wilson BTFO
We major players now
>Bitter white men that have been shat on by an unjust world.
Yep, the same.
No matter what happens in November guys, things will never be the same.
then you must not know the type on /r9k/
Elliot Rodger is a great example
I would love to see his face after today.
Backwards swastika idiot.
Rick Wilson thought we couldn't masturbate to anime AND be real players
Look who's multi-tasking now Rick
That statement is so funny. Because that is exactly what people are trying to do with her shitty foundation.
You mean, Windmill of Friendship.
Although Wojak draws sympathy... In his special relationsship to Pepe, he's clearly a willing participant.
no they wont
if any normie comes here the mere formatting of Sup Forums will confuse them compared to twitter or Facebooks formatting.
even if they get over the classic blog style formatting of the website the amount of pornography and obscure sexualization of things will turn them off
I dont know about that. It depends. Take a look out the window, everything is fucking upside down.
Please give me super powers kek
Seriously? You all need to keep reminding the MSM about who started things. And that this is based on data that actually shows that they are not a special case when it comes to police shootings. But believe it is the case because of propaganda like this. If there is any ambitions of white nationalism it is as a result of this.
Did you move to Australia?
It only takes someone to be open to debate rather than believing in the first thing they heard in any media, to make an informed choice rather than be told who they should vote for.
"The doom of a nation can be averted only by a storm of flowing passion, but only those who are passionate themselves can arouse passion in others."
Pepe putting a jew into an oven made it onto national news
My fucking sides
pepe son of kek who was foretold in the all the great texts of all the great civilizations will save us all. Memes are a living culture, those who wish to kill our memes wish to destroy our culture.
soon, pepe, son of kek, will spew forth a never ending stream of fresh dank memes drowning out all other voices.
soon, all you will see on tv is frogs, all you will hear on the radio is frogs, and all you will feel in your heart is frogs.
Not quite new m8
>lurk more etc
So basically there big weapon will be some database where you can look up your friends to see if they are marked as "alt-right" or levels of alt-right.
Levels include:
Average Memer
Supreme Meme
Kek Acoylyte
Literally Hitler
Inb4 some "user-leaker" releases this data.
Do it faggot. We already know you're working on it or done with it.
Good luck faggot, I'm behind 0 proxies and shit post of Mozilla fire-fox and my phone totally unprotected.
Brand me faggot.