Was this the most over-rated subplot of all time?

Was this the most over-rated subplot of all time?


what subplot?

You mean the main plot?

Lotr just sucks in general. Fellowship is a decent adventure movie. It after that it's just stupid. Frost and Sam are gay and boring, the would be interesting characters are invincible death machines so there aren't any stakes or threat, and the CGI is bad. Also return of the king's 3rd act is beyond retarded and simply embarrassing to watch

Now we pinpoint exactly where the films went bad.

For me it's Rivendell when they introduced an obvious cash ploy into the film with orlando dickface bloom.

I thought Legolas could have been a good character, he was interesting in the books I guess, but you're probably right about bloom

Nah that was Aragorn, Gimli, and Legolas

It's based on white mythos, white culture, and an analog of ancestral white homelands, thus it will not resonate as deeply with non-whites such as yourself.

Considering the godly-tier picks of some of the other characters you're damn fucking right I am.

Sean Bean was a wild card but he pulled it off.

I wonder what it would feel like to view the world through your retarded eyes.

Besides Legolas, who else sucked?

Rohan Princess was bland and uninspired. Might as well have spat out half her lines.

Bilbo was 10/10 cannot be beaten.

Liv Tyler as Arwen was pretty bad.

Nigger I'm an Anglo nord, idc about my history or heritage. I care about good films and these aren't in that category. Books are worse though

Also the dude who played Celeborn. He had like two lines, and he blew it.

This was pretty horrific

Oh yeah Jesus Christ she's trash. Also the story makes no sense why Aragorn would love her so much when that blonde qt was really cool and totally into him, wrong choice desu


> smiling as she says it.
What the actual fuck.

At least Galadriel was Good - Not Great, just Good.

Hi R*ddit, go back to sucking Jackson's dick.

>I'm an Anglo nord

Sure you are, friendo. Sure you are.

Is hating on lotr some kind of epic new meme

> genetics make you white.

Finnish mythos*

Overall the films are good. It's just that some performances make it almost unwatchable.

6'4" blonde hair and blue eyes say otherwise friend, you lesser whites don't have to bow down to the true ones but don't pretend you are better than me


I'm Irish and I have all of those traits, except I'm 6'3 not 6'4.

They probably discovered that Reddit likes it, so now they have to hate it.

To be fair, the posters and the movies themselves put way focus on them than the original story.

Not the Amon you're replying to but I've loved LOTR my whole life and I'm ayyrab

Lord of the Rings is Nordic/Germanic. Tolkien was a German Catholic from South Africa. The only Anglo aspect of LotR were the hobbits, who are portrayed as far lazy manlets.

Liv Tyler is the definition of bland.