Hmmm..... really makes you think

Hmmm..... really makes you think

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So does this...

agreed, lets send the 25M illegals there

>socialism without niggers
canada, sweden (not anymore) etc.

>socialism with niggers
venezuela, cuba etc.

socialism might work for a time if people behave correctly and honest, but as we all know bad people overweight good people. abusable systems attract leeches. if you have socialism you are either destined to fail from the beginning with niggers, or importing niggers from other countries through nice guy politics (sweden).

Canada=cuck state tho


we're not socialists you fucking labelmonger whore

We have a capitalistic society that recognizes that capitalism has its inherent flaws and that the state should step in to correct said flaws to ensure equality of opportunity

Don't believe OP. I got the real numbers!

Canada sucks and we are all poor with crushing debt we have to work our asses off just to get by with no hope of savings or retirement. Our corrupt "smiley face" Liberal government is in the process of finishing what the Cuckservatives started which is stealing all the wealth of the labourers and giving it to the Chosen People's banking cartel through ridiculous interest rates on loans (usury). There will be a reaction, at some point.

>canada is socialist

I fucking LOVE this maymay

He's got a point you know

Can confirm. I've been to Canada. It sucks. Don't go to Canada.

Canada is not socialist

Not really. Socialism is state ownership of the means of production. There are no successful Socialist states.

Canada sucks. Source? Flag.


Why don't they mention Venezuela instead?

The only question that really matters is how many minorities you have compared to the US. Demographics make more difference than policy.

It always makes me laugh when people pretend these countries are socialist. Most of the ones they mention are actually social market economies. Basically capitalism to fund the degeneracy of socialism (massive welfare state, high tax rates etc) Plus it's a system that'll run out eventually

Call me back when people can own no land or a max 250mp, or any company. That's Socialism.
Then when the shit will hit the fan in less than a decade, they will tell you "it will be better in Communism". Ask Venezuela.

So-called "socialist" Western countries are just parasites still sucking from their live, capitalist host. The weaker the host is (aka undeveloped capitalism / industrialization) the faster the utopia bubble will burst.

From 500 tonnes of gold in 1989 to just 3 after 20 years... for sure the "State" (pbuh) took a lot of steps

The largest factor of crime is anti social behavior. Which usually means disconnecting from society as a whole, or associating with bad groups of people. Its really is true that Idle hands are the devil’s workshop.